Let's start from what happened from morning.
I woke up at 6.30am, and prepared for school. I wore my class tee and fbt.
I tell you, i look damn fat. -.-. I really mean overweight that kind of fat ok.
But whatever la. Haha! Went to school, i saw everyone all scattered around.
So many people in their own class tees. Interesting... HAHA.
I didnt know where to sit. Cause 1E4 took our places. -.-. LOL.
So i anyhow sit first and waited for dear chicken Charlotte and Jazreel and Yolande.
Good thang Charlotte came fast. Actually i think she came earlier than me lo.
Just that she was with her other class friends. Haha.
The ceromony started. Aiya, the every-year-also-same ceromony. LOL.
Sickening. LOL. After all that ceromony thingthong, we went to around the school.
Hmmmmm. I participated in Indoor Rowing. I did mentioned before yeah.
Sec2 competition starts at 9.30am. But before that is the Sec1s.
I'm very interested in how difficult it was. They say its the "ADULT" one. -.-
What a name to give it la. So i watched the sec1s play. See until my legs and hands jelly. -.-
Like so hard lo! And Jonas was like down there, CAN ANOT? CAN ANOT?
Damn stressed sial. If i lose, i'll have to treat him drink sial. I so broke already leh.
Sec1s got part1 and part2. Cause not enough that rowing thing. LOL.
But second round no one came. Except 1A1. They were supposed to beat the others timing.
This teacher, i think he's called Mr John. LOL. MAD COW SIAL.
He one person rowed 2km leh! SOMEMORE HE'S DAMN FREAKING FAR FROM 1A1. BULLY SIAL.
We were up next after awhile! That was fast... D:
I dont care already la! Fail then fail lo! HAHA. We had to do 2km of rowing. -.-
So insane lo. LOL. Jonas went first. CRAZY MANZXZ HE.
There was this thing on the screen that shows how fast or how much more they need to row.
Then Jonas like mad cow like that, SO FAST SO FAR FROM THE REST ALREADY SIAL.
LOL MAN. Next up was Yolande! Ok... We slowed down... LOL.
OBVIOUSLY LA. How can we be stronger than that Jonas. Another Judoka one lo. Roars.
I helped Yolande speed up a little. A LITTLE ONLY. I used all my strength.
Tsk. Just to prove to those idiots who think i cannot row. -.-
Last was Nick. He boosted up and we got the 1st place!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEE.
2E3 ftw! LOL. I went out after that to rest awhile. Charlotte was in her skates.
Got a drink and went to Netball court to see how the netballers were doing.
They were all showing... must-win-if-not-i-kill-you looks on their faces. Scary to the max.
I dont know what to do next. So just walked around the school etc. lo.
Charlotte suggested we play rollerskating again. I dont know how to play ):
Jazreel followed us. Haha. So i put on the skates and i tried standing up this time.
The first time was after the indoor rowing. -.-. I CANNOT STAND UP.
I GOT SO DAMN FRUSTRATED LA PLS. Despite the help of Chuanzhen and Kaiquan, i still failed to stand up.
I gave up though.. So the second time was with Charlotte.
This time i managed to stand up. I also managed to walk around. VERY SLOWLY.
But i fell down still.. -.-..... Pathetic piece of shit. Yeah.
Went to the first aids to get my leg done. Jazreel and company pulled me there. ZZZ.
I DINT WANT TO GO LO. Nevermind, went there. Put plaster on my leg.
Then did nothing much already. Followed Yolande around the school.
Then played with Jazreel and Charlotte. Their in their skates and i'm in shoes. ):
Last thing was watching the boys play soccer. Their trying to get 3rd.
But i think the referee bias or something. Then some people from our class not happy.
Lol... Went up to hall after that for dismissal. Waited so long la.
People all can settle down fast one sial. Irritating manzxzx.
Around 1pm, finally everyone settled. Started giving up prizes.
Yay~ I got Silver medal for indoor rowing. Can get first lo...
2E4 won us by 5SECONDS la. Ohmygod. SO CLOSE SIAL.... Roars.
Nevermind, there's still a next year for me to try. :D
After school, Yolande and Charlotte followed me back home. (:
Jazreel cannot come again. Third time already. -.-
Reach Heartland, Charlotte wanna buy bbt and cupwalker. Yolande bought sushi.
Bought finished we walked back to my house. Crazy Yolande and Charlotte.
Walked so fast. Tsktsk. I doubt they know the way though. So let them walk lo.
