I want to jump off building. I want to dance now, but no partner or someone dance with me.
Wtf, fucking bored oh my god. -.-. I'll post finish, and off i head to audition.
Oh ya, no cake yesterday.
Woke up as usual in the morning, head to school as usual too. Normal lesson as usual toooooo.
Today's weather not bad. Not like yesterday, so hot.
After school went to find Sally. Hahaha! Esther was there too.
We sat at Subway. But both of them dont want to eat. Obviously, i also dont want.
Tsktsk, i not idiot sial. Both of them look at me eat, damn uncomfortable lo.
Then Sally suggested to eat Chicken Rice. LOL OK. HAHAHA. Reminded me of Ivan lo.
That madcow. Eat so many bowls of rice!!!?? CRAZY ONE. LOL.
Sally called two bowls of rice and i called one.
Yeah, when i was finishing mine, sally haven't even finished half the plate.
Who tell her call so much food. HAHA. Waited for her to finish and chatted.
She kept complaining it was too much. LOL. YOU DESERVE IT DEAR. ;D
Hahaha jkjk. After that walked around. Sally went in Cotton On.
She wanna get tanktop for tomorrow idk whose party. She desperate for that tanktop.
LOL. We stayed there for quite awhile. Walao, i see all the clothes, i so tempted to buy the whole shop. ):
No money la of course. Ohmygod, next time i sure ask mummy let me shop thereeeeeeeeeee. :P
Reached home and did usual stuffs. Played a few rounds of audition and ate dinner.
So little people online on MSN. Bet everyone was outside enjoying their Friday lo.
Sigh, wadahell la. So many people have Unlimited smses la. ): So saddening that i cannot get.
Urghhhhhhhhhhhhh. I want it like there's no tomorrow la. SIGHHHHHHHH BIG TIMEEEEEE.
Want to dont think about it also cannot. LIKE ALMOST EVERYONE AROUND ME ALL UNLIMITED.
QI SI REN LA. -.-. Ohya, i did 188bpm CFM just now. So proud of myself man. Ok, byebye.
Play audition with annabelle yesterday and i got x8 combo.
She still won, see so pro. LOL.