Hehe, Shanette is back after slacking during the Weekends.
Sorry uh, everytime i think of those super long posts, i dont want to blog already.
LOL.. Also, most of the photos are with Klaryce, so she had to blog first so i can take from her.
So yeah, she blogged and so i can blog. HAHA. Took like 10minutes to take the photos from her blog.
-_- Stupid com, yeah and i'm now uploading to photobucket. Hehehhhh.
But somehow i think there's something wrong. I cannot seem to upload those pictures.
-.- Nevermind i'll find a way later after i blog finish.
21st Novemeber, Saturday: D Dreamz EOY concert.Woke up at 9.45am just to watch You're Beautiful. If i wake up any later, i guess i'll be late for dance.
Heheh, sooooo... I WATCHED EPISODE 14!!! Its nice!! But there are so many sad parts.
:( I hope episode 15 is nice. OR RATHER, I HOPE THERE'S HAPPY ENDING.
Watched finished, went to bathe and prepare for dance. I was planning to go for last rehearsal then go home.
But Klaryce say too rush or something so i changed my mind. Good thing i changed my mind.
Because it wasnt only us doing rehearsal. Its everyone! Some of them already in their costumes. -_____-
LOL so slacked and rehearsed 2,3 times and went changing into ou costumes and make up.
HORRENDOUS!!!! I LOOK HORRENDOUS THAT DAY!!! That's why i dint took any photos.
Lol man, MY FRINGE IS BEING CLIPPED UP, and the stupid make up is so ugly.
YUCKS UGLY TOTALLY. But other were okay looking. :( Yunjing and Klaryce were the prettiest.
Nicole wasnt bad too!!! Actually it wasnt bad on everyone. They still looked like human.
HOWEVER, ME, I LOOK LIKE A FREAK FROM MARS. -.- Sianzxzx, make me so upset for awhile.
Then, i thought to myself, Ugly people can be clowns. LOL so i started being like a mad woman. -.-
LOL I STILL MADE PEOPLE LAUGH WHAT. I'm happy they happy everyone happy.
Heheheh... Finished make up and everything at 4plus. Omg still got 2hours like that.
I thought i was going to faint, because of how horrible i looked.
But since i started being hyper, my stage fright was suddenly gone.
But i hate those lights, it makes me think of my ugly face and i did ONE step wrong.
Ok not really wrong, but i think wrong timing. But nevermind la, audience there confirm all is those small lil kids parents and siblings.
Whereas i only know my family, so who the hell cares how i looked??
Jose is heavyyyyyyy. -_- LOL Clarissa very funny. There was this one part that we had to pull Captain Hook (Jose) out of the stage.
Cause he "died" as the fairies killed him. Then our group got 6 people.
2 of them are supposed to like lead us down the stairs.
The other 2 supposed to be pulling his legs and another 2, his hands.
So me and Clarissa are the ones pulling his hands. This dumbdumb clarissa go grab the same hand as me when she's supposed to take the other hand.
Then so hard to pull cause he's heavy and he's like grabbing on my hand so tightly and the other side no support. -.-
CLARISSA, YOU'RE SUCHA KUKU. HAHAHAHAH.Went home straight after my performance, dint get to stay till the end.
Cause my parents got some dinner they need to attend. Went home straight and bathed and used the computer awhile and watched "What Happens in Vegas."
Its so boring just to keep staring at the stupid computer.
Nothing nice to see at all. -.-. I almost fell asleep but i dint. Hehhhh.
After the show, watched another crazy show on MTV. Scream Queens.
LOL fell asleep after that. OHYA, mummy bought Marshmellow Lollipop for me from london. ITS VERY TASTY AND VERY CUTE. HAHAHHAA.
Pictures tells a thosand words. I've already wrote like hundreds over words here though... HAHAHAH.

Pretteh hair i have. HAHAHA.

There are alot more photos in
Klaryce's blog.Go there and see kay, ohyeah! THE PHOTOS HERE, ARE ALSO BY KLARYCE LIM.
Alright, end of that day. Let's start Sunday. Woke up at 10plus and went for guitar at 11plus.
Finished at 12 and went home slack. Daddy bought me a Black Nike Jacket! DAMN SLEEK!
I love it eh. HEHEHEH. Lol watched tv. Channel 55&255.
I forgot the show name. Something like "The Four" or something one.
That show's nice! :D Hahaha! Slacked till 3plus i went to prepare to go out with family.
They are bringing Pound to training lesson. I think i should follow la.
Cause at home also nothing to do. Hah, the wind there so huge! -_-
I felt i could almost fly. LOLLLL. I shouldve brought my camera!!!
The dogs there are so awesome and i love Junior! (The golden retriever)
He's damn obedient and damn adorable kay! Hehehehh, had a enjoyable time with the dogs there.
Went Tampines mall after that. Omg i had Swensens for dinner. OMG LA.
LOL. Brother and i dint even said we wanted Swensens lor. So amazing la.
Hahahaha! But i dint get to buy their ice cream there. I was so full after eating baked rice and drinking their Milkshake.
I'm gonna go try their icecream. HEHEH, i seldom eat Swensens one kay.
Supposed to get our new phones after dinner. But the m1shop say, Every M1 branch in SG has got no more stock for SE Aino.
-.- -_- Is it THATTTT popular!? I've never heard of ALL M1 BRANCHES no stock before.
They say i've got to wait till like Thurs cause the stock will come in on Wed i think.
Or even later. So i'll maybe get it on Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun. -_- Rahhhhhhhh....
Okay... Went The Face Shop after that. LOL mummy wanted to get the membership card.
$100 dollars, she go tell me get the masks until $100. LOL.
So now i've got like 20 The Face Shop masks at home or even more.
HAHAHAHAH. Went The Wallet Shop after that. There are nice wallets! I want!
But i dint say, cause the price very nice too. But mummy asked me which one i like and she'll get it for me the next time round.
Ooooo... LOL. Went home after that and watched Twilight. WEEE TWILIGHT x3
I cannot wait for New Moon to come out! Should i watch New moon in SG or MSIA?

This much x2. LOL.