I guess i wont be using th comp so often from now .
Main reason is th STUDY !
Second because too bored le luhs . Nothing t do de online -.- .
LOL . Really lor .
Unless honey tells me go online , i sure will ! xDDDD
Went t schl , as usual .
Super bored . Nothing t do de lor .
I think im falling super sick soon .
Walao . Keep freeeezing super cold de loor .
Stupid weather .
But i wished t weather EVERYTIME also liddat .
Hahas . I rather live in a cold world than hothothot world =x
Aft schl went lunch with honeystead&sweetheart .
I didnt eat . See them eat . I drank coke .
Suddenly sweetheart got call from one short guy -.- .
LOL . All run . Cause dont like him . They say he super irritating .
Then went t train .
honeystead & me waited for train while sweetheart go find that short guy .
I told honeystead i dontwant go so early cause honey still at schl .
Tell her pei me . Hees . She did .
We waited for 3 trains t go , then we went on th train .
Aft that on train alr , honey still in schl .
Raaaaahs . But honeystead cannot wait alr , so i stopped at dhoby , honeystead went t tiongbaru.
I waited for honey for almost an hour !
Stupid teacher of his . Nevermind . I wait lor .
Closing t four , then he reached .
FINALLY CANNNN . Slacked with him till 6plus .
Honey also showed me one letter . LOL .
That poor poor letter . Its life , not even 1wk . HAHAHA .
Its gone alr . Then th owner of th letter sms honey .
Hahaha ! SO FUNNY LAHS . I dontwant t say . Hees xDD
So funny lor . Hahaha . halfway ard 5plus or going t 5 liddat ,
sweetheart called . Tell me she in PS also .
LOL . I thought someone tell me she dontwant come siol !
Hahaha . She waited for her friend so long .
Me & honey down thr see her like ahhai liddat . LOLOL .
Ivan , er . Superduper joker lahs . Haha .
I wanna see you tmr agaaiiinnn ! weehoos xDDDD
Honey iloveyou so much !
Reach home at 7 . So tired ):
I wanna fall alseeeepp alr .
But honey tell me come online .
Give him comment . LOL . Okayokay .
Shun bian post lor . Hohos . Happy early teachers day t all teachers yeah .
Hahas . Donno whr t go tmr .
Maybe not going anywhr .
Aft schl come back , sleep . 3 plus then go out . HAHAHA XD .
Okayokay . Shall end my post noooow .
Hope t see honey tmr again , OKAYOKAY !! <3 !
Honey iloveyou !
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