My smile can cover up what’s inside. Even if my soul starts breaking down, I can still tell a joke. Even if I’m dying inside, I can still look so funny. I guess that’s how my life would go. I just have to smile and be happy even if the world is slowly killing me.
Quick updates
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Woke up , Damnit . Im so tired can .
Yawns . Went t prepare . My hair .
Machiam shit . Use th strightener .
My hand superpain . Walao .
Nvm , while doing i on th radio .
LOL . Heard th dj say , im suppose youre going t schl now yeah ?
Th boy say , yupp .
Dj say , Hmmmm . which schl youre from then ?
Boy reply , ACS bARKER .
Lol . Dj say , Wow , nicenice . Then youre a naughty boy huh .
Woah th boy bhb bodoh .
Say , YEAHH .
Dy say , trying t spoil your schl name , bad .
Lmao . Bhb .
Reached schl . So siannnnnn . Didnt receive any msges at tht time .
Kao eh , i wanna fall asleep alr .
PE first period . For th first time , pe was fun t me :DDD
Hahaas , played volleyball :D .
weeeees . So fun lahs pls .
I donno how t play , supertwin , in volleyball de , teach me .
Then my first hit , teacher&sisters say GOODBALL .
JOey&weiqi beside me , whisper , wahs . shanette first ball so good ley .
Lol ? Thought i cannot hear . LOL .
Then sms honey&jiejie . I wanna go sot alr .
Still dont touch my phone hooooor . I think i not sot also will go sot uhs =( Raahs .
Literature . Siansiansian . Getting more&more bored lahs please.
Suddenly got a few boys passed by my class .
Honeystead&qianyu say they talking bout me . I stun . o.o .
Huhs ? Talk bout me . Raaahs . What talking lahs they .
qianyu says eh cannot hear . LOL .
Then nvm lahs . But hor , i no offend people dont come find me hor ><
today .
woahs . I each day getting more and more tired please.
Today i super blur .
Morning call brendon .
I donno what i saying o.o .
I still sleeping . Then nvm . Lucky i call correct number .
My eye tht time SUPER CANNOT SEE BODOH .
Lucky no press wrong. phewphew .
Aft tht , i sleep again .
Wake up le send something t honey . Hohos .
He keep wah wah wah . LOL . Den got history test .
Damnit . half paper all black . Sure fail .
Maths , copy alot of notes . DAMN TIRED .
Sleep awhile nor . Qianyu make me wake up , zz . always liddat .
She ask me if i got gan superglue o.o .
Lmao . I say have , nicochia lahs .
Den her reaction so big o.o . REALLY AH ?
LOL . I say, yah lah . why ?
She say , got one friend of hers , like superglue keep sticking t her , then suddenly think of gan superglue very cute leh . LOL .
i nv crazy with her , carry on with my sleep .
Liyang came t sit beside me again . Eat breakfast . Alamak . Make me so hungry .
He ask me , i std with who o.o .
Zz ? I no std lahs can ?!? how come you all dont believe huhs -.-!
Stupid . Then went t lunch with angela sweetheart&liyang dii .
Sian . Went home aft tht .
Sleep for 3hour siol ! LOL .
I really got nohing t do uhs . HAhaa .
& now online . :DDD
OKay . Ive got nothing t post le .
This post is like , LONG ENOUGH ALR PLEASE :DDD
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Did not have attire check .
I think th dm also tired alr luhs :D
Hohos , good thing worhs .
Homec made donuts . Yucks .
Stupid donuts , so yucks . Rahs .
Heard from people my homec practical test is make donuts siol ._. YUUUUCKS .
Teacher dumb luhs , keep choosing donut .
When waiting for th donut t be baked , honeystead talked bout 7th month .
Walao , my hair all stand bodoh .
Usually leys , i not scared whatever ghost stories she say de .
Like this is th first time i hear until hair stand siol -.-!
Then my teacher heard us talking bout it .
She go behind scared yixuan . LOLLLL!
Ren xia ren hui xia si ren de siol .
Then all of a sudden i felt so giddy . Damnit . Donno whats wrong with me .
Followed by stomachache .
Also , didnt really went for recess , stupid donut fault .
Take so long t finish , then no time for recess alr .
Music was aft recess , watch watch watch . Funny lahs .
Then in between got song .
Remus & jinteck sit infront of me .
Like clown liddat . Keep bouncing t th music . HAHAHA !
Like twins bodoh . So alike . HAHAHA .
Then slept in chinese lesson . Zz .
i was super tired alright . They were doing chinese compo .
Bout parents invading our privacy by looking at our smses .
Eh , my topic lor ! But i super tired .
My brain really shut down alr .
Plus i was sick . Damnit .
Then bahadur go change seats with me . RAAAAHS .
I was so uncomfortable with my seat tht time . Zzz !
Then more die , bahadur go shake th table i was sitting just t make me wake up ?!!?
WALAO EHHH ! Not only one time somemore .
I nv wake up , SHAKE . Still nv wakeup , SHAKE AGAIN .
Tmd . Then i wake up le , immediately i go hit th stupid bahadur .
you think you shake shake then very cute ahs . Kaopei lahs .
Went back t my original seat , woahs , much more comfortableeeeeeee , cos thr SUPER nice place t sleep des (:
But brendon sms came in ._.
Super accurate ehs he . LOL .
English was next . Eyer , mdm leong ._. ?!?!
Keep on saying we're th last class of exp .
HEY ! Last class of exp so what ? Doesnt mean LAST means BAD okay !
Th class she taking is th 2nd best class .
Allah siol , SO WHAT ?
2nd in academics . LAST in attitude&behaviour lor !
Still step guai bodoh . Pui lahs .
Yays , last period was history :DD
Actually wanted t fall asleep again .
BUt qianyu moved next t me .
Then didi also came beside me .
He ask qianyu : Let me sit here ley .
LOL . They like forever snatching tht seat de lor . LOL .
Power t th max bodoh . Chatted with qianyu .
Something is really not right with her can .
Keep on laughing . LOL . I talk abit abit she laugh LOUD LOUD .
LOL ? Got so funny meh ?
Den i was writing alot of rubbish on my chinese news paper xDDD Heees .
I know i siao luhs . Lmao .
Then came home , bathed . Then i stared at my pitiful straightener ):
Spoil alr . Sigh . This few days my hair like soo damn messy can .
Then suddenly rmb my mother had another striaghtener last time .
So i go find nor . Yay , bingo , i found :D
But it was DAMN difficult t use can .
I use until my hand super tireeeed .
Eyer , i want new one luhs . Hehs XD
But daddy say maybe he can fix it . o.o .
LOL ? Okay lor . Hahaha (:
Currently waiting for Brendon's broken , chap5 t come out .
Eh , fool , faster can anot lahs .
I wanna know what happen ley !
Hahahaas :DDD Alright . Shall end my post now .
Bye .
Monday, July 28, 2008
it was suppose t be ytd night de .
But i didnt write , so i shall write it now .
I dont know what t do .
I wanna have a good sleep & forget bout everything , bit i just cant seem t close my eyes.
