HELLO . BYE BYE . LOL . Hello ;D hahaha . How much lamer can i get -.- ... So dumb please . LOL . I also donno why i post so early today . I think im sure today im gonna post three posts or so . One in th morning . One in th afternoon . One in th night . LMAO . Im oh so lame -.- . Lmao . Zzz .
Woke up in th morning . At 7 plus . Cause i remembered i dint off my phone de msn . LOL . I crazy i know . Then i saw alot of th stupid websites -.- ... I tell you hor , by that , can tell that there are many horny people out there . Zzz . So pekchek la . LOL . Nevermind . So went t see who online . LOL . So early who will online . Then i went back t bed . Around 9plus my brother suddenly my brother rushed into my room , i got awaken by him . One eyes close one eyes open . Then i saw aloysious . -.- . How can they budge in my room without knocking -.- . Zzz . Then i reply message t drew then went back t sleep . Sleep awhile more , my maid came im this time -.- ! Walao eh ! Cant i have a nice sleep ?! Zzz . Then i wake up le . Reply drew message again . Then i was day dreaming . LOL . I suddenly remembered i dreamt something . -.- . Why my head always so slow one . Zzz . I also donno . LOL .
Guess what i dreamt -.- . I dreamt bout chuanzhen and my brother . Two dreams . Cause i keep waking up and sleep . My brother was th first dream . LOL . So funny . I dreamt he knows how t dance super super well lehs . LOLOL . I also donno how is that possible . Laugh out loud la . Lolol . Next was chuanzhen . In my dream , he wasnt how he looked like in real life . He looked more man in my dream . LOLOL . I dreamt we were taking bus t go some excursion or something . Then i sitting alone . (forever alone-.-) hearing music . Suddenly my chair bounce . I took out my ear piece and saw chuanzhen . LOL ? I see him then continue listen t music . LOL . This is th crazy part . I fell asleep after some time . Then i actually took him was a bolster -.- . LOLOLOL !! -.- . Then somehow idk what fuck we became like so close but still friends . I even held his hand infront of my mother . Like what th fuck la ?! -.- . Zzz . Nahs , not nice dream at all -.- . Zzz . I wanna dream of him or th super cute dumbo . Why make me dream of someone who bullies me la . Zzz . Crazy sick mad person .
I shall go bathe now . Later aloysious see my just-wake-up-look . Mad right i know . Okay , ciaos!
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