PEOPLE! Ehem!! :D:D:D Guess who's here? SHANETTETAN OF COURSE! Seeeeeeee, i kept my promise, & im back here posting. Today's post sure uber long one. That i can swear man. I also donno how freaking long will i take to post it out -.- ... Okayokay . Shall start from last week till today . Wahhhhhs, alot of post okay -.- .
Monday 160209Went to school at 8plus. Had lessons till 3plus. Zzz. Tired please. Went home. Watched abit of tv then fell asleep. I havent even sleep for even an hour, i was waken up by my mum. She was screaming at me : MISS AH ! What time liao ! Tuition ! Roars , crap lah . Dint eat dinner, bought tidbits. Then went to tuition . Mother tell cher bout me failing my science -'- . I ended up having tuition from monday to thursday . Stupid . Ate my milky bar in classs . LOL . Joshua damn cute sia . Haha. He see me cannot open th bar until pekchek he say : Aiya , gimme lah . So i gave him lor . LOL , he so fast open one . Then he tell me : See lah . Cause of you my hand so sticky . Then he ran out and wash hand . LOLOL ?? After that went home , did hw , watch tv , chat with parents , sleep at 11 (: I very guai right . 11 lehs ! Not 1 hor ;D:D
Tuesday 170209Went to school as per usual . During chinese class , this jiaxiang guy go scold chinese cher siol . LOL . Reminded me of p6 times . Last time marcus and jeeyang love bullying th cher one . LOL . During media studies , my group split already . Cause i donno why . Cheebye siah that black cher . He put me in darryle group . I said wth doesnt mean i was angry what . He tell me , why are you so angry , in an angry manner . Then keep shooting me wtf . Fuck , i guailan him lah that too . So went to darryle group lor . Went home , fell asleep again . I wanna become zhu le lah . Heheh . Woke up and went for tuition . Then went home thn tvthen sleep . LOL . Im pathetic lah . Hate my life -.- . Zzzzzzzz!
Wednesday 180209Everything normal -.- . I super lazy to write those starting and blahblah . I think you read also sian diao le lah . Lol . Had dnt . Took darryle's popcorn chicken . I got 8/10 for dnt donno what thing . LOL . I dint expect it to work at all lor . Then i anyhow do do do , tada . It worked . Yay . Teacher like me then gimme high marks de . LOLOL! Jkjk . Went home , slept , woke up , head to tuition . My life's seriously a bore . I saw max there already , hearing his songs . I forgot bring my ipod . Blahblah -.- . Nevermind , th more i see him th more he resembles andrew lah seriously . Bu andrew more shuai . LOL . Then joshua came and lessons started . Joshua was supposed to be th last to go home cause he was th last to come . Then cher already say he last to leave , he go slowly move his chair , move until th door there . Then cher say max can go le , he chiong out . LOLOL! Dint even remember to bring home his water bottle. LOL . Passed it to him then went home . And a brand new day begins -.-
Thursday 190209School again . Not long , Jazreel came . She sat with me . She and i both hearing music . She suddenly go scream guailan damn loud to this guy call jerrel . LOL . Mrs choi was there staring at us . We dint even notice her presence . Uh oh . Then my ipod and her phone confiscated lor . Damn suay lah can . First period was science . I bored until wanna die already . Cause cher never come . Second was EL . Darryle bully me lah can . He keep wanting to take my pencil case . ROAR . But very funny sia he . Make me laugh till mad . Chuanzhen even more funny . Darryle took away my pencil case . Then gave to him . When he looking whats inside my pencil case i poke him ONE time only he drop to th floor already . LOLOLOL ! Cannot stop laughing bodoh ! Then he say he wanted revenge . Bully me so many times already still want revenge . Qian zhou sia . He mad lah he .
