Went classroom find fion . Then i told Fion today my last day in yuying . She was like : HUH?! WHY SIA. Or sth liddat . Her reaction still quite okay lah . LOL . Ben ben one most dramatic -.- . He came school quite late , then he looked at both of us . He was looking at fion , then look at me , then look at fion , then look at me again . Then fion tell ben go ask me . I ask fion i tell ben what . LOL . i donno mah . Then she say i slow -.- . I really donno what she talking mah . Then she say bout my trasnfer thing . Then i was like : Ohohoh ! LOL . Benben , today my last day here. His reaction , like got heart attack liddat . Then his why is super slow one . : Whhhhh-yyyyy ... LOLOLOL ? Then i say , Haiyo . Then he was talking t fion for a short while . He look at me , then he why me in slow motion again . Then he like act act cry cry liddat . Xia si wo , i thought he really cry .____________. LOL .
Went back to class , maths , then blahblah lah . All lessons . Today lessons all very boring . Only my classmates today all very funny . Especially WEIQI . That bobo . Super funny lah ! She talk no sense one . She talking t youde , youde keep calling her siao . HAHA . Miss Latha switched my place . On my right hand side is Liyang . On my left hand side is Youde . Infront of me is some foreigner idk . Then behind me also foreigner called Lixin . Hahahha . All foreigner sia . Liyang and Youde all come from china too . Except they stayed in sg very long le .
When going back home , i accidentally bump into Liyang -.- . Like i elephant bump into ant . LOL . But after so long he finally talk to me . But he said : O.O. SORRY SORRY SORRY ! wo mei you kan dao ni ! LOLOL . I suddenly felt so happy . I thought he still hate me for donno what reason . But so sad , it was my last day . At least i know that i've got no more enemies i guess .
After that went to bishan park sec . See VP . Sian lah . She crap crap crap . I failed my maths . I knew it :D:D 22/50 . Lol , still can pass . LOL , lucky i dint do th questions idk . If not sure pass . But , she still let me in you mei you -.- . But she tell me do some compo which MUST be 6pages long . Fullscap . 6PAGES WITHOUT LEAVING LINES . Omg lah . I wonder how i'll finish that man . I think i need at least 3 days -.- .
After bishan park went back home and bathe . Then went t fion house . Stupid qianyu there .
You know why i wanna kill her ? Cause she idiot . I talking t fion on phone she keep on interupting . Rahhhhhs . I ask her bout some road thingy . Then qianyu go say : TH TRAFFIC LIGHT VERY CHIO , TH ROAD VERY NICE . Keeeeeeeeeep on repeating this sentence for donno how many time . I on phone she say alot of times . I reach th house she also say alot of times -.- . Roars . Andandand , fion house alot of things to eat lah omg . I cannot resist . Anw i dint eat breakfast and lunch ;D . After eat , acc-ed qianyu to busstop then me and fion went jogging .
Zzz . She superwoman . I am lousywoman . LOL . First round i still can catch up . Cause she got stop stop stop one . Then second round she like superwoman fly so fast . She totally dint stop leh . Omg . I cannot catch up liao . I got run , but still cannot catch up . So dint catch up . LOL . Then jog jog jog . Actually its walk walk walk for me and jog jog jog for fion . Yeah , had fun with her . :D:D Iloveher alot lah :D
Reached back home ate dinner . Then asked my mother if i could go out tmr . Yeah , standard answer , NO . Lol . My mother say if can sunday anot . So i called fion and asked . LOL . Her mother speaked to me . HER MOTHER REALLY VERY CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE . Ohmymy . Shes really damn cute . I talk t her like talk t friend liddat leh . Woooow . Hahahaa . Shes super nicenice :D I havent bathe . Yucks . Im gonna bathe soooon . Now , after this post . Hahah :D

Qianyu sideview very nice right ?? HAHAHAHA!
Im only half a head taller than her lah aiyo . She'll still grow de . Im stuck already . LOL .
13floooooors up !
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