Everytime i do , i think bout thoughts i dont want t think of .
Just now went out with my parents .
I really am very sleepy . But i cannot sleeeeep .
Then was smsing jiejie . Halfway she said she wanna go sleep .
Den sms brendon , he woke up alr .
aft a while i received andrew's msg .
I dontwant t see . but i clicked on it .
cos i didnt see th name , nvm then .
Then he said things lahs .
I donno what t reply , so keep saying okay or whtever .
Until now , my thoughts are running really wild .
I dontknow why i cannot just forget bout everything .
I tried running on th tread mill on a very fast speed .
Together with th fast music , running seriously fast beating t th music .
Still , those thoughts were still on my mind .
I know i have attitude problem . We seemed t have drifted .
This time , im afraid i would lose you , not th opposite way anymore .
Today's really not my day .
I had a typo message tht was suppose t be sent t brendon .
When he told me , i still had no clue bout it , until late at night .
I nearly had a fight with my parents just because of my damn attitude .
My father asked me why i so not happy , keep going out of th earth .
My mother asked me why i look so shaq .
All i replied was , nothing wrong .
I cannot possibly tell them , i not happy lah -.-!
I tried t cover my feelings alr , still i donno why its so obvious .
Sigh , i find this world , no one can understand how i feel .
Even th closest kin on earth , would soon be a stranger in my life .
How i wished i was a small little girl , who knew nothing bout love .
How i wished i was a small little girl , who need not have any troubles .
How i wished i was a small little girl , who just needs t enjoy its childhood ...
Thts th post for ytd .
Todays post below .
Actually , i was feeling much better this morning .
Then recieved honeystead's message , saying she broke off with kenneth on sat .
But patched back ytd .
Sigh . Why are thr so many breaks in july .
First period was chinese . I slept 1&1/2 period .
Then when i woke up , at th position i was at , i could see my scars left on my hand th last time i slitted . Donno why i had an urge t do it again ._.
From tht moment , my mood went down again .
My feelings seems like a roller coaster yeahs .
Then , received msg from andrew .
He asked me if i was alright .
I told him i was fine . Also , i found out qianyu slitted -.-!?
So many somemore . Omg . I asked her why .
She said for fun ._. zzz .
Aft recess was sci . Had test .
Raaaahhs . So difficult . Then i fell asleep again .
Walao eh , i saw those scars again . though it wasnt so obvious .
Hai , i really wanna siao le lahs .
HIstory teacher come in , teach us , then talked bout emo -.-!??!?!
Ohmygod . Nvm .
I really do hope i'll be alright aft this post .
I hope i'll forget everything aft this post .
I hope this would be th last post bout this .
I really dont wish t write such shit things anymore .
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I woke up , received brendon's morning msg .
Then chatted awhile w/ him .
Then went for tuition .
Tuition started , i received msg from andrewhoney .
First it was a blank one then it was a hello msg .
Something wasnt right from th first msg .
He just said , Hello .
Nothing else . Then nvm . I said , hello .
Then he said he asked me if i went amk ytd , i said yes & he said tht he guessed i enjoyed .
I said , okayokay lah . Then i asked him if anything was wrong anot .
He didnt reply . Then received gail's msg , same thing , she asked me if i like andrew .
Haish , i say no you will believe ? Then agn ,i received honey's msg agn .
He ask what did gail ask me .
All those messages he sent me was very cold .
Veryvery cold . Its like i've done something wrong .
then nvm . I was very moody aft i saw gail's message .
Nvm , then i smsed jiejie . Told her bout her didi .
Sigh . Then honey told me tht gail wasnt in a goodmood either .
Then i told him tell her i dont like you at all .
Then he said as if she would believe .
Then i say , Say is i say de , IDONTLIKEYOU .
Then he replied , this one sentence . was th sentence tht made me feel like ... crying .
Sigh . He said , okay you dont like me you never did .
Ohmy . at tht very moment . I was like . Really feeling like screaming .
I did , but it was a silent one .
But beside me th classmates heard .
My friend , asked me if im crying .
I said no , i wasnt . Haish . What did i do wrooong .
I really feel like backing out .
They're playing games i cannot keep up with .
AndrewChan , you told me t promise you not t treat you coldly anymore .
Why are you treating it back t me ?
Do you know how much it hurts .
And if you think i really meant what i said , then im sorry , you dont understand me at all.
I hope you get t see this .
Cos what im writing below , is wirtten mainly for you .
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Please hor , i just changed link t twothree-seven@bs .
&&& i didnt put MOVED sign .
Or i didnt put my link in my previous blog .
So when i tell you relink hor , please do .
If not you'll lose my blog . HOHO .
Went out with sihui jiejie today .
& Brendon . Lmao .
Super weird today . LOL . jiejie say i will chuatio when i see her .
Dont have lor . Chiobu means chiobu kkk .
I know jiejie see me chuatio hor ? I superugly . I know lahs .
Raaaaahs . Then we talktalktalk . Stupid bus . Super long .
Wait until i pekchek . Hahaha .
Reached le , went t th cinema thr .
Then was smsing brendon . Tell him i reached le so&so .
Aft awhile , i saw him alr ! =.= !
Hees . Guess what . I seemed t be taller than him , i think .
And hor . I super paiseh when i see him . So sudden can .
Donno why . Maybe because of his friends .
Keep looking at me , walao . Not paiseh also become paiseh lor please .
Then he sms me , come collect present , we want buy ticket le .
LOL . Then okayokay . went up t him , took my present . Then bought tickets .
Ehhhhs , th present winniethpooooh nehs . <333333333333
&&&&&&& . Its so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .
Walao , Thankyou lahs :D
Then go buy things t eat .
I carried th winniethpooh one hand , th other hand carry two lemon tea .
SUEPRCOOOOLD . I was freezing alr .
I wanna chiong into th cinema room & throw down th lemontea .
But waited for brendon they all ._.?!
So long , walao . Think they who ahs . LOL!
Aft tht , go in le , sihui sit last one . I sit second one , brendon sit third one , th rest his friend sit.
Allah siol . I thought 13 last one lor . Zzz .
but 12 then last one . Raaaaaaaahs .
Nvm . Th show okay lahs . In th middle of th show , th boys keesiao . LOL.
Keep replying th person(inthmovie) their question .
Lol , thenthenthen . Keep throwing popcorn?!
Rahs . Really siao . Then sihuijiejie super cute . Ohmygod . CUTE UNTIL CANNOT CUTE LORRR.
Heeeees :DDDDD . Aft th show went toilet . Hahaha . Then went t mos burger .
Didnt eat anything . I down thr super sian . Walao , wanna sleep alr .
Brendon they all playing pokercard -.- . LOL . His donno what magic he told me ytd .
Nvm , jiejie wanna go other place , so i say byebye t them alr .
Then he sms me . Crap lah all .
Say they going bukitpanjang play volleyball , or donno what sport .
I forgot . Hees . He say i like rachael nv talk -.- .
Allah siol . At least i got talk lor ? If to other people hor , i ignore okay .