After that played with that crazy darryle for awhile then went for maths lesson . Recess le . Went to go look for mrs choi . I make my skirt long long then go in . Heng lah , he first look look at my skirt liao . Phew , but my hair kena caught . -.- . Lol , nevermind . She say chuanzhen very helpful -.- ... CCA period was next . Blah , went for dance lor . I partnered with Belle . Shes's so adorable . (: Thanks for guiding me through :D Then went home . Same boring things happened . I very angry with my psp sia . Cause spoilt . Zzz . I need go repair le lah . Slept before 11. Last but not least .
Happy birthday to JianAnn Korkor
Happy birthday to Klaryce Jiejie (:
You see , i dint forget :D:D
Friday 200209
School was normal . Mr shue scold me for not being responsible cause i dint go to dance yesterday . Sigh . -.- . During EL lesson darryle went crazy again . Then went back to normal . LOL . He is such an abnormal kid . :D Chinese was just plain boring. Chuanzhen disturb me lah wth . He go take away my pencil case then run around th class . Zzz . I had to chase him around also . Wth . Reading period was next . He that dumbdumb disturb me again ! Roars . I told him he was scared of tickle . Then he say : So you not scared hor ? NOT SCARED HOR? Then he kept poking me . WTFFFFF. I still manage topoke him lah . So still okay . LOL . Ming quan tell him dont bully me . See , ming quan so good . HAHAH :D:D Went home and rot . Then sleep at 11 plus i think .
Saturday 210209
I woke up at 10plus . Heh ! Then watch tv . Hongkong shows very nice :D Cantonese language very nice :D I've been watching HK since ... p5 ? LOLOL ! Then had mac for lunch . Slacked again . Then read geog book . Blah . Talked to mummy too . Haha , she asked if i could score th results she want what she should get for me as an reward . Pink laptop :D LOLOL ! After that , i psped :D Can work le ! But in my bro's psp -.- ... My psp mad already lah . Sigh . Poor psp . Did i tell you my ipod also spoil ? WTF LAH . -.- . My screen just stuck there . Cannot move . -.- . Tell me whats wrong with it , somebody !! ):
DJ Fever yay ! Hahah . HAMSIN rocks big time man ! Love that song :D:D Th level 12 one also nice :D:D I can pass sia. Went for dinner at sembawang . Wanted to go th reopened sembawang shopping centre . But so many people . Dint go , went causeway instead . So many people too . Did SHE went there ? So many people waiting . Th stupid person keep talking so much . I cannot wait le . Then go already . I saw my p4 classmate , Alicia . I chuatio LOL . Still as shy as ever lah . Hahahah . Reached back home . Did usual things , fell asleep at 1plus . LOL . I miss Klaryce lim si hui & Fion seetoh kit yee :D
Sunday 220209
Woke up at 9 -.- . I craxy one . I sleep early , i wake up late . I sleep late , i wake up early . Crazy. LOL . Then watch tv and play psp . I m only basic dj -.- . Tmd so pekchek . I level 14 only ): Sadded . LOL . Slow lah me . After exams i play play play le lah . LOL . Then played till 11plus . Studied abit . Went out at 1 plus . To uncle henry's sister's son 1st month . His name is Skyla . LOL . Like girl name hor . Hahah . People there like dont recognise me liddat . Kept starring at me like im some kind of alien . Then someone ask : Ni shi uncle same's de nu er ah ? LOL . Then i said yeah . Then they say they can recognise me . LMAO ? Dj fevered all th way . Went home at 4 plus . Slacked till 6plus . Had dinner then watch tv till 9plus . Then watch tv till 11 plus . LOLOL . Hk show :D Slept at 12plus .
