Ohman. I havent finish doing my art which is supposed to be handed in tomorrow.
And today's English paper was like so god damn toot hard. :( Ohman everything's done for.
Sunday, 4th October 2009
Woke up in the morning at 8plus or 9plus i dont remember. I slept late the previous night.
See, what a weird body. (I've been saying the same thing for idk how many times. HA-HA.)
Mummy and daddy and spencer all not at home. I was thinking of skipping guitar lesson.
:( Its so torturing la... Cause after guitar i still got 4hours of bloody math.
Actually they agreed one lo! Then suddenly dont know why volcano eruption. -.-
So i got nagged for half an hour and off i went to prepare for guitar lesson.
Screeeeewit. Went to guitar lesson with a hyper mood. LOL?! I suddenly feel very... idk.
I dont usually talk to the teacher. This time, i talk so much. Hyper not? :X
Hehehe. Daddy fetched me to teacher's house and hell started soon after.
Teacher give me the frigging paper damn hard la!!!! :( I got alot dont know how to do.
Damn stressed up la!!! ALOT OF MATH QUESTIONS I DONT KNOW HOW TO DO SIA!!!! :(
All mensuration. Its so hard!!!! :( I dont remember the formula for the .... 5figure shit la.
Sigh. Saw teacher's child came home. She's a bookworm. O.O HAHA!
Very cute leh. She read the book like watching tv like that. So cute...
Hell ended soon enough and went back home. Actually before home, daddy brought us go see crocodile. -.-
We went to some crocodile farm that was around my house there one.
Ok it's not like i've never seen crocodiles before, but there were seriously alot of crocodiles there.
All look very dead, just like a stone man. Some even open their mouth and stay in that position for who knows how long.
So i wasnt scared of them at all. LOL. But then, when i passed the particular crocodile, it suddenly jumped up and scare the hell out of me.
I nearly screamed until malaysia also can hear me wtf. -.- (Ok exaggerating.)
Stupid crocodile. I know i look very delicious but also no need jump right.
So big size still jump, tsk. Took photos of them, but photos in daddy's phone.
And daddy's not home, so wont be posting that up. Hahaha.
Went home and Charlotte&Amanda came to my house and rot for awhile.
They kept playing like babies in my bed. -_- Haha, went to church after that.
Boring much. Kept talking about relationship and divorces or what. -_-
But i like the response music. Haha!! They ate dinner at my house and went back after that.
I bathed and started remembering the format for english paper1 and Geog.
I should start on my science asap... :( I really cannot fail. REALLY. :(
Really wish i can cheat man. Stupid idiotic science. I "LOVE" YOU LA. -.-
Slept very early yesterday night. :D
Monday, 5th October 2009
English paper 1 and 2 today. Paper 1 was quite easy. Dont think i'll get very high marks though.
Paper 2 was a killer to me. Lol. I should read more books already.
English standard dropped alot alot alot. :( Sighsighsigh. Nevermind i know english i'll pass.
I'll concentrate more and geog math and science. LOL.
So that was my day for today. -.- Boring right. Later going tuition lo.
My itouch is coming tomorrow~~ My itouch is coming tomorrow~~ My itouch is coming tomorrow~~
Hehehe. Will end it here. Zaijian~
I am so fat. :(