I see you small , so talk :D HAHAHA ! Jkjk .
Went t mac , chatted with jie .
Hahaha :D so nice t go out with her alright :D Today super nicee (:
Hohos , wanted t sleep alr . Hahaa .
So went home . Look at my poohbear :D Heees . So adorable . Hahaha .
HAHA . Shall end my post here .
Takecare alright .
Ohya , i still want my tags . & do remember t relink me kkk ! Iloveyouhumans <3 !
Friday, July 25, 2008
Woooows .
Im super touched by my meimei , leepeiyeeeeeeee .
we lived super far from ea'other since i moved th kovaan here .
Wow . She buying present for me leaaaaaaas ! WOOOOOW .
Heeeehs . Aiya , my beloved too much t count hooor ? Hahahaha .
LEEPEIYEE , Ily lahs hor , & you know it !! :D
Got time we meet out okay :D Hoho !
If not , genting , !! HEEEES :D
Okayokay . GENTING HORRR .
I'll be waiting ~ HAHAHAH !
This week . Im super tired . supersupersuper tired.
Donno whyyyyyyyyyyy .
Allah , nvm .
Eh , seriously , i donno what t post can ._.
Hahaha . Im going oooout tmr . Like finally .
Cos i want t watch oneeeeeeee shooooooooooooooow . Weeeeeeeeeeeees .
Hehs . Im mad , arent i ? Hahahas .
nvm . End post :D
Thursday, July 24, 2008
All with honeystead des . Cos stupid blogger only uploads 5 at a time .
& im lazy t keep pressing ><
Raaaahs , im rushing yeeahs ? Hahaa .
You know what ? Im super sleepy this morning ><
Stupid clock , it was 5.30 , but shown on my clock 6.30 ._.
i had t check my PSP for th right timing . Stuuupid .
Nvm , then morning called brendon again . Walao .
Zombie ? LOL . Thats what he said hor .
Then went t schl .
First period was english test . Walao . Keep test de lor .
Nvm , did test , slept awhile .
Finish le , maths lessson . Super sleepy lor . But still didnt fall asleep . Good thing .
Hahaha . Then donno which period , was free de .
So i slept ><>< . Tired please .
Then sci lesson . Went t sci lab again . Zz .
Everytime sci lab , i dont feel like going in lor .
Nvm , last period , lit .
?!!?!? Then went home . I didnt fall asleep today :D
Heeees . Tmr friday alr . walao . So fast lor . Sigh .
&&& Denise finally accepted my friendster request ._.
I keep adding her , NV ACCEPT DE ._.
I think she donno it was me lorhs .
cos last time my friendster name all guai guai de .
This time i put my BIGFATNAME THR :D
Hahahaas . & she accepted . I miss her dogs lahs .
Still need wait till donno when then can see again .
Raaahs . maybe her birthday bahs . Hohos .
Alright alright .
Shall end my post here ;D
Byebye .

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Happy birthday Zena :D
Happy birthday t MEEEE :DDDDDD
Hohos . Many people birthday today huhs .
Hahahahaaaas :DD
Im proud t be one of them xD
I got a call midnight , :DDD A greeting . he was 1min late . Hahahaa . Nvm its alright .
I also got a wish from AndrewHoney . Hohos ? It was super nice :D
He gave me a cake ! HAHAS :D
Then alot of people , which im not sure they know my bday anot .
Greeted me . I had a shock can . Hahahas !
But thanks for all th wishes yeahs .
But . I was right bout , something's going t happen tday .
Guess what ? MdmAmrit . Caught me again .
Zzz . I really give up , this time i gave way . She caught my hair , when last time she said it was acceptable . Nvm . I dont wish t make it into a big matter .
Went into th toilet , i complained bout her in chinese . soo heng . But abit english , then suddenly she came in & i donno . So one senior tapped on my shoulder then i realised .
Redo my whole hair . I totally changed my style ._. Just for this stupid DM . Nvm .
Then went into th class .
You know what i got ?!
Thats what people gave me .
Zzz . Then i was like , tmd , SO NERD YOU TELL ME CUTE . Go mati lahs .
Then all say , cute lahs please ._. you should use this hairstyle .
Anw , im . Cos i dont wish t keep getting caught . Its stupid . DAMNDAMN stupid .
& i had enough can .
I am super duper duper duper tired today . Really . &&& th weather .
Today , SO COLD . So nice t sleep . & first period was PE .
no PE cos raining . And then it became free period .
So , i slept awhile . SO COMFORTABLE :DDDDDDD
Heees . But awhile only , because th class like monkey . Raaahs . Noisy like hell .
Thenthen , woke up alr , not so tired .
Can study :DDD Yays . Hahaaas .
But it was all lectures . Rahs .
Nvm , sitll listen . Im guai alright .
Aft schl . 8sisters went t my house .
They want t celebrate , me & tracy & fion's birthday .
My birthday's today .
Tracy birthday's on fri .
Fion birthday's on mon :D
Hahahaas . So celebrated tgt lohs .
I donno why suddenly i emo ehs . Walao ?
Donno , super sudden . Then honeystead ask me , Mydear , ni xing qing bu hao uh ?
Then i nv reply . Cos . I didnt bother talking .
Then walking t my house that time , they super noisy , & walk super slow .
Then i shou bu liao , cos im walking behind ._.
I quickly run t th front ._. LOL !
Then i was like walking so far apart from them .
Nvm , No mood . So dont care , keep walking .
Then reach home . More irritated by them .
All scared my big dog outside . Then honeystead most irritating one .
Keeeeeeep pullling my unniform . & it wasnt tucked in . &&& it was ALR very messy !
Then i shouted at her , Lol . she not happy . Lol . I know i guailan lahs . Nvm . That moment only.
hehes . Walao . Immediately all ran up t my room -.- !?!?!?!
Cos , i havent step into th house can !!!!
Raaahs . nvm . They went up , i super hungry , didnt ate from last night till lunch time .
I go take lunch le . Hahaa . I keep callling them t come down .
But all donno die whr le .
Then idc , they dontwant come down not my problem .
Eating that time , i very ... Haiya . IRRITATED LAHS .
So just like pekchek pekchek look .
I was th first t finish . So i went up t bathe .
Aft tht , went into my room .
So chaotic . Ohmygod . My eyes really dropping that time .
Plus th aircon in my room . OHMYGOD .
at tht time , my mood alr much better le .
Then was camwhoring .
Pictures weekends then put . I super lazy , cos rushing for time =x
ard 6 liddat they go le .
Aft tht , dinner le went for tuition . URGGHHH .
Im really dying can . So tired . Then now posting . Im falling asleep .
This post . It taking me forever t post ._. Nvm . I'll continue typing . Hahaaaa .
Alrightalright . Shall end my post now . Super tired .
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
If not . Im not SHANETTETAN . Raaaaaaaah .
BRENDON CHUA ! What th hell is your problem . Rahs .
Haiya . Im posting bout you in a bad way .
I wanna make you blacklisted in my blog , you bloodyFOOL !
