I just came back from dance. Hohoho. Very tired now, but i still wanna post.
I dont know where to start. Ohya, start from this morning. LOL. OK!
Woke up at idk what time. Prepared for guitar lesson and went to heartland.
Finished guitar lesson, waited for Klarcye to come my house.
Cause when i reached back home, it was already 10.35am.
She said she's reaching my house around 11.
Leaded her to my house(as if it's her first time coming liddat. LOL.), and i went to bathe after her arrival.
Bathed finished, ate lunch and jie help me poke in the contacts to my tiny eyes.
Mummy reached home after that to fetch us to UE square. (:
Jiejie told me teacher jovin say 1pm meet. Then we reach there, no people one.
LOL! After awhile, people slowly came. Hahaha! Practised awhile and went to try on our costumes.
Tsktsk, my legs, so big. My arms, so big. ._. My eyes, so small. My face, so round. LMAO WTF.
Dance afew more times, and class ended. We went to change back into our normal clothes.
And we headed to Wisma. Wanted to get something called the binder or idk what is it la.
I dont know how to explain. :P So sad, dont have. Walked around. Very tired.
So went to Food Republic for some rest and food. LOL. Jie bought two avocado drinks. -.-
I bought Mango drink! Hahaha. Alison and Rachel bought Watermelon and Desert respectively.
Headed of to Cineleisure after that, to get our earings. Damn it man, we missed bus 123 by a few seconds again.
So we went to the next busstop, hoping another bus that goes to cineleisure would be there.
WE CAUGHT IT. PHEW, CLOSE SHOT K. The stupid bus uncle, thought i'm so old.
I paid 55cents for the bus fare, then he was like: You pay one uh? I said yes and he told me cannot. -.-.
I so old i pay so little. I was like, wtf? What old. -.- I only 14 years old k.
Then he tell me show ezilink. I SHOW LA. Idiot. I know i look like a witch k. Wtf la he.
Shopped at the earing shop for quite awhile.
The things there were so cheap and nice. Go check it out, it's at the 2nd floor, the shop beside Diva. :D
Went back to UE square after that. Urgh. Very tired still. I wanted to just sleep k.
Ate there and prepared for performance!!!! :P
The make up on me, looks weird. ._. And Klaryce Lim Si Hui keep saying its nice. ._.
I was like, tsktsktsktsktsk. -.-. We went down to wait for our turn to perform.
IT WAS SO FAST O.O. Hahaha, so performed. I saw Winnie with my family.
1 more month, very long siah. -.-. (I know you dont understand what i talking. No need to. :D)
The performance was damn successful. After the performance, everyone was like clapping and cheering.
Mygod, the feeling was fantastic. HAHAHAHAHA. :D
After that, me sihui and alison stayed back for some club dance thingthong. LOL K.
The dance was really very fun. Cannot help but keep laughing and laughing. LOL.
Reached back home before 10.30pm. Bathed and everything, and now posting. :D
I'm really very tired. And there's still alot of pictures to post. ._. Urgh. Somemore so big leh the pictures.
I think i'm gonna post the post tomorrow bah. But i'll save it as today's post. :D
Fyi, i very shag, i very tired, pictures were taken after performance.
Dont expect me to look nice. But klaryce is beautiful. (:

This child was trying to dance~ Dance dance dance~
Snap each other. HAHA.
Klaryce Lim de zuo ping. LOL. She snapped me.
MY ZUO PING. HAHAHA. I snapped her.
Still dancing~
We were trying out our costumes.
Still trying.
What happened sia. LOL.
Klaryce, Me, Alison.
Jovin, Klaryce, Me, Alison and a girl from another dance class.
They told us to do gui lian(retarded faces). LOL!
Teacher Jovin told us not to put on Facebook.
I put in my blog. HAHAHAHHAA.
I know no difference. LMAO.
Pig face. -.-.