THEN, they keep saying my password or email was incorrect.
Its like quite impossible for my email to be wrong what. So probably i typed my password wrong.
Why the shit will it be wrong. -.- CHEY, they go change my email to the gmail one.
?! I got say i want to change to the gmail account meh!? Walao change also never tell me wtf.
Thursday, 1st October 2009.
Short day today. VERY SHORT DAY. HAHA. Had three lessons only. Science, English and Math as always.
I tried paying attention la. But, the day was so short i wasnt in much mood for studying lo. -.-
After that the last period was CCA period. Skipped with Jazreel.
Went J8 and slack. I tell you uh, this Jazreel loh damn noisy la. Keep saying it's my fault my fault my fault.
I was like: Jazreel! Want skip modular? Jazreel: O.O Oh ok la.
Me: Really uh??? Jazreel: Yeah steady one. I take attendence can go already.
But she dint take attendence then went out already. LOL.
She kept saying my fault wth?! -_- Suddenly so many called her lo.
The school called her i think. Weird much, i dont think anyone saw us going out of school lo.
But Mrs Lai know that Jazreel skipped modular. Damn weird la.
Mrs lai smart man. She go use Johanna's phone to call Jazreel. Actually she's not.
Is Jazreel stupid. Who skip school go contact schoolmates one? Unless really very close that kind then nevermind la.
One dumbfuck la she. So Mrs Lai managed to get thru us cause Jazreel went and called Johanna back.
Rahhhhhhhhhhh. Nevermind nevermind. -.- Ate Subway before going home.
Reached home already, i see mummy at home again. Why is she always at home!!!
Okeh nevermind. She was very normal looking when i was back home.
So i think Mrs Lai dint call parents. PHEW. LOL. Used the computer awhile after that.
Pestered mummy to get me my itouch again. She keep telling me to sell my ipod classic first lo!!!
Like so easy like that, go where sell sia. Somemore my classic's mirror is very "PRETTY" you know.
LOL. "Mummyyyyyy, go where sell my ipod classic laaaaa. Very hard lehhhhh. :("
"No need sell already." "HUH? No need selll???" "Yeah i can use ma."
*Mummy shows me kuku face* "Pretend i'm not here. Byebye." "OYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."
Ok the oye and pretend i'm not here was repeated ALOT of times.
LOOL. I gave up and went to use my computer. I pestered her another time and she told me to go bathe first.
CHIONG AHHHH! I went to bathe. HAHA. Bathed finished and came out, rushed to mummy's room again.
WEEEEEE, mummy's on the itouch page already!! Afew minutes later....
Ok la, i'm not sure what the email wrote. Ok la, not not sure, is i forgot.. HEHE.
Nevermind it'll be delivered to me by 6/7 oct. HAHA! NEXT WEEEK.
Oh man cannot wait woohoo!!! Suddenly, *DINGDONG! DINGDONGDINGDONGDINGDONG!!!!*
Walao damn noisy. I thought it was my brother's friend. Shitty friends of his. -.-
But it turned out to be my couz and my uncle. O.o... Lol. Long time no see her already manz.
As usual, we dint talk. Lol. Dont understand why is she always not talking to me.
Really man, confirm her mum one. I also dont understand why her mum is always showing my family and my dad's family black face sial.
It's a always ok. -.- Forget it, scarely they hopped to my blog and scold me like how Aunty Alice scold Meiyi.
Parents will sure kill me. Lol. Uncle told me this: Never call jiejie uh?
*Shows confused face o.-?* Errr?? He continued: Never call Charmaine jiejie uh? Dont remember Charmaine jiejie already uh?
Dotdotdot. Since when i called her jiejie one. Since when did she treat me like her couz.
-.- Aiya whatever la. Call her jiejie then call her jiejie lo. She dint respond anyway.
But last time i was close to her sia. When i was VERYVERYVERY young that time.
I still got picture man. I dont know what happen in the middle lo. -.-
Dumbasss. Not long after that, i felt so tired i fell asleep.
Anyway i wasnt eating dinner, so nevermind la can sleep. HAHA. I slept for 3hours.
-.- What a pig. LOL. Jazreel called me when i woke up and said i was a pig. -_-
Rah she's always insulting me wtfff. Aye wait a second, PIGS.ARE.CUTE.
HAHAHA. Studied Science and watched tv and slept at 2. HAHAHA.
Eee. My stupid pj pants. HAHAHA.
Happy Children's Day!!
Friday, 2nd October 2009.
Nothing much today. Tried to wake up late but failed. -.- Aunty very irritating.
Rah. Reached school at 7.15am and found Jazreel alone in the hall. HAHA.
Had normal morning assembly. Jazreel was called out by Mr peterson.
Never call me. I was with Charlotte and the dance peeps. End of the month and beginning of next month got danceeee.
I wanted to die man. I knew Jazreel confirm betray me one, confirm tell peterson she was with me or something.
Cause i heard: Huh what wait, what cca is she in? Nono what Modular is she in?
-.- Not long, peterson was finding for me already. URGHHHH. Jazreel loh's a bitch k.
Jazreel said peterson suspend her from school today and was going to call her parents.
Blahblahblah. Waited for him for so long. Cause he talking to Jerrel.
LOL. Damn long man. After that went to detention area. Slacked again. -_-
Mr peterson was nowhere to be found lo. He tell us to write statement form.
We wrote finish in a couple of minutes or so and waited for him for veryyyy long.
He finally came out when we were going to start revising for exams.
What a great timing. He talked to us very nicely man. Wow. LOL.
So no more suspension already. He said he let this matter rest. Hehe. Warning only~
30minutes more and it was recess. Still have to climb up that stupid 4stories high classroom.
And then come down later again. Rah -.- Did nothing during chinese lesson cause idk what they doing. LOL.
You know, i realised Eugene has very huge feet. -.- Siao one, i think his foot and Benjamin's one same.
So scary, why so big sial. LOL. Ate sandwich during recess and had English and Geog period after that.
Finished school, went j8 again with yolande. Bought a very random tank from 77th st.
Went home after that. No music to acc me home. :( Cause i dint bring earpiece.
Haha its alright, cause i very fast reach home already~ Watched tv and bathed.
Usual thing, i dint study. Lol. What a relax life i'm having eh? -.-
Until now, i'm still on the computer. Very boring la. Cause no one whom i always talk to is online.
EXAMPLE: KLARYCE LIM SI HUI. Bigbig example. HAHAHA. Alright.
I'll probably end my post here. It's getting lengthy.
FYI: I think i've gained weight once again. RAH HATE FATTY-NESS. (LOL)