So woke up and played audition. Very idiot la. I can chance ABIT now. All my scores with other people all so close to winning one sia. STUPID. I looked at the time, 10.30 already. I RUN GO BATHE and prepare. Prepared finished, 11.15 already. Online awhile, 11.35 alreeady! I RUN OUT KOVAN. My god, very tiring sia. Check my ezilink. CANNOT WORK. I dont know why. Havent activate i guess. -.-. So i run to the busstop and exchanged coins with the aunty there. The aunty very kind. HAHAHA.
When the bus came already 11.50 liddat. God man. Jiejie reached TM at ... i dont know, 1205 liddat? SOT RIGHT? I still got far far distance to go man. Reached Tampines int at 12.50 liddat. I lost my way x.x!? Super alot of people, and they made me so confused. LOL... I called jie to come to my rescue. She dint really helped la actually. :X I found the way myself. I first spotted the mall. Then i look look look, anyhow walk. LOL. In the end still ended up in the mall. Lucky me.
Went up to Cinema there. I spotted jiejie! SHE DAMN CUTE. I saw the clothes she wore, was what i wanted to wear. She wore polka dotted singlet(white singlet black dots) with cardi(white) and shorts. I wanted to wear polka dotted singlet( black singlet white dots) with cardi(black) and shorts. But i see myself in the mirror, goddamnit. FREAKING FAT LA. So i changed. Actually i looked even fatter. But who cares, no time already. LOL.. So coincidential. If only i wore the same.. HAHAH. It would look damn funny. Never say what to wear, but still wore the same. Alamak!
Went 77th street to get our ears pierced. Jie wanted Helix. I told her to, she dont want. So she pierced her third earhole on the left. I poked my 2nd earhole on the right and the 3rd earhole on the left. WOOHOO. Pain leh. Lucky never touch bone. Hahaha. Went to walk around. Then movie time was up, went to cinema bought things to eat. SHE KEPT TEMPTING ME LA. I bought Nachos and cheesy hotdog share with jie. Watched Night In The Musuem 2! ITS DAMN NICE. DAMN FUNNY. AHAHAHHA. THE CHARACTERS IN THE SHOW DAMN CUTE. Cannot stop laughing. HAHA. Someone said the cupids in the show are the Jonas Brothers. Actually i dint notice X.X But i know one of them looked like Joe. Dont know if it is. LOL. But they sang Love Bug. So maybe it is. HAHAHA. JONAS BROTHERS AS CUPIDS. LOL!!!
After the show, went looking around the whole shopping mall. Nothing we liked, at all. -.-.. Went T1. Nothing also. But we went into More Than Words. I saw DUMBO sitting right at the top. I meant Dumbo dumbo, not benjamin dumbo. LOL!

Then went back TM. Cause i told jie inside got Mango. She dint know. LOL! I lead the wrong way. She told me maybe Mango inside Isetan. Then i told her NO LA. -.-.. But it really was inside. My sense of direction really die. LOL. Bought clothes. We did last minute shopping la. That time was already like... 5? I think.
Bought clothes and went to Cotton On. Also last minute. I wanted to buy some weird jacket jie asked me to buy. But i scared my mum say i spend too much though she gave me alot. (I know she's testing me, see whether i got spend alot anot. Everytime liddat one.) So i only bought one clothing. I spent $53 on clothes. ._. And ... i dont know how much on food and ticket. Lazy to count. HAHA.
I rushed back home, cause i scared mummy angry with me again. Then i was rushing rushing like a mad woman seriously, i looked damn unglam already. In the bus, there was this girl who looked like me. She even sat beside me. -.-... LOL. I do what action, she also follow. I mean like, on the same time. How weird. Both of us was wearing pink shirt and white shorts. She was carrying a Cotton On plastic bag, and so was I. The moment her phone rang, my phone rang too. ._. So weird. LOL. We also stopped at the same station. LMAO SIA.
Rush rush rushhhhhhh!!! So i reached home at 7.18pm. 3minutes late. Again. -.-. (One of the reasons why on wednesday my mum was so angry.) So crazy. LOL. I was sweating like hell, it was as if i ran the whole kovan place. HAH?! Now i'm going to go rest and bathe and watch tv and sleep. HAHAHA. BYEEEE!
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