Went to school as usual. Had Science for the first period. Charlotte became my sister! :D I think. LOL. Ooo, i now have AAA gan in BPS. LOL.. I 'carried' her to maths class, which was on the fourth floor. Ohmygod. You can imagine how lazy she was. HAHA! Nah, i dont mind. (:
Had maths test. I hope i dont fail. Charlotte, Jazreel, Yolande and me went to put our bags in Geography room before going to recess. I saw Charlotte at the drink stall when i was buying my drink. She was standing right infront of me somemore. LOL. Bought my drink and saw all 3 of them. (: Jazreel and Yolande suddenly disappeared when me and Charlotte went to buy food. Sat beside MingQuan and Charlotte on the other side. Chuanzhen scare me. -.-. He suddenly say i took his seat. -.-. Dont understand why he treats me like an enemy nowadays. Wanna kick his ass sia!
Went to Georgaphy lesson. Boring. I was busy playing Meiyi's handphone game. HAHA! Nice game. After that CCA period. Urgh. I never bring PE. I wanted to go buy. The stupid stall never open. Urgh. I gotta go borrow. My dance is much better than the previous previous times already. But still have alot of mistakes. -.-.
After dance, went staff room look for MrOng for my Elearning Password. Went home and tried. Stupid. My internet died on me. What a freaking wrong timing. Urgh. I dont know what to do lah can. Called my mum and told her. She said she'll try when she reach home. She tried, but did not work. Gosh. I'm so dead. Asked lester if i could go his house do. He say his mum only allow him weekends use computer. URGHHHHHH..
Watched tv. Now night time cannot online already. Can la, but i have to climb all the way to third floor just to use. Ohmygod. Dontwant la. So bored la every night. ): I think i'm having PMS. No wonder nowadays my temper abit sot one..
Woke up. Went to school. First period was Chinese. Boring. I did nothing. Then went for English lesson. Situational writing again. Then recess. Played psp. See Darryle and Charlotte compete. Haha. And Yolande. And Mingquan. Haah. D&T was next. Did some work. Very slack lah yesterday. Cher bring us to computer lab. But the computers suck. So lag. I managed to post though. (: Haha! After D&T , reading period. Went back to Hall. Then take newspaper read. Heard from Yolande and Jonas one Judo guy from our school is in the Home Sports Section of the newspaper. Haha. Yeah, he from my chinese class one. Haha.
After that, went to Excel room. Help to bring chairs put chairs properly in order for the night's Meet the Parents. Did till 2pm. Then went home. Daddy thought i lost. -.-. He said he made an announcment looking for me. -.-.. LOL. Went home, went heartland. Ate KFC. Then went home. Used computer. I dint post yesterday cause i was lazy. Too lazy. Haha. I was also worrying bout what will happened tonight. Cause also will get back Report book. What will be my muum's reaction if she knew i failed History so badly. Urgh.
Reached the school, took the report. Guess what!!! You wil not believe it. Cause i cannot too. -.-. Let me show you my results slip. Okay lah. Maybe very lousy for ALOT of you. But to me, this result FROM me already very good.
English Language : 63.0 B4
Chinese : 70.0 A2
Mathematics : 85.0 A1
Science : 95.0 A1
Geogrpahy(Revised) : 57.0 C5
History(Revised) : 18.0 F9
Literature(E) : 71.0 A2
Design & Technology : 45.0 D7
Art : 52.0 C6
IN MY SECONDARY LIFE, I'VE NEVER SCORE LIDDAT. My first term in Secondary one also failed 3 lor. -.-. LOL. ANDANDAND, LOOK AT MY CRAZY SCIENCE SCORE. I THOUGHT I TOOK WRONG PAPER. But i look look look, impossible to take wrong paper. The name there very clear, CHEN SHI TING SHANETTE. LOL! AHHHHHH. So happy. :D:D Muahaha. LOL! Dont care my History result lah. -.-. Stupid one.
Yayness! :D Victory belongs to me lah can! :D HAHA! Kidding kidding. I want to new laptop lor. That's what my mother promised me. But i dont dare ask. Cause later confiscate again. -.-. Stupid. I want back my phone. But i dont dare ask also. Urgh. I want a guitar lah! THIS ONE I DARE ASK. How long have i been asking for it already. December till now. Issit december. Maybe January. LOL. Haha! :D
See! I kept my promise, and i came back to post. Wahaha. Woke up in the morning by my mother. She bought Mac breakfast for me so went and ate it. Then slacked. Watched Home Alone 2. So nice. The child in the show is damn cute. (: Watched finished already 12. Went to bathe. I havent finish doing my hair, jiejie reach my house already.
