You people cannot find my tagboard and my profiles etc right.
Wtf so pathetic. I think it's at th bottom. It looks alright on my computer.
It's only some computers that they dont look alight. And i don't know why.
._. I'll fix it sooon... BUT JUST REMEMBER ITS AT THE BOTTOM.
I woke up at 7.35am today! LOL. Very tired. Today i seriously felt damn tired.
My whole body was aching. I dont know why la. Proably dint had a good sleep last night.
Sigh. Slept in the car, wanted to sleep in the hall but was damn uncomfortable.
Damn moodless in hall, -.-, i was eally god damn tired.
reached classroom, i want to just sleep. I just laid my head on the table while waitig for teacher.
I think i fell asleep during geog class. I don't know. I just know i really damn tired.
-.-.....!?!? Next period was Lit. Yay, watch-movie-period. Haha!
We carried on watching "Life is Beautiful". You know my last Wed's post, i said the show was very funny right.
This week also, LOL! But the sad thing is that we're reaching the tragedy part.
): Aiyo, should've concentrated more during History lesson. Cause now i don't know why hitler was so bias against the Jews. :X
DONT SAY I STUPID. LOL. I like history only when i WATCH it.
I hate it when i need to study. Zzz. Those dates and kns stuff. Wtf.
But don't worry, i'll go find out lo! I also must find out the ending of that show.
Stupid they go send the children and elderly to Gas Chaber by lying to them that they're going to have a bath.
WTF LA. SO FUCKING MEAN. STUPID PEOPLE. But this child in the show damn cute lo.
He don't want to bathe. LOL. Cause he hate bathing alot alot alotttttt.
SO CUTE LA. I pity the father alot alot alot too ): The child don't evn have a clue at all of what's going on sial.
The father suffering outside, but he come back and say the GAME was very FUN.
Cause he told the kid that they were playing a GAME. So poor thing la really..
So suay, the day the jews were being send to the cam area, was the child's birthday..
SUAY LIKE MADDDDDDD. I hope the ending's good uh. ._. Later all die die die. Wthhhhh.
We watched until forgot time. HAHAHAHA. Went recess and ate burger.
Went up to class and slacked. Retnam came to class so early. ._.
Lessons lessons lessons and last period FTP. Went home after that.
Now blogging. I was planning to change my blogskin. But zzzz. Lazy kills me.
Lol. So don't think i'll change already. Hehehh...
I'll let you take a look at how my skin's supposed to look like at your screen.

I cannot use photobucket to upload. -.- Cause the picture would look damn ugly.
-.- LOL. So just click open if you cannot see. (:
Soo... It's supposed to look like that la. ._. If it's not like that, something must be wrong with your computer.
LOL! Ok kidding. Haha! I wanted to exercise today. But seems like no one's free again.
I wanted to go Hougang eat. But no money. -.- I wanted to go out on Fri with Charlotte chiken.
But plan got ruined by some CIP shit thing that's from 12plus to 4plus.
-.- Probably would still be watching movie, depends i guess..
Ok, i think i'm done with this post here. Cya babies.