watched Missing :D Th OST very nice ehhhh !
Eh , th show really thrilling lahs deys .
Hahaas . I guess tht's th only movie i screamed(?) . Im stupid i know .
LOL . Because of my ahhai sweetheart . Beside me hold me so tight , no scary scenes also like very scary =.= chou sweetheart . Lmfao . She still cute lahs :D
Hahas ! Took th neos . I ugliest , i know =.=
I look super odd . Super fat . Got five neos . But th other two like sot so didnt put .
Aft th show , i come out shiver siah . I didnt know how come th whole cinema become REDRED siah . Hahas ! Then come out warm le mah , donno why my body still soo cold inside . Then i went home alrdy . My sweetheart she bu de zou horrrr ? (BHB) -.-
LOL ! Then trecia pei me to take bus , when going up her donno what ganaiai call , then she go le . pangseh =.= Nvm -.- . went home myself :D & now im here posting (: Fyi , Ltr i still got tuition , sigh . so boring now . Cos all my friend holiday mood still siahs . All no go ): So boring . Haha . Nvm lahs . Come back alrdy then say bahs :D
Shall end my post here (: Bye :D

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