I know alot of people like my Room Wallpaper right? Sadly, its going to be gone soon.
Cause it's already spoilt and it looks ugly now...
Mummy's going to change it just a plain pink wall. I'm still thinking of what pink to choose.
Actually a plain wall's nice too... I can ask someone to design on it.
LOL!! Grafitti rocks eh! :D Hehe. "SHANETTE IN HER SHEZ HOUSE YO!"
MADNESS. LOL. Kidding only. HAHA.
Alright, i recieved a sms from Nicole this morning. She told me to check out youtube.
Cause there are unglam photos that were being posted up. So i went to check it out.
Ok, and it was seriously unglam, bigtime. LOL! Here it is.
*Coughs....* I don't wanna name anyone from this picture. Unglam-ness to the max.
Obviously, im the most idiotic person standing right in the front.
-____- 早不拍,晚不拍,我站前面的时候他们才拍。Qianbian la! LOL!?
(Early dont want snap, late also dont want snap, i stand infront then they snap. DIRECT TRANSLATION. HAHAHAH.)
I look damn weird with the cap on la. ): I really very curious how the group photo look like sial. Nicole havent upload...
Standing beside me, is Clarissa Kim Wemple. HAHA. The girl beside Clarissa, she's Yun Jing.
Nicole cannot be seen in the photo... I must be too big then i block her. ._.
She should be stand beside me, behind me. Heh? Same line as YunJing.
Then Klaryce is RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE. *Chokes..* The photographer very lousy.
Take photo also never take can see everyone's face.
Left to right supposingly: Nicole(behind), Shanette(infront), Klaryce(middle), Clarissa(infront), YunJing(behind).
ONLY NICOLE IS BLOCKED SIAL. ._. Pathetic. I shouldnt have blocked her right.
Ok la, seriously the picture don't look as blur as it looks like.
It's because this picture is bigger than now. So i made it fit to my blogger width.
Hence it became blurrer. I'm lazy to go think of the height so i just leave it there. Hehehe.
There's dance today. Hope everyone will come. ): NICOLE, RACHEL, ALISON, GO LA OK.
I know Alison's not gonna come. I miss her so much. What's up with her church group.
Urgh. So irritating. Okeh whoops?
Will probably be back later to post. Haha. I just wanted to put up this two unglam photos.
HELLO. HAHAHA. I'm back from danceeee!!! Today so lively la the studio!
Celeste, Rachel, Nicole, Clarissa, Yun jing and 2angmohs plus me were there!
8people leh! LOL... It was so nice to have rachel back. Like finally i saw her after 2 weeks.
Alison still dint come. I don't think she'll be coming in next week either..
Sigh man, she and her church group. RAHHHHH. If Klaryce and Alison come, that would be 10 people.
I think it would be overcrowding already... ): The stage that we're going to perform on, is damn freaking small la.
And another thing i realised, ever since June performance, we don't have those usual people starring at us during practise.
Don't know why today got leh! LOL. Damn happy everything's going back to normal!
But..... I'm stressed up cause teacher kept looking AT ME.
Wadahell... -______- She knows all my mistakes. She knows when i'll do wrong one lo.
So when i'm dancing halfway, that part that i did wrong, she'll warn me using eye contact.
!!?!? POWERRRRR. Alot of shake-buttock-actions. LOL!? Have to learn how to shake my ass well already.
Ok that sounded so wrong. HAHA. Another teacher issued us a letter about the eoy performance.
21st Nov! Still long way. :D You know the theme's called: PETERPAN.
-_________________________________-"" She say she knows the theme's kiddy.
But the concert won't be so kiddy. HAHA. Teacher Sheena going to think about our costumes.
I really hope she wont be too sexy. I'll die of embarassment cause i've got too much fats.
I forgot to bring back my disk.. LOL. Nevermind, leave there better.
Cause i almost forgot to bring the disk today. Scare me.
On the way there, i shocked my mum: MUMMY!! STOP THE CAR.
LOL!!!!! She was like, WHATTTT! How to stop la! I never even told her i forgot something.
She knew it. I seriously got stm la. Pathetic me can. So turned back to get the disk.
Hehe. So now that i've left the disk in studio, probably the person will keep it for me.
But i hope i remember to bring extra in case that disk lost/stolen(idiots no brains.)
Okeh! I'm done with this part of the post. Heading to Church later in the evening.
So, went to church. HAHAH. Went back home, had dinner and bathed lo.
Having been chatting with Clarissa since like 8plus going 9 till 10plus.
LOL! WE ROCK YO! Haha. Such a nice companion. THANK YOU CLARISSA KIM WEMPLE.
But she's like so dao real life la. You know just now in dance, i say: HEY YOU CAME.
She was just staring at me then continue to sign in. LOL LAH.
Nevermind, hehe. Very fun to talk to her. LOL. Too bad she's offline now.
She's having some dont know what thing in her house. Say got some random people at her house also...
WEIRD MUCH. LOL. Now i very bored already. Klaryce's not replying me la.
Everytime like that. She's like forever busy one lo.
Blog, she can blog up to hours AND SHE'LL IGNORE ME.. Watch drama, WORST. -.-
Homework, ok la, she'll reply. LOL! This year so busy already, next year she sure IGNORE ME THE WHOLE YEAR CAUSE OF HER O's.
I die, sure bore me to death. D E A T H YOU KNOW. ):
You know i've been reading my past posts. HAHAHA. LAUGH OUT LOUDLOUDLOUD.
Damn childish, damn step. Mygod. Don't believe i'm saying that. HAHA.
BUT SERIOUSLY, why did i step so much in the past. No wonder so many people hates me.
Heh? But seriously wished i can delete my past posts.
But i wanna keeeeeeep. Next time grow up can laugh until my jaw drop.
LOL. Hehehh... Sooner or later, i'll find these posts that i've posted childish too.
SOONER OR LATER. So... Hehehe. I'll wait and see for MYSELF. HAHAHA.
Crazy idiot sia, Shanette.