I wanna slim down. Its been 1week since i exercised. Cause i'm producing too much sweat the pass few weeks. Making all my zits appear. So i stopped. And now, i don't want to start. D: So how!!!!! I MUST control my eating diet. Have been eating too much these few days. I MUST CHILLAX!!!!

Walao. I just changed back to blogger, then i cannot export the posts from wordpress to blogger. Then now my may posts all gone... If you people want to read, you've got to go to that wordpress blog to read it kay. Sorry for the trouble.
People all complaining they cannot tag my blog. So poor thing hor, read my posts, got comments to give, cannot give. LOL. Okayokay, i'm back to blogger once again. Anyway i guessed i would. Lol. Jonathan Toh will be super frustrated by the time he sees this. Cause i think this is the year that i've change my links for donno how many million times. I find it very irritating too.
Actually, i shouldnt have even changed to wordpress hor. My wordpress blog, not even a month, already have 500plus people viewing. Are you nuts?! ._. LOL. Now i'm having trouble finding blogskin. This is seriously one thing i hate about blogger. Lol. Okayokay, lets talk about my life now.
Currently, i'm very stressed with my exams. Cause i'm afraid that i'll fail. And, i'm going to cut my hair with Annabelle soon. So that means i'm going to see her soon! Very happy. And today, i saw alot alot of my old friends/schoolmates/classmates once again.There was You De, Anson, Li Long, Kenji, Xue Ying, Lee Yang, Joey, Jeslyn, Rachel, Jianann & Fion. :D I finally got to see Jianann. Like after so so so long. 5months already. LOL. He looks much better real life than in pictures kay. Fion is the best. (: AND, tomorrow there is dance! I am so so happy!! I cannot wait till i start getting into the groove after 2weeks of not moving at all. Haha!
But Monday's my horror. Cause its history paper. I think i'll do quite okay for it. Cause i did study you know. My main problem. Science. I want to get into a science stream yet i keep failing my science. What the hell is wrong with me. Dont know. I have got to pass every subject!!!! But i don't know how. Maths was a killer today. I don't know. My confidence level is not as high as before already. I panicked, and half the time was gone. Ohmygod. That was only paper1. I don't know what to do with paper2. Please, i wanna pass.
Next Sunday i'm have gathering with my fellow primary school mates! Woodgrovers groove to the max!! :D I AM SO HAPPY MAN!!!! I CAN SEE MY BABIES ALREADY! YAY! I cannot cannot cannot cannot wait till that day! CANNOT WAIT BABY!!!!
I think i have summarised my whole week already. Yep, good. Now i'll do up my blog. And you guys can start tagging once again. (: Must welcome me back, if not i'll die one you know. Hehehehe. Okay. Byeeeee!
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