(It's not like i've never been there before. It's just that i'm going with baby today. Of course happy la.)
I bet she's still pigging in her bed. Now already 9.20am.
She's supposed to meet me before 11.30am.
HAHAHA, okay la. Abit early still. BUT I'M STILL SURE SHE'LL 10 THEN WAKE UP.
HAHAHAH. Maybe eh! Sucha pig. (Don't scold me ah! LOL.)
I dont know what to wearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I'm too fat to wear any singlets D: I'm so not wearing swimming costume k. -.-.
Eee zhen me ban. Tsk, i know. Giordano tees. -.-.
I even look fat in that la can. Tsk, bobian liao. OKAY.
HAHAHA! :P I shall be back to post later on. (:
Editted @ 9.35pm.
HI DEARS, HELLO DARLINGS, HEY BABIES! HAHAHAHA. I'm back from my wonderful outing today.
First things first, i said baby will wake up at 10am right?
I guess wrong. ): She woke up 15minutes earlier, awww..
HAHAHA, watched tv till 10plus, went to bathe afterwards.
It started to rain at my place. I quickly went and ask people who stayed at pasir ris if their place were raining.
They told me no. Stupid baby. Tell me there will rain after our place. She damn alibaba la.
Prepared everything, and jiejie reached my place at 11.30 i think?
I saw Marcus standing outside my house like an idiot. -.-. LOL.
So off we went to Wild Wild Wet; Me, Klaryce, Marcus, Spencer, Winnie, DADDY! :P
We were squeezing in the car. Tsktsk. Actually spencer should sit in the front.
Cause he is somehow the biggest in size. -.-.
But Marcus sat in the front. LOL. Reached WWW around 12 i think.
Me and spencer signed up for Nebo card. LOL.
Jie kept telling me to sign up cause the tickets to enter would be around 10dollars cheaper.
So i signed up! Hahaha. The person there asked if i've got a picture of me in my phone.
So that i dont need to take on the spot. I checked my phone, no nice pictures.
The nicest picture, was taken like 5months back. -.-.
I showed the guy, he go show another guy, the guy say okay. So okay lor.
Sent to him. Pekchek la. LOL! He tell me his bluetooth name got 3 chinese words.
I search 2times, DONT HAVE. And the search took so long. -.-
3rd time, he told me to send to another guy.
But this time, i managed to search the previous guy's bluetooth's name. TSK. LOL!
So done, went in to WWW :D
Marcus, Spencer, Klaryce, Me and Winnie went to play first.
Daddy go put things in locker.
We played the shiok river first. LOL LAH. Very funny one. Hahahha.
The game not so fun, but the people damn amazingly humourous. (:
After that, we played "Ooo lala" (How to spell uh???). LOL.
The picture taken by the auto camera looked damn retarded seriously.
We werent looking at the camera. Maybe others were, i werent. LOL.
After that, we went to play the tsunami thingy.
Found floats and waited for the tsunami to hit us. HAHAHAHA.
So long eh! I so angry, my whole body damn dried up already, still havent start.
He like some shark coming from underwater. HAHAHA.
Still waiting for tsunami!!!!!! AND FINALLY THE BELL RANG AND IT STARTED.
Damn coooooool. Hahaha! Played finished, hmmmm. Let me recall.
OH OH OH! We went "Ooo lala" again! This time with daddy dearest! :P
We saw 3 angmoh boys damn cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee. SIGH, WHY ANGMOHS SO CUTE LA.
One of them asked Marcus if we could let them go first because they left 5minutes before going home. (Sounds kinda ridiculous cause i think only 1plus. ._. You paid so much just to go in for 2hours or so?)
But still let them into the queue but behind us. LOL.
Too cute to resist uh. HAHAHA. After that went to the playground swimming pool.
First, waited for the big pail of water to drop on our heads. LOL!
Then, rested there awhile, cause dont know what to do already.
Then, jiejie suggested we go play those kiddy slides.
I find myself, so kiddy. ._. But everyone wanted to play, so there's no harm playing it right? :D
Spencer cannot climb up the rope thingy, LOL.
Then he was like infront of us, very slow, alot of people behind him. -.-.
Play all the slides there. Whoever came infront of spencer and marcus, means death.
Cause they both slide damn damn fast. -.-?!?!?!
And they wont wait till you get to the bottom. Maybe like 1/4 way down, they'll slide down already.
Jiejie have heart attack because of them. HAHAHAHAH!!!!!
Marcus suggested to play the big purple slide. The dark dark one. ._.
So we went up, Winnie dint follow us, cause she say her shirt make her stuck at the slide LOL!
After that, we went for lunch! It was around 2plus i think.
Daddy queued up damnnnnnnnnnnn long. REALLY VERY LONG.
