I'm beginning to see the light.
Blow the candles out, looks like a solo tonight.
But i think i'll be alright.
Klaryce Lim is coming to my house today. Not to play, TO STUDY.
Good gracious. ._. She says she has got loads of homework undone.
So she's coming my house to do it. And she expects me to study too.
I have no idea what i'm going to study. :X
She's still having her oral.
She said what when they were oraling halfway, the teachers went for a meeting. TSK.
Aiyo, i hate my hair. I luv Cassadee's hair. D:
Schooooooooooooool's restartinggggggggggg. D:
So irritating. I want to eat, yet i want to slim down.
See la, i so greedy. Keep asking for so much tsktsk.
I want my face to be flawless. D: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Let me repeat this for the idk how many times, I'M SO IMPERFECT
Eh, that idiot there.
If you copy things from me, can you just state it somewhere that you've got it from me?
Don't take things from me, and make it your own k. Such a copypig.
I know even when i'm DEDICATING this few sentences to you, you wont even know its you.
Whatever la, this proves you dont know what you did wrong.
This proves that you take small things as nothings.
This proves you dont care about anything but yourself.
No wonder he left you. Stop blaming everyone la.
Stop acting so pitiful in your blog la. -.-. I see also eye pain leh.