Raaaahs . I idiot ? You can dont tag be mahs . You can dont mention bout me de mahs .
I special , pui lahs cans . Your head hor .
Raahs. BYEBYE .
Monday, July 21, 2008
Today , Joyneo . Super shaq .
I donno whats wrong with her .
Something bout her stead . Ohgod .
Why go into a relationship in th first place .
Damn those relationships . Hahaa .
Alot of people breakk leys . So sad news ..?
Heeees . Im mad =x . Nvm .
AngelaTan . Didnt go schl today . Cos she say donno what stupid passport thing .
Walao . Im so bored D:
Lucky tracy bought her DS . But i also dint manage t play ! Raaaaaaaaaaaaahs .
Im going insane . Let me tell you something .
I had attire check tday :D
& guess what ? I PASSED :DDD
Weeeeeeeeees . Like finally -.- .
Hohohos . Birthday in 2days time ...
Im bored . I wish i would fall sick on my birthday . Lol .
Then i wouldnt have t go t schl . How good can tht be ? Nahs .
Not good . I would be bored t death at home too .
I nothing t do luhs . These few days my post like lanlan liddat .
Cos i donno what t post =x
Heees . End here . Byebye .
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Lol . Some kind of mall bahs i guess .
I want t announce something , IHATEBRENDONCHUAWEILIANG.
He is an ASS ! Like what i've mentioned in my posts nowadays . STUPID FOOL .
Aiya . Go&die lahs . Freaking thickskin person :D
What should i get for my birthday ?
I have no idea luhs . Im so dead tired . Raaaahs .
Though i didnt receive as many messages as tht cute ass , brendon .
This one left me a even greater shock .
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhs . It was from . Th first person featured in my list .
Wrote me a letter in th msg . God . I thought quite long cos i didnt know what t reply .
&&& . I replied something . I wasnt suppose t say . Hai . Nvm . Whats alr done , cannot be changed .
When everything was back t normal , okay le lahs .
I didnt go for tuition today .
Father was i think angry . I really dont have any other reasons .
I just dont want t go . Urgghhzxz .
Nvm . I just woke up from my sleeep . Tired alright .
Tmr's schl again . Sigh . Nvm .
Three more days . Three more daaaaays .
Three more days t my birthday =x
Allah . Soo bored . Aft 12am on 230708 , i'll be officially 13 .
No more child tickets alr luhs . Heeees xD
Seriously , i miss th cute ass Brendon .
Hmmmm . Ytd , thanks for cheering me up even though i wasnt ALL cheered up .
Hmmm ? I didnt get t hear you in my dreams last night ehs .
So when will you tell me what are your lots lots lots t say uhs ?
Hahaaas . Coming back tonight .
Be sure t sms me hor ;D Shall end my post here . Bye .
Saturday, July 19, 2008
So nice , all thanks t my sisters . But currently im having socalled quarrels with some so called losers . I have no idea whats their problem -.- .
Man they suck . All immatures shit . Today's not my actual birthday .
Im just inviting friends over t come playplay .
Then its my party . I have no fcuking idea why my brother gets t invite his friends .
& he discribes me like im some kind of shit person . What th hell is th meaning of it ?
One of them even said : im only treating you nice because today's your birthday .
Fuck . Sorry for vulgars . So fcuking immatures talking t me , & i still have t tolerate .
I tell you , if today's not my day , youre going t get it .
You think im easy t play with right ? You think also no need think uhs .
Only one of them is 13yrsold . Still acting so immature.
Fcuking irritated by them . Zz . Then i was being good , told them , try not t get th 3rd warning & get my brother in trouble .
Some fcuking ass argued back & said it was none of my business .
Fine ! Then i wont bother . All my mood is ruin because of them ?
Ohmyfuckinghell . SpencerTanEeJoon , th bastard . I hate him .
Lestercheong . Marcuscheong . Michaelsim . I fcuking hate you alright .
I shall not talk bout them . All it does just makes my mood even more worst .
Ive been sleeping for like hours .
Everyday . & usually if i sleep in th aftnn , i wont be able t sleep at night .
But somehow , ive been sleeping in th aftnn for like 2hours . & i still managed t sleep at night .
Whats wrong . & ohdear .
4pm is coming . in 1hour times . Ive yet t prepare anything .
Not even a single thing . Something's really wrong in my head .
Someone help ? Uhs . Nvm . I feel so bored ):
I wanna go out instead of home .
But ive got no whr t go . Why liddat des .
When i can go out , i donno whr t go .
When i cannot go out , i insist on going out .
Hai . Nvm . My mood aft i woke up was seriously bad . Dontknow why .
Maybe just now because th stupid sweetheart of mine made me wake up in th middle of my sleep . So irritating . Now they just called . Zz .
Then my parents . Think they entertainers . Not funny lahs .
Paiseh hor , mummy if you read hor . Dont come scold me hor -.-. !
When i saw my phone .
I got 6 new msges !? From BRENDONCHUA .
LOL ! He said i pangsehed him o.o . I TOLD HIM TAKECARE bEFORE I WENT OFFLINE LEY.
Liddat call pangseh meh ? Lol ! Cute ass lah he .
Allah siol . Asked me if ive got any last words for him before he leave .
LOL . Is he going t be dead ? Walao . Stupid ass . you wanna die uhs ?
Hahahaa . My mum just came back from barcelona . Then you go batam .
Power t th max lahs dey . Haha :D
Eeeehhhh . Now i advertise your BLOG alright ! Still say i selfish . You ass . <- GOGOGO !
This is th blog i was talking bout in my previous post .
If youve see his tag for me , he tell me i selfish nv advertise .
Stupid . Now here it is lahs ! You fool ! HAHA :D
Literature maniac indeed . Nvm bout him :D Zu ni yi lu shun feng alright ! (:
I'll miss your dumbness man ! xDD
Friday, July 18, 2008
Of th day . Nvm . Cos i got things t post .
So here it shall be .
Someone's emoing . Dontknow somehow i feel its me who made you unhappy .
Issit ? You dont wish t tell . You dont seem t tell me anything .
Whats wrong ? Nvm . I dont have th right t demand you for an answer .
If its me , then im sincerely sorry alright . In anw .
Allah . Some noob is still calling me noob .
You ass ass ass .
Wow . Is tht how we're going t call ea'other !? Ohmyhell .
Allah . you ass , byebye :D
Tell you something , im having a feeling i WONT have a great 13th birthday .
& th feeling's getting more&more deep when th day comes nearer& nearer .
How come liddat des ? Arent i suppose t be having beautiful thoughts ?
Or is my mind running too wild ?
Nvm .
Currently watching channel 8 . Woow ?
Th show is Ohsonice ? Hahaaas .
Ohya . I dontknow whats wrong with my father .
Th moment he stepped into th house .
Only asked me one question , How are you ar ? how are you ar ?
I was like , finefinefine .
Zzz . Then just now watching tv , ask me again .
& again , same thing , asked me bout my schl .
Allah siol . Got any other thing t say anot .
You not tired asking me th same things , i tired of replying th same things siol .
Paiseh luhs . really , only stating th facts .