But they smart. They walk until dont know how to walk already, shout back ask me left or right or straight. Tsk.
Yolande very HOT one, so i better tell her if not she hot until burn me :X
Reached my house, as usual, they're scared of chubb. Chubb over friendly.
LOL. Charlotte's more scared of chubb than Yolande. Yolande got a dog herself.
Of course she not scared la. HAHA. Slacked in my house for quite long.
Charlotte torture my bebe sial... I feel so sad for my bebe. TSK. STUPID CHICKEN.
But the fun comes in when this pervert added me on MSN. LOL.
I dint know who was he. But i accidentally added him. As in he add me, i wanted to press no but i pressed yes.
Must be the two distracting me. -.-... Nevermind.
Accepted and he talked to me. God damn pervet man he. I wanted to block and delete him already.
But charlotte saw our conversation. LOL. Then she decided to punish him for being a big cyber bully.
LOL! She was acting all hormosexual and horny and stuff to scare him away. LOL.
Damn damn funny. I don't really wanna elaborate much about this. GROSS TO THE MAX.
CHARLOTTE AND YOLANDE DAMN HORNY. LOL!!!! Cause after Charlotte played with that pervert, yolande go add him.
PLAY AGAIN. LOL!!!!! Then yolande became damn high man! She saw Darryle online.
she go say this to darryle: HI DARRYLE!!! DID YOU MISSED ME? ;D
Then darryle was like, zzz. Keep zzz zzz zzz. LOL.
Then Yolande say: Say you miss me !!!! :D
Darryle: Lol. Ya miss you miss you. zzz -.-""""""
THEN LEH, Yolande crazy again, go say: "Why keep zzzzzzzz. YOU DONT MISS ME UH D;
LOLL MAN. Then they were talking about go date and things like that already.
PLAYING ONLY LA. LOL MAN. SO FUNNY. The pervert's called Gerald Sim.
But yolande added DARRYLE to her MISSING list. FUNNY TO THE CORE.
Played finished already, Yolande went home at 5plus. Cause she had to get home before 6.
LOL. Charlotte stayed on and played with me. HOHO.
She went to bathe first, then ate dinner. Damn act cute man she. HAHA.
Dinner already, i went to bathe. Bathe already, watched Charlotte audition awhile.
Went to shop and save. Haha! I wanted to get the Famous Amos cookies ma!
Chatted with Charlotte heheheh. SHE KEPT CGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCG. Like she saying cheer like that.
Tsktsk. LOL. Rested awhile at my house. Then i sent her off to hell at 8pm.
LOL!!!!!! While walking out, we talked alot again. :D
She told me if she moved to SK already she can stay in my house 3days. LOL!
Ok... That sounds so wrong.. LOL!!!! NOT CHICKEN EHEM OK. Is chicken.
You know the fatfat yellow chicken. CUTE OK. LOL.
Sent her home and i walked home, alone... D: No one stays near me la!
So pathetic. Want walk home also alone. That's one bad thing to live in a private estate.
Roars. Nevermind.. Lol. I slept so early. LOL. I watched finished Tang Xin Feng Bao, i fell asleep already.
Then i think mummy came home and came in and pulled me back into my room cause i was watching tv in mummy's room. HAHA.
Actually, i'm posting at 080809, 11.09am. This is a saved post.
I was posting halfway yesterday and suddenly no internet. -.- Sickening.
Dont know what's wrong with my internet nowadays. Whatever.
Currently loading the pictures into blogger. So big sial the pictures.. D:
Sec1s Part 1. They infront so much energy behind die already. LOL...
1A1 is Mr John. NIL is 1A1. I think they sit wrongly. LOL!
Mr John - Yellow tshirt. 1A1 in Black class tee.
The people using skates and behind people playing soccer. Charlotte's extra man. LOL.
Netball. 2A2 VS 2E3, fighting for 3rd 4th. 2E3 fourth i think. Dont remember.
2E1 VS 2E4. 2E1 2nd place and 2E4 Champion.
Very ugly backview. -.- Yolande dont know how to take nice one.
I wasnt even looking straight. Roars.. LOL. Nevermind la. I slouched somemore.
Mygod man. -.- Sickening shot.
BEBE!!!! x3!!! CUTE RIGHT. YES CUTE. She's this small and isnt growing anymore.
I bet Charlotte's torturing my dog again. -.-. LOL.
See. You box me box you back x2. LOL.
This shot is the nicest. :D HAHAHA NO SEE MY FACE. NICE RIGHT.
So sickening.