This is seriously cool man! I played with the webcam just now. SO COOL.
LOL, i sound as if i've never seen a webcam. HAHA. WHATEVER. :D
It looks like a small tv to me my god. Quite pain in the eye though.. The brightness too bright. I don't like the keyboard. D:
So hard to press urghhhhh.I have to get used to it leh. If not how to play audition.
It's touchscreen anyway. SO COOL. Somemore no CPU. HAHA.
Okok, start on my post already.
Went to dance just now. KLARYCE LIM SI HUI WOKE UP AT 12PLUS. Gonecase. -.-
Learnt another few more new steps. Haha. Sweeeeet.
But i kept getting some parts wrong. If lucky, i did it right.
Reached home at 3.30pm i think. Haha. I told mummy to set up the new computer.
Cause i want to play audition. Missed it too much. Hehehaha.
Slacked awhile, daddy keep disturbing me! MAKE ME LAUGH LIKE SIAO EH HE.
HAHAHAHA. He tried acting like Michael Jackson. Moonwalk let me see. (fake one la.)
Then the computer the styrofoam(how to spell??) he go put on his head. HAHAHAHA.
I took a photo of him. FUNNY PLEASE.
After the computer was set up, i told mummy to on the webcam. I want playplay.
HAHAA. I wanted to take picture with mummy one, but she say she too unglam, so dont want.
Then i took one solo. HAHAHAHA. Craziness, i wanted to try out only.
I donno, then instead of camera, i on video mood. MAKE ME RECORD MYSELF.
I was screaming screaming, mummy don't want to delete!!!!!! SHE SO EVIL.
But the picture turned out quite cute. HAHA. It's a first shot.
Then Spencer walked in, i told him to come take with me. :P
Hehe! So cute leh! But i think the resolution not good la. It's like that one.
Pathetic much. LOL!
Went to church just now. Some pathetic choir singer don't know how to sing. -.-
She spoilt the whole music la. Wanted to throw stone at her. Don't know how to sing.
Still join choir. No brains. -.-. Nevermind, wasnt enjoying church today.
Planning to go tomorrow again. HAHAHA. I so free man~
Hahahaha, kidding. :D End of Saturday. Waiting for Sunday to come.
I hate Mondays. (:
NICE RIGHT. HAHAHAHA. Abit blur though. D:

Mummy trying the touch touch touch. LOL.
Keyboard. ._. So small. LOL. I mean the keys.