Went down t have my breakfast . Then asked mummy help me buy Febuary's teen and teenage magazine . Too bored already . I already read finished January's one . HAH . Obviously febuary's is all bout love cause its Valentine's month . Then then then , read read read . They say th things inside so true man . LOL .. Then i read my horoscope . Very pekchek lah . I until now still donno i cancer or leo . Some say i leo . Some say i cancer . Gahs . But in th Teenage , im leo . So , this is what its written .
Life : You've experienced what it feels like to be stuck in a rut and you don't like it . With the stars aligned , feb is a great time to totally reinvent yourself ! First up , make a couple of wardrobe changed t bring good karma . A new hairdo wont hurt either ! To further turn your luck around , another round of spring cleaning is due . By th way , you might find your fitness level dipping after the festive season .
Love : Things are happening fast and furious in your romance zone this month ! Singles watch out for th reopening of th "Ex-Files" . Some of you will be hearing from an old flame , who is looking t reunite ( or haunt , depending on how you feel about them ) with you . Those who are happily attached will find themselves enjoying their steads' companionship .
Oookay ? -.- . Like some of them quite true for me siol . But some words are far too chim idk what they ae saying . Lets see , Stuck in a rut means ? I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS ALREADY . LOL . Thanks to Sihui jiejie! :D I am so not gonna do a new hairdo . Scared siol . LOL . Spring cleaning again ? I've did that twice last year -.- . I might find my fitness level dipping ?? Means getting lousier right if im not wrong . So correct man . LOL ;x
Ex-files siol . Like that would ever happen . LOL ?
Nice horoscope i have :D Lmaolmao . Im so tired ._______________. I love rainie's hair . Omg , so nice . But so obvious it looks weird on me . Haah . SHE SO DAMN PRETTTTTY . Urgh . Sian sian sian . Tomorrow school already ._. I wished i could have holiday now . Why liddat one . Last time holiday so long , i sian until wanna die . Go back yuying so nice . Then parents gimme bomb . -.- .. Hais . I want holiday !!! -.- . March holiday , faster come . Urghhhhhhh .
Valentines valentines . I think fion cannot go ridley's house already . Roars , got boyf le , sure pangseh . HAHAH ! =x Eeeeeeee , fionfionfion , bring your stead t ridley's house =x I wanna see him . HAHAHA ! xD Th person who called me bad , alibaba . LOL . TAY TUAN WEI , I WANNA SEE YOU . LOL , people say you joke . LOL . I wanna see how joke are you , you joker . LOL ?
I've got nothing t post already . Only one thing .
Qianyu is an EMO PIG.
This are some weirdo ! HAHAHA ! Open bigger if you cannot see . Th msn picture is taken like donno how many ages ago . Stupid bear go call me idiot . STILL YO . -.- . Roars . Then th rest is spencer tan trying out his webcam . LAUGHOUTLOUD . Weirdest person i've seen on earth . LOLOL .

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