Early in th morning went t school . First period was er . er ?? ERRRR ??! What har . Idk lah . I only know chuanzhen kept disturbing me -.- . Make me go siao . Then last period was reading . I wasnt really reading lah . Cause i couldnt wait till school end so that i can go meet my babies yo ! Heeees . Then cher said release us individually . Then i was th first batch t be released . HOHO :D I LOVE YOU CHER . LOL !!
Then went back home , aready 1.35. Damn late lah . I know i sure late de . -.- ... Bathed everything already 2.5pm ?! -.- . So i rushed and went down . Saw my mum , greeted her . But th first thing she did was th disturb me . Not really disturb lah . It was like :
Me : Hi mum .
Mummy : Let me see you .
( i walked infront of her . )
Mummy : Turn behind .
Me : WHY ?
Mummy : Your this shirt wear at home can la. But wear outside abit dangerous leh . Can zaogeng .
Me : Then what t wear la -.- ...
She dint reply , but she wanted me t change .
I just anyhow find one singlet wear . Then i told my mother wear singlet no zaogeng . She said can so i quickly rushed off already . That time already 2.20pm . Omg . LOL . Rush rush rush . Reaching kovan mrt already , recieved fion and ben sms at th same time . LOL . Great minds think alike . They asked where was i . Aiyoh . Confirm late de lah me . Aiyoh .
Rush rush rush still , idk what time reach . I think closing t 3 already . Alamak . I saw fion and qianyu , HUGGGED THEM !!!! HAHAHA ! :D I hugged fion first . Then qianyu was like : Eyer , why she first , should be me first lah . LOL ? Then i go hug her . She said must be her first again . LOL . Then i never hug her liao , she say , EHHHH! OKAY OKAY ! LOL ? Waited for ben and joel for so uber long . Roars . They kukumalu . Damn long .
So we went t vivo there , saw them there already -.- ... LOL . I see ben i chuatio siol !!! WHY EVERYTIME I NEVER SEE HIM FOR SO LONG HE LIKE GROW AGAIN AND AGAIN DE . Roars , he is taller than me by donno how many cm already . Urgh . Urgh -.- ... LOL . Then he damn cute lah ! Aiyohs . Went gv there bought inkheart tickets 4pm show . We took so infront de seat . Cause i think no seat already .
Joanne suddenly cried . Because of boy problem . Wah , honggan lah ._. Bully girl niah . Except for ben uh ! LOL . Then went t arcade play . I dint play . I see fion play para para . LOL . She first try only she got first already ! PRO SIOL ! Then qianyu play th drum thingy she failed . LOL ! We looked at th time , already times up already .
So rushed t cinema , then called ben , ridley and joel . They went t Long john's t get some food . Th ticket's with th boys ._. LOL . We bought popcorn blahblah . Then went in . Zzz , i wanted t sit with benjamin yeo. Then kuku fion go take . Roars . Qianyu was th first t go in t th seats leh , but she dint take th last seat . She left th last seat empty cause th one beside th empty seat was a teen guy . DIAO ? All dont want sit , then i bobian must go sit . Tmd -.- ... Actually th guy beside me not that bad looking what , sit with him dui lian meh ? -.- ...
Watched th movie . Quite nice lah . But behind , nearing t th end , i fell asleep for like 10min . then woke up again . Then th ending nice :D Hahaha . Got one guy in th show keep pangsehing th people de siah ! ._. LOLOL . I down there tell qianyu he keep pangseh , after show , fion say they also say they say he pangsehkia . LOL . Twin jiu shi twin lah . Except she's much cuter :D
After th movie already 6 liao . Went arcade play play again . Sian , i wanna fall asleep already lah . Then played till 6.30 . Went outside camwhore . Took alot of pictures leh . Actually not really alot lah . Alot of pictures is qianyu anyhow take de ._. LOL . I MANAGED T TAKE PICTURE WITH BENJAMIN YEEEEO . Finally lehs ! SOMEMORE , is he zhi yuan de ! YAY ~~ So happy man . But i dint get t take pictures with TOH QIAN YU . Urgh , she always dont want dont want . Then her stupid hair . Idk she cut for what . Like keep no change one . Cause she tied up . Wtf lah .
Then i was late again . I waited for th mrt 7pm . Then reached kovan around 7.30 already . Fion going celebrate her mother's birthday . Then qianyu went home . Benben and joel go sengkang . Roars , going home , i rushed again -.- ..... I scared mother scold , later cannot go out again i die . Zz . LOL , i run until i stomach pain . Eh , i never eat lehs . Like i only drank coke and ate popcorn . LOL .
Reached home , i so sweaty already -.- .... Gonna bathe soon . Now , enjoy th pictures yo !! :D:D
Last but not least :
Benjamin Yeo Chang Bin.
Fion Seetoh Kit Yee.
Toh Qian Yu.

FYI : BENJAMIN REALLY TALLER THAN ME LAH ! Th picture dont look alike cause he sat lower than me . LOL :D
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