Forget it . Also , now i know what th hell does wednesday thursday friday means .
Brendon is such an ass . Keep telling me wednesday thursday friday .
& now then i know . It stands for WTF . LOL !
Really very , SMART . LOL .
Nvm him . Such an ass. Im a noob, youre an ass :D
Wahahaaas . Goodluck in growing tall . LMAO.
& Your story is nice alright :D
Continue writing . I'll be your reader (:
Hoho . Shall end my post here. BYE :D
Ive been touring singapore :D
LOL . Like real uhs .
Happy birthday , marcuscheong :D
Had schl in th morning . Had attire check .
For th very first time , ive passed it :D Yay !
Then aft tht went back t class .
Donno what happen t me tday .
during Misslatha classes , ive been always so ... TIRED .
Then i had tests . Rahhs . So many can . Im so tired .
Tell you . Good things bout tests , :D
Aft tests , you can sleep , WOOTS :D
I had maths & chinese test . Small de uhs .
It was easy , Hahas . I had such a nice sleep aft maths test .
Cos aft maths test , SCHL ENDED . Yay !
Then went outoutout .
I managed t play maple private server ?! IT WAS DAMN SHUANG CAN .
In less than 30min i leveled more than 10 levels . Wooows .
So shuang . Haha . Then heard tht np ended early tday .
So called dad , told him it was early tday .
He told me i had t go back myself -.- !
Urghzxz . Tired can . Nvm . Then me & qianyu .
Went t th playground thr slack xDD
Cos i dont want t walk .
Heees . Then suddenly rmbed i had t do something at home .
So rushed back , i nearly pangseh-ed qianyu . LOL .
She said i boxim like fion supertwin . LOL . Crap uhs .
I whr got boxim . I wuxim de okay .
Hahaa . Then went home . Bathed . Now blogging . Fyi , i just reached home .
Tired . Then mummy came back from barcelona alr :D
Haha . I chatted with this CUTE ASS , BRENDON !
LOL . Damn cute . LOL . Keep saying . Shanette , i tell you something . I HATE PAPAYAS .
LOL . He nothing btr t do uhs . xDD Then went t his blog .
he told me i stalked him ! Rubbish . Haha . Alright .
Ive got nothing t post alr .. All i know now is tht .
Im ass hungry . Im sure t put on weight .
Cos . Ive been eating alot of nonsense this week . Ohdear .
Ive gotta stop =x Hehs .
Bye .
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Im here t blog again .
Ohya . I totally forgotten bout Nico's birthday ytd .
Cos i was in a rush t blog . My father was rushing me like hell t off th computer -.- .
Happy belated birthday , NICO !
Happy birthday , Rayson KORKOR !
Alright . Done .
I think this is th third time ive greeted nico happy birthday xD
Hohos . Its okay des uhs ~
If you've noticed , my post ytd was rubbish -.- .
Cos my mind was separated into three -.-
One , blog . two , msn . Three , my dad .
Ohmy . So ytd anyhow post =\
Hmm . So i shall strt from ytd post alright ? :D
Had lessons as per usual .
Then FT changed our places ):
All exco's fault . Stupid . I hate my current place alright .
Then FT also kiang de lor . Make me , xueying , joy sit so far apart from ea other ):
I sit right at th end corner ( left) .
Joy sat in th center .
Xueying sat at th other end .
SMART HOR ?!?! Make me so pekchek .
Thenthenthen . FIONSEETOH , My supertwin . SAT WITH LIYANGJACK , my dearest bro !?!
Allah siol . Then cher make us sit boygirl mah . Walao . I wanna sit with my brother alright ?!
Rahhs . Not fair lor .
I sat with bahadur best friend .. Actually suppose t be fion sit my place de lor .
Th teacher go change th plan .
If nv , i sit with liyang de ehs D:
Nvm . Aft change , lesson finishing le .
Then went t th hall for assembly .
It was Student leaders day . It was so grand bodoh .
Red carpets everywhr .
Th whole thing was veryvery nice .
Finally , schl ended :D
Went lunch w/ xueying .
Then saw her stead , ERIC -.- !!?
right infront of me somemore . Stupid face of his .
See also wanna slap him . So black . Like charcoal .
Then me & some other friend of mine faster eat then run away le .
Shocked , just reached home , xueying called me .
I was like . Wtf ? But i couldnt respond much , cos i donno really break ornot .
Last time i go escape with her , th stupid guy also said break .
Then just console her nor .
PUt down th phone le , i go bath , blabla .
Was watching tv halfway , i fell asleep .
&&& . I dreamt . Of someone . For th second time .
I tiostun . REALLY. When my maid woke me up , immediately i woke up .
I didnt know th ending of my dream =\
And that person's asking for my ending . Hahaaas .
Then went for tuition .
Finished alr , i realised i had flu -.-!?
So irritating .
Nvm . Hope tmr i'll be fine xD
Thts all for th day .
Shall post today :D
Went t schl .
everything same nahs .
Angela cried badly this morning ..
Because of th ericlim . Zz . Ericlim really has some shit attitude alright.
Just had headache . No idea why .
I rested awhile . Qianyu , bought crackers into th class .
& . Ate it . Including me =\\
& we kena caught =\\\
& cher so angry . Make us stay back .
Lmao . W/e ? Aft tht was english .
Honeystead made me laugh until ... I no voice !
Hahaaaas . We gossiped bout Mdmleong . Hahaaaa .
Who tell her keep thinking we sec1 hao qi fu .
Bleahs . Also she went round gossiping bout sec1D .
Which was my class . tmd . Mdmleong . Ni mei you si guo .
Then today , she wore th clothe . TRANSLUCENT DE BODOH .
Woah . sexy bodoh . ( ehhhemmm ...)
Honeystead , spotted her BAR . HAHAHAHA .
keep gossiping xDDDD So funny jiu shi le .
we were saying ...
Then i write : Aiya , sell for 10cent also no one want uhs ! Old ass woman .
She aft class then realised ,
Stupid benjamin . He skipped class -.-!
Tgt with joel , idc him nahs . I also not related t him in anw .
BENJAMINYEO ! Why cannot be guai yi dian meh ? Will die if be guai ar ? Hahaa .
Then i swapped places with bahadur .
Yixuan , saw me . & he is th dm .
Then i looked at him .
He gave me th lion look . Lol . I stare back at him .
Then he say , okayokay . I wont write your name . Teacher see alr then i write :D
Then i say , GOOD :D I know you love me de ! Iloveyou lahs :D
Haha . Then he down thr laugh nor .
Misslatha came into th class aft tht . SO LUCKY SHE DIDNT SPOT ME .
PHEW . Then told th whole class t stay back.
She really pangsehkia de i tell you .
Aft schl , whole class waited for her for like 10min .
She didnt appear. Then called chairman tht whole class can go except , liyang , benjamin , qianyu & me . Walao . Tell us go meet her outside staff room .
walao ! Then nvm . I wait lor .
Wait for another 10min ! No sight of her siol.
Then i damn irritated -.-.
