-_- I probably should just skip everything and start with today's post huh?
Saturday, 10th October 2009
Dance dance dance dance! Dance dance dance dance! Hahahah.
I was wokened up by my brother at 10 on a very shiok Saturday morning.
What's up with him man! Its so cooling and no sun shined on my ass, he go wake me up!!!!
So mean of him. Hahah, slacked the whole morning and prepared for dance~~
I'm so excited for dance hehehe. I also dont know why. Klaryce not going.
I was the only person there when i reached. Not long after, i saw the jazz freak teacher.
Scary man, i sensed something wasnt right. I took off my earpiece, and tada.
"Today, Sheena wont be coming in cause she's not free. Jose will be taking over her for today. He'll teach you how to fight. Cause you know, you are the pirates right? So must fight. So Jose will be teaching you today."
Dotdotdot. -_- I wonder wonder wonder.... Gosh once bitten twice shy. LOL.
Don't know whether his class will be as boring as the first lesson with him. Tsktsk.
So waited for everyone else to come. Celeste dint come too. Hah.
Lesson started, and guess what..........................................???????
Really is damn funny and fun!!! Haha! I dint know fighting would be so fun. LOL.
We also learnt a new choreography by Jose. Kinda cooool. Haha! The song's Boom boom pow!
Lesson ended at 3 and i headed back home. Spencer's friends are insane man.
Ok la, not really my business whether his friends are nuts anot.
Today he's celebrating his birthday in advanced. Cause 15th Oct is a Thurs.
So cannot celebrate. Hahaha. I was slacking again. I did a little bit of Geog and was distracted by food, by people, by alot of stuffs.
Haha! So stopped studying and starting hanging around. When it was 5.53pm, i went out of my house to take a glance at something.
POOF I SAW IT. HOW AMAZING COINCIDENTAL. Actually im not really sure if it's him.
LOL. Nevermind, haha! Was planning to wait till 7.20pm then see whether if it's him.
7.20pm already, DANG, i dint see him. Actually i probably missed it cause it was spencer's cut cake time. -_-
Spencer look wonderful in the photos taken man. LOL. I show you ah! Give me a sec!
Close up shot. HAHAH.
He looked happy in the morning. LOL.
HAHAH. Very PRETTEH right? LOL. Marcus is like so extra la. The only sec2 among the primary5 kids.
Dumb shitz. LOL. I don't really remember what i did after that...
We are superman/woman! :D
Sunday, 11th October 2009.
Woke up at 9.30am!!!??? -__- WHATZUP DUDE?! My guitar lesson is like at 11.15am sial!
Wake me up so early catch worm to eat izzit. AIYA NO NEED LA I ALSO NOT BIRD.
Crap. -.- Went for guitar lesson and headed to tuition after that.
This time is 3hours of math. Gosh, if this time round i dont score a A1 for math, i seriously gonna strangle myself.
Finished tuition, slacked at home and went church. WEEEEHOOOO.
Okay wasnt expecting that much. Actually was still thinking whether i should go not.
Cause... Its sunday and if i'm lucky, then............. if i'm not, boring.
Reached church, sat down there and waited for mass time. I wanna crack winnie's head.
She kept looking at the back back back, AND BACK. "So sad, dont have." That's what she told me.
Mass started, she looked back again. "HUH HAVE LEH!!!!!!!!"
Coughs coughs. Lets concentrate on mass, coughs!!!! -_- You know he kept laughing and laughing and smiling and smiling.
Gosh so wonderfully cute. HAHAHA. Winnie said he already knew i was there before even walking up to his seat. O.o How wierd.
Okeh o.o... How did he know uh?! I asked winnie HAHAHA i know she also dont know.
She only told me he looked at my direction and giggled before sitting down.
Kaykay whatever. LOL. Went back home after that and did revision on Geography.
This picture is to show you my cute bun. HAHAHAHHA. CUTE RIGHT??? SO SMALL. HAHA.
Monday, 12th October 2009.
FYI: I always wake up at 7.30am on a Monday. My dear daddy thought i was late for school, came knocking into my room at 7.10am.
Felt asleep after he went out of my room. Waited till my maid wake me up.
When my maid came in, i still continued to sleep and woke up 5 minutes after.
Hehe, had my geography paper today. Gosh i anyhow bombombomb. I dint even had time to sleep la.
Time was so tight :( .... Went home after that and had math tuition.
Tuitioned till 2pm and i slacked already. HAHA. I no need to revise math la.
Also nothing to revise. The more i revise, the more i cannot do the questions.
I just so weird, i also dont know why. Heh... Went chatting away with Winnie.
We have loads of interesting stuffs to talk to. Luv talking to her. HER HER HER AND ONLY HER.
She knows my darkest secrets. HAHAHAHAH. If only she was younger and brighter skin tone and had smaller eyes uh... She can go out with me and pretend to be my sister sial.
HAHA. Revised Science at night. And a little bit of math for the formula.
Went to bed after that. Watched the Girls Out Loud again. TYRON(L)(L)(L)!!!
Tuesday, 13th October 2009.
Had my math paper 1 today. I dont think its that hard. Mostly all algebra.
Phew dont have the graphs. I confirm die one if got graphs. I left like one question blank.
So lucky thats like only 1mark. Phew. -_- I dont know how to do like 3questions la!
I think add up marks of the questions i dont know uh, is.... less than 10marks.
PHEW. But obviously i'll have careless one lo :( Hope i don't. *PRAYYYYYYS.*
Went home after that. Saw aunty Joy on the way home. Aiyo she go pull me go minimart with her.
Walao i so warm already. So hot leh the weather. -_- Tsktsk, nevermind lo followed her.
I asked her if she knew anyone from HM. She said yes! Then we talktalktalk, talk all the way back home.
HAHA. Hope i'll see that grandfather and the indonesian maid later. HEHEHEHEEEE!!
Watched Word Twister's Adventure. I think its an old show already.
Dint caught it last time, so watched it today. HAHA. Very funny. Somehow the MengJi reminds me of Nathanael.
Ok, by the way how nathanael describes his naughty acts and pranks la.. HAHA.
Watched finished, ate lunch and slacked. Mummy dint go work. O.o. She say she'll go in the afternoon.
Watched Moonlight Resonance. Wow, tv so fast. The stupid gamei(jiamei) came to HK already.
-_- trouble maker stupid girl. Seduce seduce seduce wtffff. Stupidddd. LOL.
Like mother like Daughter. LOL. Revised a little of History.
And now blogging. Weeeeee. I'm going to end this post soon. So tired of typing.
Haha, actually i think i'll just end it here. Haha~ Will be going SPC/shopnsave ltr.
HEHEHE, my motive always very good one kay. HAHAHAHA.