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    Thursday, June 18, 2009

    Here i am, still holding on.

    Woke up at 9am. Watched tv, Home Alone 2. Home Alone series in nice to watch.
    The naughty boy inside is super cute! :D Then downloaded audition patch.
    Played awhile HAHAHA. AWHILE ONLY POOR ME D: LOL. Cause i wasnt supposed to be playing.
    Chatted with mummy awhile, since her working times now very abnormal. LOL.
    Then after she went to work, i used the computer awhile. HEHEHEHE. (I know she's going to kill me.)
    Went to bathe and prepare. Meeting Crystal today.
    I took a long time to choose clothes. Fat people like me, hard to find clothes to wear.
    I prepared finished at 12.30pm. I'm supposed to leave house at that time.
    Quickly gobbled up my food and headed out of house.
    Went Bishan to meet her. I wasnt late! I think i reached there around 1.25pm or something.
    Saw her, she's still as retarded as ever. LMAO. Last time she came my house, london lady.
    This time i go out with her, china lady. LOLL!!! Damn funny la she.
    I was like, laughing down there. And she was like BEATING ME -.-.
    Irritating. Pain you know. Continuously beating me tsk.
    Walked around Bishan. Nothing to see la seriously. And i was feeling very very warm.
    Freaking SINGAPORE WEATHER. -.-. I think the heat sucked all my energy out of me.
    I was feeling very very very very VERY tired.
    Went Causewaypoint after that. Crystal saw her friend. O.o
    Michelle i think. LOLOL.. Then we went Time Zone.
    Tsk, super alot of people. LMAO. (Bear with me, i long time never go out. I became an alien already. HAHAHAH.)
    I damn sian i tell you. Like almost falling asleep.
    Took neos with the two girls. Lol. I look retarded in all of them.
    I didnt managed to send all the photos to my phone.
    Not enough time. Went to play DDR after that.
    Long time never play, and the DDR there different songs.
    I so blur, dontknow which one nice. So Crystal ended up choosing all the songs.
    She told me she very pro. Can play Difficult mode. -.-
    Then i only played Basic ma. Then she so weird. Supposed to be easy for her right.
    She tell me i fast song pro, slow song noob. ._. Cause she's the opposite.
    LOL... Weird person. I hate slow songs okay.
    Play finished already walked around. Went to so pasar malam. LOL.
    Causeway point ALWAYS got pasar malam one. Things there were cheap. (:
    I bought a cardigan. Looked like a man's one. But the owner says it's a girl's one.
    So bought it. I wanted to buy another top. Very cute.
    But i think i'll look fat in it, so i dint buy. :P
    Nothing to do already, then head home.
    This is the first time that i go out and want to come back home asap eh!
    I also don't know why. Quite moodless or something. -.-. ALSO DONT KNOW WHY. LMAO.
    Will be heading to Audition World already. Byebye people.

    I think this Crystal Lai purposely took my side view or whatever view uh!
    Naughty idiot. -.-. LOL!

    LOL RETARDED SHOT OF ME. I was supposed to take with them.
    But I looked damn ugly, dontknow what pose to do.
    Then smile also smile until so ugly. I wanted to get out one.
    But the stupid machine SNAPPED ME in that position. LMAO!
    ( See this picture can really LAUGH OUT LOUD. LOLOLOLOL!!! )

    And i think this MV is cool. LOL. Dark dark one. HAHAHA.
    Like SS501's MVs.

    And i saw a picture of Wangzi's brother. OHMYGOD LA. Where got cute sia. -.-.