Wait again .. Finally came out .
But talked t th boys first !! Aiyohs . Still talk so long .
Walao walao . Still have t wait . My turn le . Lucky not so long .
Then went back home .
Hahas . Hmm ? Ive got nothing t post alr .
Shall end it here . Bye :D
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Im here .
Wow . Today was a niceeeee daaaay .
Cos it was th student leaders something .
Donno how t say uhs .
Super grand bodoh .
Red carpet here & thr .
Woots . Hahas . Then I just sit thr & watch .
So nice. Their all so . bonded .
hahas .
So sad they are leaving this yr .
Rahhhhs . Ohgod .
I forgot what t write .
Cos i had a long day today .
Only knew i dreamt something weird ...
When i took my nap in th aftnn . I chuatio .
Really . When my maid woke me up , i immediately jump o.o !
Heeeh . If not , i'll just carry on sleeping and ignore de.
Then told th person whom i dreamt of .
OKay finefine . Th story .
Like tong hua gu shi -.-
So .. fake . Ohwell .
Dreams are meant t be nice arent they ? Haha
Went for tuition .
I had fluuuu . Omg . very nan shou leys .
Sigh . Hope tmr will be fine le .
Alright .
Shall end my post now .
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
This song . Donno new/old .
But its nice . Super nicee ..
Now youre gone .
I realise my love for you was strong .
And i miss you here , now youre gone .
I keep waiting here by th phone .
With your pictures hanging on th wall .
Is this the way it's meant to be?
Only dreaming that your missing me?
I'll be waiting here at home.
I'll go crazy, now your gone.
There’s an empty place in my heart without my honey it will break apart .
It won’t heal, it never fades away I think about you everday .
Its nice :D
Haha . Had homec . Soo nice .
I got t make chocolate muffins .
Ohmy . Halfway making my stomach grumbling .
Cos it was so delicious looking can !?
Then me&honeystead in same group (: Weees .
While making recieved msg from someone .
Rahhs . Same thing , thought he mati . LOL .
Nvm . At least he msged . Alright .
Then also heard jie's boyf broke w/ her. Hell ..
I told her i felt something bad gonna happened .
Immediately she told me she broke .
Aww . Cheerup girl .
Then aft tht continue making my muffin .
Cher said we made it VERYVERY successfully xDD
Hohos . Then make finish le , i ate one .
Ohmyohmy . It was SUPER delicious alright :D
Then he msged me . Say he got test .
Aiya , dou xi guan le . Nvm .
Had a headache aft tht . Asses . So sudden .
Maybe because i was under too much light or something .
Felt so giddy . I rest awhile during some periods .
Got test at 945 ( ard thr ) .
Msged me at 1plus (ard thr ) .
I didnt know test so long one -.- . Nvm .
Then he say , phone nearly tio confiscate . So suan le .
Aft tht no reply agn -.- . NVM .
Rahhs . Pekchek . Then headache not getting well .
Zz . Then i couldnt go lunch with my sisters .
Went home . Then now donno wht to do . Im so bored .
Try talking t him agn . Replied once only -.- . FINE . nvm .
Did something for him . & was going t send it .
Since he dontcare then nvm .
My birthday's in 8days .
Weees . Ive recieved greetings alr :D Thankyoou (:
So early hor ? Hohos . My babes remember my birthday . Wow ?
I thought forgotten ! xD
Liyang dii going broke soon .
Cos just bought birthday gift for sweetheart .
Now mine . LOL . he complained t me , why so many people birthday july , somemore my sister!
LOL . Then i say , i donno luhs :D Present hor ! XD
Haha . Joking with him . But he took it so real . LOL . Aiya . dontcare him nahs .
I tell him dont buy he also will go buy des ~ Brother iloveyou alright !
Shall end my post now .
Do tag alright .
Stop reading & leaving las . All mei liang xin de .
Wakakakas ! TAG ! xD Bye .

Monday, July 14, 2008
Totally . Dontknow why .
Aiyohs . & my internet .
Super crazy . My msn . Keep signing in&out . Like siao liddat .
OHshit . Scared people complained .
Some of them did . Rahhs . Sorry lahs .
Is th internet crazy .
Wanna blame blame th internet . Anyway someone's not talking t me .
& i donno whts wrong. Hell care him .
Ohmy . Help . Keep dcing ?!!?!? Uber pekchek .
Whats wrong tmd .
Nvm . Stupid . Sigh .
I have nothing t post alr .
Bye .
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Heng i didnt go nico party.
HENG . Like siao liddat all . LOL .
Nico face sooooooooo red . Xiao si ren le .
Haha ;D
Walao . Stupid qianyu .
She say , if i go , me , swtheart , joy , surely got ppl jio de.
Tmd . You go die lah . Jio your head lahs Only tht two . i out .
Still say wht if i go , my feelings for HIM will come back.
Qianyu , Kiampah lar you .
Go die go die .
Haah . he is cutee :D
So andrew honey's picture inside too o.o .
HAHA ! All so funny des :D
Alright .
End heree :D
Byeee xD
First thing went for tuition .
Then saw joey&joyce .
Always early de luhs both of them :D
Haha . Then waitwaitwait .
Then went in . Chatting with joey .
She say Joyce irritating . LOL .
Really irritating can . Amelia so poorthing .
Donno wht we talking bout o.o
Then joey keeeeep laughing .
I also donno why . She siao .
Hahaaa . Aft tht cher give us notes , read do read do nor .
She bored . Then go write on th paper .
Rahhs . She super siao i tell you .
JOEY YEE . See i take picture xDDD
You tell me take de hors . HAHA .
Rahhhs . Nvm :D
I forgot t take joey de .
Alright . Mummy's flying t spain tonight .
Will miss her alrights .

Saturday, July 12, 2008
& im loving it xD Haha .
eyer , i siao -.- . Nvm . Haha :D
Im happy happy luhs . Hees .
Hmmm . Lets see .
Stupid qianyu . Wanna snatch place w/ sweetheart on monday .
Hoho . Tohqianyu , lets see you or my swtheart win xDDD
Wah . Now say wanna change life with me -.- Siao .
She something wrong in her head uhs .
Then talking t jie .
Eyer , nothing t talk one . Hell , im bored =x
When will thr be one time i wont be boored.
Haha . Hmm . Thenthen .
Aiya . Just laughing my ass out now ;DDDDDDD
Haha . Shall end my post now .
Cos so many people bill burst .
All cannot sms . Lmao . Zhen de shi hen duo ren lor .
Aiyos . Nvm . I sms jonathan lor :D
Hahaaa . His life is tough o.o . LOL .
Okay . Then sleep .
Then wake up . Went for dinner .
Went t see kovan residence th condo .
I wanna stay insideeeee . Heees .
Then i take pictures. Lol . so sad .
So many mirrors .
But cannot take full house .
Nvm . Haha ;D Allah siol .
Some people say i nv put picture.
nah lah .
Got put le luh ;D
Enjoy & bye .

Friday, July 11, 2008
Being cheeredup again , this time by JONATHANTOH C.Y !
