Brrrrr, cold. LOL. Okay after awhile. Hahaha. Took height and Weight today.
I dint even grew a cm. I'm so sure my height's gonna be 163cm for life.
And, i know alot of people want to know my weight right? LET ME TELL YOU.
I'm proud to announce my weight now, SHANETTE TAN'S WEIGHT: 80KG.
HAHAHHA, ITS TRUE. LOL. Sorry no proof. My proof's my mouth. (:
Watched the boys play soccer. I realised how ugly i was when i started cam whoring.
Nah, i realised it long ago. (:
Math, History, English. All those usual subjects. Had Art.
My god, Yolande is so insulting. She drew me until like monkey omg.
At least my image of Yolande still looked like a human la! SO EVIL SIA SHE. LMAO!!
Went home and had Math tuition. Was very very tired.
My head of thinking of a particular thing. Tsk, i won't tell you.
I think people can guess lor. Lol. Sick and tired. -.-. Driving me nuts la.
16 more days, my birthday. Urgh, i don't know what to get.
I want that Sony MP3 player. The one don't have the long long wire one.
It's so nice lah! But i think it's not that liu xing already. Don't know la.
I'm afraid if i buy it now, later got new one come out how. ._.
Should i get that? It looks so nice leh!!! D: Daddy tell me to tell him what i want for birthday gift.
Should i get that??? Comments please. LOL. (I know no one would give. All view and run. -.-.)
I want to sleep now. ._. Very tireddddddd.
Tomorrow meeting Benjamin! Woooohooooo.

SEE LA, I dint bully her yet she shows me that kind of alibaba face!

Twist. :D Now, can you believe me that i'm fat already? (:

They writing names for fun. HAHAHA.

See la, this Jazreel. Make me feel like i've bullied her..

Jazreel wrote this. Nice eh!

My present for Charlottey! NICELY WRAPPED OK!

I'm so fat....... D:

I was trying to take the boys playing soccer, but Jazreel dear blocked me and showed me alibaba face again.
She thought i was trying to take a picture of her. HAHAHA.

See, they look like ants. So tiny.

Lalala~ Yolande's gonna blow when she sees this. :P

I'm trying to tell you that i'm freaking fringe is so freaking long that i need a haircut asap.
Don't care about those pimples on my face. It's normal for a human being ok. Especially now when i'm having, ehem. -.-.
I think Jazreel will kill me when she sees my blog. Ah whatever. I want to post everything here, no matter how ugly i am. LOL.
So that next time when i flash back, i can see how toot i am in the past ma. :D
I want that Sony MP3 player!!! So cool la!!!! I want i want i want! :P

Happy Birthday Charlotte!