Gahs. Woke up early today. Not by myself. Same thing, alarm rang, but i smacked it off. Alarms can drive me MAD too you know . They only snooze for 5min . Then start ringing again . Damn stupid -.- . Then my mother came rushing t my room and made me wake up . Gahhhhhs . 6.45am liddat nia leh ! =.= . Stupid stupid lah . So woke up , bathed , tied my hair , changed , went down . Went heartland ate breakfast . Then went bishanpark sec .
My previous post i mentioned i was going t some schl t do some damn test yeah . So thats th schl . Bishan Sec . Th surrounding , okay la . Acceptable . But im seriously not used t it . Gahs . Th test was , english im sure passing . Maths , i think im gonna fail . Lol . Some i donno , i never try . I read question difficult , i jump . LOL . Thats how i fail :D LOLOLOL . I pro pro pro right ! HAHA !
Then went t Peirce sec again . Stupid principal . I was frowning at him th whole time i was talking t him . Like wtf lah . He only see m y result fucking lousy he keep pimpoint . Lol . Cannot blame him . But knn , he fucking full of crap can . Omg lah , step step so nice in front of my parents , then when talk t me , he show me jiao bin and talk t me jiao wei . WAH , I FEEL LIKE SLAPPING HIM SIAH . He talk never use brain de leh . Maybe have . Use brain t think how t save face for himself . Damn bastard . Then when i walk out , he said my skirt too shirt . LIKE WTF ? THATS MY HOME CLOTHES . DOES HE EXPECT ME T WEAR HOME CLOTHES T SCHL !?!?! He was like " Anyway , youre not accepted when you wear liddat t schl . Your skirt is too short . I know its fashion , but school dont allow . " EXCUSE ME LAH . Do you even allow us wearing home clothes t schl ?! NO RIGHT . Told you alrdy , talk no use brain . I rather cut open his brain and feed it t pig . =.= . My parents said goodbye t him . I one look at him also dont have i walk away . Stupid , he dont respect me , he no need t even think of getting any respect from me .
Then came back home , audi-ed awhile . Been practising my BeatUp . Aft 3 days of "HARDWORK" , it finally paid off :D Frankly , i suck at beatup ;x I level 2 also cannot pass one . LOL . I mean , i level2 also cannot play one . Miss miss miss . Then guess what . I can play level 3 ! Hahaha ! I was thinking , like so many people playing techno party , i might as well try it . First try was suckish -.- . I only got a score of 345k sth liddat . -.- !! Then second try , 387k . Wtf , still lousy . I play with pro they get 500k plus or 600k plus . Then keep trying trying trying . Th highest score i got was 547k :D:D:D:D IM HAPPY :D Hehehes ! Aft that , i aimed for th full bar blue thingy . I never ever ever get any blue bars in beatup . So i tried for Technoarty . WOOHOOO , I MANAGED T GET A BLUEBARR !! :D Alot of times alrdy . YAYNESS ! Haha , but compared t th pros , im still far behind lah for god sake -.- .
Was also smsing with sihui jie . Aiyoh , this month bill ... walao , i scared t see sia . My jie hor , got previledge sia == . I've stop smsing anyone . Unless i afew its alright lah . Then guess what . I smsed 40 over smses t jie in just one shot . Aiyayayay . Die die die ._. My billl come out . BOMB ! My mother fave word's gonna come out from her mouth . " GIMME YOUR PHONE , ITS CONFISCATED. " Yup , her fave word . Really fave word siah . Okay , back t jiejie . Asked her t go countdown today . She tell me cannot ._. Mother dont allow . Say what er . What too young or not old enough or sth . LOLOL ! She older than me leh that kuku . HAHAHA ! Make me laugh laaah . Hahaha ! So she cannot go .. Sad . Asked her out on Sunday alrdy . WOOOHOOOO :D
Saw mummy looking for laptops . Brother is asking for one . Cause he can play in his room . Blahblah . Then i thought it was only buying for him . Cause i know my mum too well :D LOL ! So i asked her:
" Mummy you buying laptop meh. "
" Yeah lah , for that guy playing maple one lor. "
" Ooo , then you also buying for yourself uh? "
" Yeah. "
" Why o.o . You've alrdy got one what o.o. "
" Aye , thats my office one . You dont expect me t bring up and down everyday right -.-. "
LOL , i bwg alrdy . HAH ?! Then my brother cha zui -.- .
" Nonono , i buying for me and shanette only . "
I was like O.O !? LOL
" Dont buy for you then buy for who ? -.- "
" YAY ! Then jiejie leh ? "
" Yah yah yah "
Wtf , i tiochua again .
WOOOOTS ! My mama buying laptop for me . LOL :D But you believe me , in maximum one month's time , sure kena confiscated one . HAHAHAA ! BELIEVE ME OKAY ! You can bet with me it you want :D I'll get free money , so youre welcomed t bet :D HAHAHA ! Alright shall end my post here . BYEBYEBYE !
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