Monday 230209
School start at 8plus today . So had th luxury to sleep abit later . Reached school at 8.15 i think . Then went for english lesson . Darryle is purely insane . LOL . Chuanzhen also :D No doubt at all . Then maths next . Boring . They do long cut i do short cut . Haha . Recess , bored -.- . Nothing to entertain myself . Sigh . After that EL common test . Difficult -.- . Literature was next . Free period . But i did math hw . I good girl (: CDT was next and it was lunch time . See mingquan , yolande , charlotte and darryle play fever . Pro , i noobshit . Poor me lah . LOL . Went for science class . SIAN . Zz . Most boring subject . I wasnt even concentrating . Then asked charlottle about th dance . Today no dance . So went home early . Slacked and headed to tuition . Max , me and joshua ,all reached at th same time . LOLOL . Went home and did usual stuffs .
Im sure i've lost one friend.
I know it myself.
Its saddening .
Just because i'm quiet , you ignore me.
You told me with your own fat mouth ,
That we'll stay as friends .
Then what happened?
I dont know. Sigh.
Forget it.
Tuesday 240209
Woke up at 6.25 . LOL . Getting later and later le lah . Hehe . Lazy mah . Then reached school at 7.15 . Haha . Weird , darryle also late for school . Then went for PE . Chatted with Mr chong . Haha . He got serious STM . But at least now he rmbs my name ! :D Went for chinese after that . Zzz . I got 14.20 for chinese compo test . Lol . Teacher abit mad mad de hor . I anyhow write de . He say my content very good . O.o . He gave me 8 for content . LOL? Nevermind lor , thanks for compliment , i got high marks :D:D Hehehaha . After that maths . Teacher revising . I wasnt concentrate . Was thinking what i should do after exams . LOL . ( And cause of that , i dont know how to do one opinion question -.- . Blahhhhh . ) Recess , i realised i dint bring money . Roars . I used up yesterday's already . Stupid brother lah . Go use my money buy chips . Then only left a dollar . Bought drink lor . Maths common test next . Its easy ! :D:D One blank lor . Th stupid question . -.- . History was next . Urgh . CMI already . But i tried my best already lah . I put down all that i know bout history already . LOLOLOL . Hope she'll gimme pity marks. LOL . Last period was media studies . I got scolded . Zzz . Stupid blackie . Changed group again . yeah , im like a toy .. Nevermind.. Used computer . Yolande damn ke ai siah . LOL . Use those long cuts for blog . HAHA . Went home , dj fever awhile . I almost got a max combo for HAMSIN ): Sigh . I lousy lah . Like shit liddat siah me . Bathed , then eat dinner . Then watch tv . Wu chu cai hong :D Dance is nicenicenice :D And bar bender . Then bathed . And did revision . Science , omg i gope i get a B lah . Sian . Watched hk show again :D
Wednesday 250209 FINALLY I'VE REACHED TODAY !!!!!! ._. Finally finally finally . Its 3.48pm now . LOL . Okay , woke up at 6.30 . LOL Getting really very late lah -.- . Went to school . Smsed benben wished him happy birthday . Lol . He dao me . Sigh . Nevermind . -.- . Then reached school . First period was chinese . Same thing , boring . I was thinking alot alot alot ... Thinking those beautiful memories compared to now . Hais . Next was history . Sian . Revised geog . Still thinking away ... And english was next . STILL thinking ): Recess . Ate bread . Then went for science common test . Yeah . It was kinda easy . Not as difficult as i expected it to be . Then Geography . Also easy . Th most hard paper is th crazy history lah . Heheh . Then had assembly . I sit until my leg pain .. Roar . Lmao . I realised Claire was in Australia for 6years ! SO GOOD LAH ): I wanna stay there 1month also cannot . LOL . Then reached home . And blogging away . Still thinking bout things . Hais .
What's wrong. All those times.
Now its kinda over.
I'm being forgotten by people day by day.
And now, i realised.
What's true friends & what's not.
What's real love & what's not.
What's family love.
One true friend is enough.
But now, i've got none.
I thought that i had one.
But because of one bitch, which until now i still hates.
I'm being left out..
I think i shouldnt have left yuying right from th start..
I knew this would happen.
But i dint know it would happen so fast..
Happy birthday , Benjamin Dumbo (: