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    Friday, January 16, 2009

    back t blog blog blog . Hahahas . Today's th nicest day out of th three days i spent in bishan park . Hahahahas . Yesterday seriously sick bodoh . I talk t jianann kor halfway i was like no voice already -.- . Usually i sleep after 12 de . Donno why yesterday i sleep at 11plus i think if im not wrong . Nono . I slept at exactly 12 . NONO , i mean i already dead on 12 yesterday but still phoning with jianann . Yeaaahh . Hahahah . He very good lehs !! He really played Your Call for me with his guitar :D THANKS KOR :D:D

    I morning called two people today . -.- . Chuanzhen & Jianann . JIANANN YOURE A PIGGGGGGGGG . Pigpigpig man ! I woke you up at 6.30 , you woke up at what time har ? 6.50 right . Pig . Still say what i stupid pig . You go mati lah . LOL . Went t school so early today man . Before 7 i already reached school , wow yeah ? -.- .

    Then had th usual things lah . LOL , went to ... chinese class first . Uh , then pe . Gahs , hate it . LOL . But i only ran one round . Good hor ? Hahahas . Pe liao Science , free period again . HAHA ! Shiok lah , no need study science . But gimme physics paper t do -.- . Wth lah . My maths maybe good , but science th physics i donno why wo jiu shi bu hui zuo x.x . LOL . Everyone was like using their handphone lah -.- . Seriously , what mrs choi told me hor , cannot believe one . She say what bishan park no couples one , she find me have stead she'll suspend me . Tsktsk -.- . Then say what during curricular time cannot use phone . I DONT BELIEVE NO ONE NEVER USE LOR . Impossible de . Hahaha . So also listened t songs . From Chuanzhen mp3.

    After that was recess , followed meiyi . Then find chuanzhen . Then followed Claire and Cloe they all . Went back t class for English next . Did classwork lah , LOL , idk how t do . And after that was reading period . Suddenly someone cried -.- . Th sec1 guy . Teacher say he like abitabit sotsot one . They this guy , Zhihao , kept making fun of him . But super funny lah omg . Hahaha ! He for donno what reason nearly used th bustbin to cover his head . He say what so that people cannot see him or sth . LOLOL . Xiao dao peng . ZHIHAO REMINDS ME OF JEEYANG LEH ! Exactly t same one . HAHAHA ! If i never see his face , th voice also like jeeyang . Very alike lah .

    School ended at 1.15pm . Went for th cca thingy . actually i dint go lah . Haha . I only went t put my name in th band booth , then i ran off already . Waited for daddy t come for like more than 30min lah -.- . Maybe , dont remember . Then there's this chuanzhen friend , who asked him whether i know how t speak chinese . LOL ? I look like foreigner meh . Wth lah . Im a pure Sgian okay . Went home , ate bread . LOL . I whole day only drink one lemon tea and ate sweets . Argh , i really wanna die sial . My sorethroat liddat liao still eat sweets . I zai -.- . HAHAHA ! somemore cny coming , wah sian lah . Fion and qianyu called me a few minutes after i came home . Talktalktalked . So funny lah them . I guess correct leh . Go compasspoint with Tuanwei siol . Fionfionfion , if you got read my blog hor , dont kill me ;D TUANWEI LOVES YOU . HAHAHAH !! xDD DONT ANYHOW TAG RUBBISH IN MY BLOG PLEASEEEE !!! -.- . You dare i ban you siol . LOL . Qianyu wanna kill me again sial . I donno she kill me how many times already . If count from last yr till now i think shu bu chu lah . Hahahas . I've got so many lives :D:D

    Maybe later i'll post my pasdt photos . Very nice one . HAHA ! Kidding lah , how can my photos be nice -.- . So ordinary . Hahas . Act cute jiu you . Pui . Hahahs :D Byebye .

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