I ate lunch and prepared finish, went for dance class. The pants i wore was so big lah. I finally know how to dance. But still alot of mistakes also. Idk why, this week when i do dance i dont feel VERY VERY exhausted like how i used to last time. Its a great thing. Teacher gave us a form to invite the parents to come watch us perform on 27thJune. Ohmygod. I dont want my parents see! I very noob later they dont let me continue dance i die. Haha.
After that went home. I told my mother i wanted to go eat at a Hotel. You know those veryy grand hotels. The buffet or food there or the service there good ma. I wanna go. Since its been such a long time since i went to this kind of hotels. She told me she couldnt entertain me wtf. Whats her problem la. My weekend is so boring you know. Sigh. How many weeks liddat already. I emo-ed all the way lah.
Played Djmax till got tears in my eyes. LOL! Wanna know why? I dint blink for a very long time. HAHA. And i hit the combo already. Now my combo is 24k i think. :D After that watched HannahMontana. LOL! :D Then went to eat dinner. Then went to Church.
I wore very suibian lah. But way better than my brother. He wore his shag clothes. -.-. Went church, went to the second floor one. Cause first floor too many people. And i dont wanna have too much movements. Later everyone stare at me i freeze. -.-. So went up and took a good seat. I could see everything from the top! :D When the Priest came in with a few kids and teens, someone caught my eye. He loook damn cute la. And guess why he caught my eye? Its not cause he was cute and it caught my eye okay. He was like the idk what thing la. Like sit beside the priest that kind.
So he sat there. My eyesight not very good. So i couldnt see very clearly. When i was looking at the screen, i keep feeling someone's staring/watching at me. I looked down. I saw HIM staring at me. LOLOL! At first his whole head look up. Then when he caught my attention, i started looking at him. Then his head became straight. But everytime when he thought i was looking he looked up. Only his eyeballs moved. I wasnt sure. I whispered to winnie. I told her someone's looking here issit. LOL. I think she dint hear me la. Cause after awhile, she go say: Eh, look at the guy at the extremem right, he keep looking on top you know. at SOMEONE you know. Stupid la she. I noticed it like how many minutes ago lor. I told her i couldnt see clearly. But i did caught him looking up quite afew times. On top so many people, he could be looking at someone else right. Then i very curious how he look like already.
From on top, really cannot see clearly. When it was ending he walked infront. I saw him. FREAKING CUTEEEEE! Cuter than Nico ohmymama. HAHAHA! :X He didnt look up. But he tried. LOL. Then my maid suddenly made a loud sound. And he looked down. URGH! I wanted to go "look" for him. But winnie go the shortcut way i couldnt pass by him. Stupid. Went to Shop&save to get some stuffs. I saw some yuying guy. I think if im not wrong is 2G one. I DONT BELIEVE HE IS A CHRISTIAN. !?!? He is angela's friend. I think. I saw him guailan-ing her before. LOL.
After that walked back home. Passed by the church again. I tried looking for him. Dont have. I think he went home already. Then i listened to my ipod. Crazy winnie tapped on me and asked me to look. He seemed so familiar. THEN I REALISED HE WAS THE GUY THAT I WANTED TO FIND. BLAH. But i missed it! STUPID. Was i already walked pass him. He was on the phone. Winnie said he saw me walking passed him. But when we were so close he picked up his phone. Purposely one issit. -.-.. Eyer! I dint got a chance to see his face ohmygod ohmygod. Unfair leh!
I cannot wait till next week when i can see him again. LOL.. My maid also says he live near here. She saw him cycling pass my house before. AHHHHHHHH! MUST CYCLE PASS AGAIN!!!! LOLOLOL. The feeling's so different. Its not like those desperate kinds. Also not like those dont want stead kinds. ALSO not like i like him, i wanna stead those kinds. I just cannot figure it out. Haha! But he is way cute. (:
Earth Hour is now. Haha. Already 20minutes passed already. :D LOL! And my lights are on. CAUSE IM SCARED OF THE DARK :D:D:D! HAHAHAHA!!! Alright. I shall end my post here. Byebye & God Bless :B
You're the person inside my head now.
I've need to find you.
I've got to find you.
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