We were all down there chatting chatting for VERY LONG.
He still queuing. And the queue like never move liddat. =.=.
After waiting for so long, he finally bought food for us.
We ateeeeeeeeeeeeee. Me and Marcus ate the fastest. Jiejie ate the slowest. HAHAHA.
We went shiok river immediately after eating.
We dint take the float, we go for a swimmmmmmmmmm. :D
It's been so long since i swam. My swimming skills WENT DOWN DOWN DOWN AND DOWN. -.-.
I wanted to swim faster than Marcus. But i went out of breath super easily.
Cause no goggles. Plus my skills went down. So hard to swimmmmm.
So obviously cannot catch up, very tiring urgh! We went two rounds!
After that we went and up the SLIDE UP. Or something liddat one.
The blue colour one, U shape one. LOL.
Jiejie said she had phobia to it. But she still sat with me. HAHAH :P
Luv her man! Marcus and Spencer said that me and jie would be very scared till we backed out.
Just admit it, they're cowards, acting brave only.
Went to cycle after that LOL. At the board there, they say its a THRILL RIDE.
Finished that already, marcus and spencer wanted to sit the blue slide again.
I dont want, cause the queue very long. -.-. My legs cannot stand the long queue kk.
I dint know jie want anot. o.o She just followed me.
Winnie, me and jie went to shiok river swimming again. HAHAHAHA.
Very nice leh, can train leg muscle uh! HAHAHAHA.
We went 2 rounds again. Daddy called us up, o.o
SPENCER AND MARCUS STILL QUEUING. See la, told ya the queue was freaking long.
Spencer called us come play, so we did. HAHAHA.
I feel kinda bad for cutting people's queue actually. :X
But, aiya, NEVERMIND. HAHAHA :X We went to play, Weeeeeeeee~
After that, hmmmmm. One more round of shiok river and then head to tsunami!
I luv tsunami la. Damn nice. HEHEHE.
Tsunami finished already, we went and batheeeeeeeeeeeee. Late already. 6pm.
Bathed finished, 6.30pm. I was trying very hard to dry my hair, WITHOUT DRYER OBVIOUSLY.
I look very ugly when my hair is wet, somemore, i dint straighten my hair. My god.
So frizzy... My hair is spoilt... D:
After that, went White Sand to buy my dance pants.
Urgh, very frustrating la. I donno what to buy.
Then i saw one, very flair kind of pants. I WANTED THAT PANTS FOR LIKE HOW LONG AGO LA. ._.
But, go out with daddy, he sure wont buy. He keep telling me to buy the other one.
The kind of pants, idk what kind la. Like very common kind.
And i hate it. Cause it wraps up my fat legs. Zzzzzzzz.
I was getting so frustrated. So nevermind lor, that pants then that pants.
But dont have my size! I mean, i can wear a size smaller, but i want a size bigger!
So i wont look THAT BIG size. D: But dont have. So daddy gave me ANOTHER pants to try.
That was free size. IT STILL WRAPS MY THIGHS. -.-. Like PIG LEGS. URGH.
URGH URGH URGH. But i bobian le la. Sigh.
I shall think of some ideas to wrap my legs up so i wont look so fat.
So bought that pants, and went for dinner. It was already 8 plus.
Ate at HK cafe. Haha. The food there was EX-PEN-SIVE.
And, the KFC inside me havent really digested eh...
I still ordered Milo and Baked rice... D: Later my stomach sure explode.
LOL! Finished dinner, really my stomach looked as if i'm pregnant 3months. HAHAHAH.
Went to gardian, bought some cream, and went home.
Chatted with jiejie in the car. Even though the car was squeezy, we mannaged to squeeze words out of our mouths. :D
Chat chat chat, finally reached jiejie house. Put her down and waved her goodbye.
Guess what she did. -.-. SHE BANGED THE DOOR ON MY FACE WTF. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanted to fall asleep in the car already, zzzzzzzzzz.
But home was so near, dint want to sleep.
Reached back home, wanted to bathe again. But it's like late already.
AND I AM TIRED KKKKKK. My eyelids are dropping already. Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnns.
Jiejie dont want to sleep. HAHAHA. :D
I finally finished blogging. Tsk. First time i WRITE for an hour.
FIRST TIME REALLY FIRST TIME. LOL. The pictures very small.
Took a short time. Hehe haha hoho. I finally finished. Yay! I can go to bed already.
Night night dears! Sleep tight darlings! Goodbye babies! HAHAHA.

I know i look very big size. No need say.
(FYI, my specs got the sunglassy thingy thong. So blackblack one. HAHA.)


Damn ugly la. -.-. My hair still wet. MUSHROOM HEAD SIA ME. -.-.

Shen jing bing. Dont know what kind of shot is this. LOL!


Some random shot taken my jiejie. She wanted to show me the camera "goodness" LOL!
(Winnie's half head is seriously damn extra la. -.-.)