Charlotte dint come to school today. Think she's still sick uh.
Jinzi found his phone on his chair this morning. Wow, cool shit.
Jonas was on the teacher's table writing about why he suspects it was Rishi who stole Jinzi's phone.
Yolande was using the computer to go youtube play songs. LOL.
Ohya, the weather today is damn nice. Me luv today's weather many many!
I think it's because of the eclipse, that's why the weather like that! Awww!! I want everyday like that neh!! Hahahaha.
Before lessons started, Mr retnam suddenly came into our class and acted as if someone provoked him. -.-
Zhihao shocked, then down there keep pointing him back. LOL SIAL. HE REALLY DAMN FUNNY.
Normal lessons started. Wednesday - Most Amount Of Lessons Day.
LOL. Jazreel was rewriting the letter for Jonas. Cause Jonas' writing is damn power one.
All of a sudden, Jazreel just turned back from her table and told me that if she was a boy she sure stead with me. -.-
Say what i very nice. LOL. There's something wrong with her i think.
I think she was smsing her nui nai right. Sms too much then think i nui nai right. HAHA.
Hahahah. Ate during recess. I'm so gonna put on weight pls. -.-.
Went up to class and slack awhile. Lessons again. So many lessons today. Roars.
Science, Geography, History, Literature, Chinese. Roars.
Science lesson was right after Recess. Zhihao and Jazreel went and provoke Retnam.
LMAO. They were being chased out of the class because of that. Damn funny.
Cannot stop laughing. Hahahaha. So sleepy during History.
Cause tired, plus the weather is soooooooooooooo nice. HAHAHA. Cooling weather.
During chinese lesson, we ate Apple+Icecream. LOL. Tasted ok. Haha. But the icecream was melting already lo.
FT period was the last period of the day. Phew finally. Haha.
Suddenly the whole class was talking about Greece. -.-. I also dont know why.
Then the whiteboard, say what free tickets to greece. And then tickets are sponsored by Ryan.
Was chatting with Claire and Jazreel.
JAZREEL DAMN MEAN OKOKOK. LOLOLOL. Teacher went off at 2pm instead of 2.15pm.
Cause she need to go for the O level Listening Compre thing thong.
So we had 15minutes of free period. Kinda idiotic, but it was kinda humorous.
Jonas' hand hor, let the girls in my class draw until bwg already. LOL.
His whole right hand let people draw draw draw draw until no space to draw already.
Then when he walked pass me, i was like: Walao, Jonas what the hell happened to your hand?!
So i quickly took out my phone, wanted to snap jonas' hand so that i can post up to show you people.
Then he was like, NARH. *Puts his hand infront as that i can take picture of him*
LOL. Cute man. When the clocked striked 2.15pm, everyone ran out of class.
Screaming with joy cause school ended. LOL. Daddy's car alot of things today.
He go Bishan shopping uh. He already bought my birthday present.
SO CUTE LEH. It's a pig. Then on the pig, got Necklace and Earings.
VERY NICE LEH. LOL. Thanks daddddddd. Hahahaha. Luv it alot. :D
Then bathed. Omg la, i got alot alot alot of pimples la. Oh my god.
I seriously dont want to step out of my house already la sigh. -.-
Why so wrong timing la wth. Seriously damn wrong timing laaaaaa roarrrrrrrrrrrs.
It'll be gone in no time right.....? URGH PIMPLES ARE FUCKING DEADLY LA.
The Greece thing thong. LOL. Not clear....
Jonas' hand. -.-. Tsktsktsk.
My first attempt of trying to take a photo of his hand when alot of people's looking. LOL.
Uh, this one he let me take. HAHA.
The pig daddy gave me! SO CUTE LO!!!
This is my current dance song. Don't know why teacher want to choose this song.
The song is nice, i like it. But i dont really think suit the dance lo. ._.
Previously, Bojangles suits it more, i think.
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ let the music take me underground
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, evacuate the dancefloor
Oh, oh, I'm infected by the sound
(Everybody in the club!)
Oh, oh, stop, this beat is killing me
Hey Mister DJ come burn this place right down to the ground
Oh, and, if you want to off my blog music, the player's below uh. :D