Went t comp lab . (: 1hour siol . Haha .
Heard from some people say next week also o.o .
Ooohs . Nicenice .
Hohos . But , something tht irritated me .
While sleeping , people keep coming t my table & knock me .
Wtf , so fcuking rude . Zz .
And hor , dentist ... Ohmygod . I dont want lahs .
Rahhhs . I next tuesday lehs D:
Zhen me ban !? I got one shaky teeth ...
I scared they extract ):
I scared pain nahs . Rahhhhs DD:
Sigh , nvm .
Mdm amrit th eye pajiao alr lahs .
LOL . Today same thing had t meet mdm amrit at parade sq mahs .
Then go lor . LOL . I partner angela that time .
Then i was standing right infront of mdm amrit . Zz .
I wanted t hide lor , but nvm . Conscience clear :D
Haha . She scare me , she say , how come your skirt so short .
I stun tio . I thought she talking t me , then i argued , short ? you talking t me ar ? where got short ? LOL .
Then she say , no not you , inside tht one . (angela )
Woahs . Heng siol . Cos tht time i didnt tuck in too .. LOL .
Nvm . Good she no see (:
Then while walking , i making my hair&uniform .
mr neo walked past me , & starred at me .
but didnt do anything . HENG SIOL .
Then walked further , MR DANNY -.- ?!
He busy talking t someone else , so i faster run up t class .
Then i donno whoose lesson , i slept .
Woke up , class ended . It was sci next , if i rmb .
cos aft tht people keep rushing me t go out , going sci lab .
Nvm lehs . I partner fion this time . Cos angela go see dentist .
this time , same thing . I was standing at th grill there .
Mdm amrit , just below me , looking at us .
Fion hiding behind me .
Inthend , she got caught again . Woah .
Tht time , my skirt even shorter . My blouse messy likme hell , cos i just woke up .
& i didnt clip my hair -.- . SHE DIDNT CATCH MEEEE :DDDD
Weees . Song ka lao sai .
Mdm amrit's getting tired of me , WOOHOO ! IM HAPPY (:
Wont have t face her naggy shit again . Hohos .
Good good . Haha .
Tmr going bishan EARLY in th MORNING ,
Zzz . Just t have a run . Stupid schl .
Why liddat one .
Zzz . Meeting angela first then go .
Lols , cos i donno th way . Not so boliao go bishan PARK .
Okay , shall end my post now .
Ohya , below are th pictures accumilated these few days .
hahas :D enjoy (:
PS : Those pictures me in red tee des , im ugly , super ugly .
That day i didnt bother dressing up , HAHA .

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