HAHA ! He so cute can . Lmao .
No luhs . Still cute luhs .
Thanks uhs ~ Hoho !
Those hor , say i chio/cute de hor .
I suggest you go for eye check i tell you .
I hear also hear till sick uhs . I where chio uhs ?
Kick your ass lahs :D
Hoho . Kidding ehs ~
IM ugly , please face th FACT ! REALLY SUMPAH I TELL YOU SUMPAH !
LMAO . Okayokay .
Shall not argue further.
End here . BYE :D
Shall post ytd&today .
Actually i forgotten wht happened ytd -.-
Okay nvm .
I only remembered .
I asked my mother bout nico's party which is held today .
Walao . I really wanna go can . Hai .
Shall talk bout today .
Did maths work or whtever crap luhs .
Hate my friends . Keep saying i cute D:
Whr got ? I like shit can . Im childish i know .
Lol . Then today my mum gave me a reply tell me dont go .
Rahhhs ): My jie also not going . Aiyo .
Stupid honey going . Nvm .
Then when i came home , smses bout th party came in.
Awhile ltr received honeystead sms .
She say she think she saw nico .
She asked whr nico stay & so & so .
Then i told her . Went t ask nico , allah siol .
Really him . Haha . So qiao . Haha .
Its alright . Honeystead say he handsome . Haha :D
Feihua luh dey ! LMAO .
Then she say she support me blablabla .
Wth . Midst of forgetting hor ! :D
Then also smsing jie . She say if i not going then she also not going alr .
Nvm . One day we three go out with him , suan pei zui , or something liddat , my jie say de .
Then was rather moody tht time . Cos my mind running wild alr .
Because of something , then honeystead cheered me up .
Thanks honeystead , iloveyousomuchsomuch .
Unlike some people , sms also no reply . Donno die whr alr >;[
Boxim jiu shi boxim .
Now my party . Zhen me ban ?
Should i have it anot . Nico party over le .
Now its mine . Next sat ley . Walao . So fast . I can never get enough headaches .
I find inviting my friends over is such a torture . LMAo .
Cos i really donno wht are they going t do in my house .
gimme present , you see me , i see you .
LOL . Macham ahhai .
Alsoalso , im going t let go all hatred inside me , sumpah .
So everything thts written super badly here before , all going t be trash .
So , everythings going t restart . Right from th strt .
Promise .
JoyNeo L.P .
Thanks alotalotalot , for comforting me everytime im upset .
You can straight away tell .
I feel very easy t share my problems with you .
But sometimes when i tell someone else , they just blankly stare at me .
Sometimes when im crying , they still , give me a blank look .
Unlike you , Honeystead . Iloveyou till th end alright .
You said : For me you are a very good person alright . Its you who didnt go out t see th world thts why you keep getting stuck in those tortures . Once again , youre back t square one . why you want t torture yourself leas ? Sometimes it really hurts me t see you like tht dontknow wht t do . Maybe everytime i was like a keesiao girl but alot of things i dontwant t spell it out , cause i scared you all dont understand wht im saying , how i felt . & you also dont have th right t say tht you are not good for 114418523 . If 114418523 ask you for tht , give yourself a chance & strt afresh . Dont go back t those horrible days you had my dear . Im sure he will regret one day !! he like tht treat you i want him t pay back double .
I shall reply it here .
I agree , i havent see th world yet . But i dont wish t torture myself too . Sometimes its just wht it turn out t be . Im a person who hates t plan , so wht do you expect ? Im th same as you . I keep keeping it in my heart cos im afraid none of you will be able t understand wht im talking bout , take your airen for example . She totally has no idea wht im talking bout . She is such a young girl . Totally dont understand me at all , though i go out with her more often than go out with you . Seems like we're in th same boat . Girl , dontworry . I promise i wont torture myself again . Promise . Dont let him pay back double . Just forget bout everything . & im sure i can do it . Im alr half way through . I have t carry on . As for 114418523 , i dont think anything will happen alright .
Last but not least .
Honeystead , iloveyou !
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Im back . I miss th computer too much .
I had so much fun today&ytd .
So much laughter in schl .
Hahaa :D But im so tired . Also donno why .
Keep sleeping -.-
Eyer , people say i pig leys ):
So sad dehs . Nvm .
Also very happy thr out so many friends out thr for me .
Iloveyou guys alot luhs .
You guys are irriplacable kay !
Gans are supersuperloved .
Friends are also loved dont worry :D
Haha ! Alright . I dont have much t post alr ;D
Oh ya . 14 more days t my birthday !
Wooooooots . Z ? Dontknow wht im woooot-ing for .
I dont think im going t have a nice 13th birthday .
Nvm . Haha . Shall end my post now . Byeeee :D
Monday, July 7, 2008
I dont think you'll have anything t say .
Asshole . Whts your problem .
Its like whtever i have , you HAVE t have .
Like wht one of them said , YOURE JUST A 2ndHANDED GOOD .
So why try making me jealous ?
It wont work . Wteff is your PROBLEM?!
You very dua uhs ? Pui luhs .
Knn , i wont . Stop stepping cute luh can .
I see you also want t vomit can .
Ohya , stop snatching . Have been saying alot of times .
You may be more daring/whtever crap than me .
But my dignity is btr than you , & IM SURE OF THT .
Zz . Stupid person , always make my mood bad . wtf . I hate you .
Ever since 2stjuly . Hate you luhs .
Go & die luhs . Rahhhhs .
Rahhhhhhhhhhhs . Faded feelings . Nvm .
Go&dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .
Dumbfooooool .
Alright . I dontknow wht t post , really no idea .
Haha . Just roaming ard th web , doing nothing these days .
Just watching tv most of th time .
Hoho . Watch channel 55/255 :D
Th show , heart of greed . Very nice .
Hoho . Then Hilary , told me t relink .
Went t her blog , & her blog song was th song for th heartofgreeed .
So nice . Hahaaaa xD
Th lyrics of th song very nice can .
These are part of th lyrics :D Iloveitcann !
If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.
If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
If you ever feel ashamed, my love will get you home.
When there's only you to blame, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, get back on your feet and think of me,
my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.
Nicenicenice . Really nice. If you donno th song , th words really are niceeeee.
Haha. Alright . Shall end my post now & go entertain my sweeties (:
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Woohoos .
There are alot of july babies :D
Hoho ! Im proud t be one !
Mood wasnt good today . Like always can .
Also donno why . Stuupid .
Coos someone hell ruin it .
Tht someone seems t be hiding ALOT of things from me .
When i found out , i wanted t kill tht particular person .
Rahhhs . Nvm . Stupid . Thinking of it makes me feel even worst .
I finally got back my phhooooonnee .
Woohoos . Im happy :D Yays . But . I suddenly recieved lots of unwanted messages .
Pesticides . Hate them .
i dont really have anything t post alr .
Shall end it here .
To th slut , im tolerating you !
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Haha . Say mouth pain . Think heaty uuhs . Hahas .
did th CIP thing . Siao can . So heavy . Hah :D
I lousy luhs . Nvmm . faster online leeys . Rahhs .
