I've became very lazy to post now. Lol. All because of audition.
LOL. I dint really did anything yesterday. I guess all i did was audition.
And in the night, have dinner with family. Then came home and audition again.
Oh yeah, i slept for more than 3hours in the afternoon.
Had dreams that linked up. Dont know why either. The dream don't seem to concern me at all lo.
Weird muchhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ha. Played audition with Fel jiejie and her boyf and her friend.
THAT JANUARYTEN AGAIN LA. LOL. He so nuts. He changed ign. And i dont know.
On Saturday he go ask who am i. I told him i'm shanette. He don't know.
I also don't know him lo. So ignored. Next day play audition with fel jie.
And i realised that him and jie were friends. LOL.
I was like, Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. So that LUN guy is your friend uh.
She replied me saying that that guy was JanunaryTen. I shocked dao. Lol.
Waited for them to finish their game and i went in. He also said the same thing.
"Ohhhhh. So shan is your friend ah. Ok. Recalled." He told Fel. LOL!!
Then we started playing playing playing. Jesus christ. -.- I nearly won him lo.
But he ninja-ed me at the last move. TMD. -.- Let me win one time also cannot.
Roars, kick his ass. Lol... Night time played with them again.
Quite slack. LOL. He kept dc-ing and the other couple(fel and her boyf) never talk one. ._.
So like so sian sian sian la. I joined that LUN's fam. LOL.
It's just for the sake of it i guess. CityHarvest LMAO.
He still say he "HOLY". Tsktskkkk. SOMEMORE HE'S PASTOR LUN. KAOOOOOOO.
HOW THE HELL CAN HE BE HOLY LA. LOL... We played played played.
I tell you something, this JanuaryTen(LUN) very nutcase one. Must be just come out from IMH. :X
Whooooooooooops. But his nonsense also quite entertaining la, i can say. HAHA.
Monday, 3rd August 2009.
Woke up in the morning at 7.25am. :D Prepared for school.
I was having abit of fluuuuuuuuuuu. Morning problem i think. LOL.
Heard radio in the morning in daddy's car. Boythunder damn funny la pls! HAHAHAHAH. made me laugh sial he.
He got a call from his fellow djs. Then he was still in bed, on the phone, asking why they are calling on a SUNDAY morning. LOL. He said he remembered going to bed on a SATURDAY night.
LMAO MAN!! He was like: ok wait i go see my watch. *went to see his watch* AHHH...?!? IT'S 8 ALREADY!! Ahhh i'm late for work!! LOLOLOLOL. It kept me laughing for quite awhile. Hahahaha!
Plus the way he screams on the phone, funny like mad pls pls pls!! You should hear it lo! SURE LAUGH. Hahaha.
Normal lesson then recess already. Stared at Yolande and Charlotte and co. play floorball.
-.-. So many people chasing one fucking small ball. -.-. Pathetic sai.
Hate BALL games pls. Lol. Went for Homec after that. Made desert.
Did some poster thing for Phrenz Carnival too. Mine's acceptable i guess. (:
Math lesson was after homec. And then CDT. It's seriously as waste of time lo.
Had lunch after CDT and went back to class and slack. Haha.
English period was next. Slackkkkkk. JONAS KOH KEPT SPAMMING ME WITH NONSENSE.
TSKTSKTSKTSKTSK. LOL. Went back home after that and did daily things. :D
Going tuition soon lo. -.-. Byebyebyebyebye.