Cause.... I'm still thinking about the unsettled thing.
Watched Word Twister's Adventure and used the computer to surf the net for awhile.
Jazreel went online not long after and told me she wants me to go out.
-.- She pissed me off cause she told me I have got to go all the way to YISHUN.
I asked her what she wanted to do. She told me she dont know. Gah getting so pissed i wanna crash the computer already.
Then actually wanna reject her one. Walao but she very noisy. So i didnt really had a choice.
My mood wasnt very good before that either. CAN ASK CLARISSA, SHE WAS TALKING TO ME!
Heh. So i think go out also can probably bring my mood up ALITTLE.
Was only guessing. Told my mom about it and went to bathe. The weather can burn people i tell you. -.-
When i was walking to the busstop, 3 buses that i could take to int passed by me.
I wanted to run but end up dint. Cause my slipper damn slippery! I wouldnt wanna fall manz!
So missed so many buses. Reached Yishun around 2.40pm. Waited for Jazreel to come find me.
Hehe. Went arcade first. Lol, cause starbucks was packed and so was delifrance.
"You can always find Lester inside here. *Points to the arcade*" was what jazreel told me before entering the arcade.
Went to play DDR. LOL. The machine i took spoilt. -.-. Walao i keep missing and missing.
Beside me, there is this very familiar guy. O.o.... I kept looking at him. LOL.
Really familiar. But nevermind, i continued acting very crazy because the stupid machine made me so angry.
Walked to the basketball machine next. I told jazreel that guy beside me looked like Lester.
She agreed with me too. LOLLLLL. Watched jazreel play basketball. Then i went to play DDR again.
I think.. Jazreel told me that that guy WAS lester. -_- Suayass. LOL.
Left the place after that and went Breeks(I think?) for teabreak. HAHA.
Treated her her drink. I told her i'll do something for her and she said steady one lo.
-.-. Then end up she kept ........... Aiya qisiren. LOL. Went back arcade and play.
My DDR skills like kns now. KANASAI YOU KNOW??? Kay nevermind... I'm a noob, to start with.
Went walking around the whole of northpoint after that, aimlessly. -.-.
Was at the toilet camwhoring. -.-. Some fucked up bitch, the eyes like got abit of problem uh...
Heard from Jazreel, she walked pass us and she diao me. -.-. Lil fucked up bitch, what the hell is wrong with your eyes?
Your eyes need some exercise issit? You can try digging it out and play with it.
Since you love exercising your eyes so much. -'-
After that just kept walking around northpoint and decided to go outside Long John's so slack.
LOL. Stayed there for quite awhile when Jazreel suggest to call lester down.
He came down, and was damn anti social. -.- Gosh man. Super power la he.
Ohya, did i mention i saw Thignesh and Eugene and Nick there? LOL. Coincidental eh.
Haha, went home after that and now i'm blogging.
I've got camp from wed - fri and i really detest camps la. Howhowhowhow.
My mama don't wanna help me man. She insists that i should go!!! :( Gosh!!!
AND TOMORROW I DONT FEEL LIKE GOING SCHOOL LA!!! There's nothing to do at school lo.
Wasting my pathetic time there. I rather have some more sleep leh. Sigh.
I wanna slim down, i want my pimples to be all gone, i want miracles to happen. :(
My eyes are not close. It's just that im looking that the phone's screen -.-
Gosh the photos are really very ugly. -.-.... Ahhhhhh no mood to take photos is like that one. -_-