I hope i can get back my phone ): Parents say theyre going t discusss =x
Scarryyzxz . Scared they have those kind of conditions tht is hard t accept .
Rahhs . Alright shall end my post now .
SLUT : EH ! I've enough of you can . Wht th hell do you want ? Its alrdy enough . Doesnt mean youre my gan means i have t treat you extra nice . Please . I not only have one gan can , boxim eh si lang . You better go& die luh . Wht ? Call me i nvr pick up , cos phone wasnt w/ me . Then when i called you , you never answer . Youre trying t spotcheck on me issit ? Whether im w/ someone you dont wish me t be with ? Stop it luh . You lead your own shit life & i lead mine luhs . Stop stealing people's guy & stop stealing people's friend .
Friday, July 4, 2008
Rahhhhs . I want t stay longer de los .
RAHHH . tmr still got schl . For some CIP thing .
Sigh . Now i online le , i dont see th person online . wtf .
Hackcare . Im boredboredboredbored .
Oye , faster go online leeeeys ):
Some ass out thr : Can stop stealing my friends ? Whts wrong w/ you ? Are you like sick in your head or ? I nvr add , you nvr add . Whts your daiji ? Tell me i step . Youre stepping even more . Tmd . To hell you go i tell you . If youre thinking youve got th limelight & its great , then fine ? I dont even need one . So i dont understand whts your point of getting attention . Asshole , shit off .
Heh . I miss th computer toooo much .
I nearly went insane , REALLY .
Th feeling so horrible . Like drug addict liddat . LMAO .
Imisshoney too can . Trying not t miss him .
Die also not my problem xP .
Who tell him take so long reply me .
Aiya , he got his baby t pei him luh .
Nvm derhs . Someone said i look like angela from th back .
Diao ? And said i was only taller by 2cm . Indeed i taller than her by 2cm :D
Hoho . Sians . In schhl . Like nothing t do liddat lo ?
MIsslatha didnt come t schl today . (?)
I think uh , but i saw her in th morning lo . Nvm . NO maths xD
Yoooohoooo . But i was so free i nearly slept . Haha .
Th maths period didnt do anything mahs , then got sleep awhile luhs .
Cos no mood tht time . Sigh . This week emo week sial .
Like everyday also no mood . Cos i couldnt contact anyone .
so thr was no one t entertain me .
Im trying t learn shuffle . My clique learning :D Hoho .
Imisssihuijie too ): Like quite long no talk t her le (?) . LMAO .
Butbutbut , wht i miss most most most is . MY MSN&MY HANDPHONE ):
Heard from my mum Christopher smsed me last night .
Diao ? Its like i had 6th sense or something .
I was talking bout him in schl today . Then when i came back mummy talk me christopher smsed me . Tiochua bodoh .
Nvm , but he is stupid can . Also before tht thr were alot of annonymous smsing me can .
Siao can . Also alot of annonymous callers . Wtf . Irritating .
Then since my mother held my phone , she helped me reply . Wtf again .
Ehhhs . Guyyys . I dont end my sentences with .... So many fullstops .
If you see so many fullstops hor , means not me lerhs :D
Hoho . & im not a twit can ! I write PROPER english xD
Haha ! Maybe going out ltr at night with sweetheart&supertwin .
Not sure . I dont feel like going . Cos i want t use th comp . I miss th computer too badly ):
Swtheart i everyday also see one . ZZ . Nvm luhs .
Just t kill time , i shall go . Tonight , i'll go online again .
Stupidhoney . Still dont reply hor , 我杀了你啊!:D
Shall end my post here . Bye .
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Shall not be posting until th day my mood gets alright D:
Sigh , im dying man . Iwant back my freedom ):
Shitshit .
Sigh , who can tell me how can i possibly get back my freedom ):
Ohgoshhh . I want back my freedom .
I really do ):
Should i make a birthday party ?
Rahhs . For what siol . Also donno who t invite .
Know who t invite also donno wht t do .
Rahhs . I cannot online looong . I cannot wait till sat&sun .
Sigh . Im going t have donno wht cip thing .
Rubbish . I think im going t tire myself out . Howhowhow .
Imissmyoldlife .
I really do ):
How can i get it back ):
Sorry , i've alr gone insane .
Ohmygod . How can i liveeeee . Rahhhhs . Now schl also no stay back .
Stupid . Come back home so early i also donno do wht .
Aft all ive done hor , then nth t do lerhs .
Ohgoooood . Nvm . IM mad . Gone bonkers .
End here .
bye .
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Rahs . & i didnt know whts going on . Sorry .
Thanks t my annabelle laogong , who is forever thr for me no matter wht .
Iloveyou , laogong ! I think i've got things sorted out .
Hell , whts wrong w/ all of you nowadays .
Im so afraid t even step out of my house now . Really .
Have t think twice before i go schl . Rahs .
Stupid luhs you all . Why suddenly keep saying i pretty/cute/chio/sweet ?
I got change so much mehs ? NO right ? Rahs .
Help . I cannot face you all siah . Rahs , my maid say wht i change until very pretty le , even th way i sleep !?! WTF ?
my mother say im even prettier than pretty people .(?) i think bah .
My father ard same same luh .
Then my friends D: Whts wrroooong ? All gang up come opposite me uh .
Rahhs ): IM not not not . i really am not .
Sigh . I got people who say im like a piece of shit , i look like so acbc ( TRUE ) , i act ahlian ( WTH? ) , i act paikia .
Walao . I so guai ! Rahs . Act paikia for wht ? Act ahlian for wht ?!
Zzz . Asses . I not so show off can please . unless you think i am then i've got nothing t say .
Especially t my precious precious annabelle laogong :
I am not pretty .
Dont feel zibei when youre with me .
By reading on top . You should know tht im not pretty .
I alr said : Camera got picture effect .
So will change your looks abit . Like neoprint liddat .
Understand ? Dont zibei . I will die w/o you can .
My mood this few days are really . I have no idea how i can say .
Sigh , I feel being backstabbed . Having a feeling tht im bringing trouble t myself .
Why am i feeling like this .
Its like overnight you've changed .
Being cold towards me . Alrdy this morning i had th feeling something's not
right .
I hate it when people prove me right .
You should be proving me wrong .
& you said you would help me .
How come its like as if you've backstabbed/betrayed me ?
Whats wrong ? Ohgosh . Everything's starting all over again .
I really am stupid , t make me fall into this kind of thing over&over
again .
I've once thought , I would never fall into a trap made by other people ,
but if it was you who trapped me , i guess i am able t let go . But this really
isnt th case .
Trying veryvery hard not t let anything happen .
I swear t god , whtever im saying here its super true .
Maybe i had a thought of letting it happened , but i still tried not t let
it happeneed .
Letting it happen means letting myself get hurt all over .
& i really cannot let it happen .
It took me ages for me t forget .
Now you tell me t start all over , i might as well end my life .
Sorry . Youre so close yet so far t me .
Sorry , iloveyou. But icannotloveyou .
Sorry . I dontknow wht i should do ):