Im backkkkkkkkkkkk .
Have a fun time today .
But im currently having serious flu ._.
Omgomgomg .
11am went hougangmall meet fion&qianyu&benben .
Still got some other friends there too .
Met them at arcade .
Saw them at DDR thr , fion's shirt outstanding , easy spot :D
Hahaha . Saw joanne & qianyu dancing th DDR thingy .
LOL . See them like easy t dance , i go up kns .
LOL . but fun , seriously damn fun .
Th buttons i think abit sot .
I got press they tell me miss .
Maybe i same like audition , slow cannot , fast can :D
LOLOLOL . I in audition slow i sure mati de , LOL :D
Played afew rounds of it with different people .
But most with qianyu . Ahahaha .
Then went t mac t eat .
I drank milkshake , & coop some fries from fion xD
Aft that waited for benben t finish his food ,
went t ridley house .
I wanted t vomit in th taxi , idk why ._.
Ridley's house damnnnn big bodoh . LOL :D
Saw his swimming pool .
Th weather hot , fion at first soak water mah .
So like only 1/4 body inside .
Then i also went in .
SO SHUANG ! Th water damndamndamn cold !
Hahaha ! Then i thought th pool very shallow .
Then i was facing my back t th pool cause talking t fion .
Talktalktalk , i stepped down !
WHOOOPS , down i go -.-.
I fell into th pool , whole body wet .
Ohshit , i dint bring extra clothes .
Lololol , but ended up everyone went down .
LOL . So playyyyed loooor .
Hahaha . Funfunfun .
I wore spongebob tee mahs .
Then suddenly this sense came t my mind & i told fion .
"My spongebob need water , too hot he cannot survive ."
"No wonder you first t drop in ! " fion say .
Laugh till peng siol .
Aft that dried myself then went up see ben&joanne&qianyu&fion play pool .
Idk how t play so never play .
So sian lor . Hehhhhs .
Then went down find food t eat xDDD .
Th dog of Ridley's keep staring at me machiam wanna kill me liddat .
Somemore th dog's eyes red colour de . Like sore eye .
Ate maggie meeee .
Thankyou so much :D I nearly died of hunger , {ridiculous :D}
Watched tv in some living room .
Alot of fur -.-.
Tiger fur , bear fur+head , vulture statue , fox fur , cow fur -.-.
Omg , i nearly died in th room no offence , but i wanted t watch tv , so stayed in th room for like , 3hours or so ? LOLOLOL :DDDD
LOLOLOL , Benben choose one ! LOLOLOL .
So funny , he damn cute lor .
Sing th song , Who lives in th pineapple under th sea , SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS .
Ben that time damndamndamn cute .
Lazy t explain how cute he is .
While watching tv , ard 5plus liddat or 6plus , ridley sister came back home .
She's 9yrsold , but act as if shes 17yrsold ._.
boss here & there , i feel like slapping her bodoh .
Omfg . Shes like , first is , do you mind me taking away your cups ?
Second is , please keep th place clean cause later still got people coming .
Third is , Can you please dont on th light ?
Fourth is , You guys are childish , you still watch cartoon .
Fifth is , Did you guys waste food ?
My answer to each question :
First , Take , dont give a damn ?
Second , lol .
Third , she said nvm inthend , so dint answer her .
Fourth , HELLO ! You dont have th channel i want t watch , & thr's nothing on , what else do you want us t watch , youre th childish one please , dont step on mature please .
Fifth , Where got waste food , everything empty alr please .
Zzzz . Still got alot more stuff she said lor .
Dont really rmb .
Damn bossy jiu dui le .
Zzzzz !! LOL . Her name : KIT KOH .
Lmao , Qianyu say kitkat . LOL .
Nice one . Hahaha .
Managed t kick her out , LOLOL :D
Then watched tv & waited for mummy t fetch me .
Fion&ben is taking my mummy's car t kovan .
Hoho , i so good horrrrr ? {{{{{{{:
Went home , bathed .
& now im here . blogging .
Im so tired lahhhh , my wrist , th bone abit siao . idk why -.-.
& th stupid flu , im going t die lahs please .
Okayokay . I think i shall end my post here .
Pictures are below , not all are up .
Not enough time lah , my parents .
Want me go sleep because know i got flu -.- .
Zzz . Alright , enjoy :D
Byeeee ;D
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