It was fun! Hahahh. Let's start with a "formal" post. :)
Woke up yesterday morning at 10plus. Supposed to go for guitar lesson but
Cause my parents was like scolding me scold until i feel as if there's no tomorrow.
Yeah so, the torture was until 2plus in the afternoon. I was not allowed to go to Clarissa's BBQ and my electronics were all confiscated.
Mean much? -'- But i slowly asked for my electronics back and asked them if i could go for BBQ later
They say can and so i went off preparing. Heh. Clarissa's mum fetched me there cause idk how to go..
Passed Clar her present and went to Pasir Ris Park~! While walking to the pit, i accidentally stepped on MUD.
EWWWWW. -_- Quickly ran into the toilety to clean up. Hahahah.
After a while, her friend came one by one. Her friends are interesting! One of them has the character of my couz Valerie sial.
LOL. Played with water, rode bicycle, ate, played with sparkles, took super unglam photos.
At night, the ships at the sea were super nice!!!! I wished i was inside la :(
I wore sunglasses at night. HAHAH it was damn damn dark la!
Fun day yesterday, haha i made new friends. HAHAHA~! Went back home at 9plus.
I don't know if my parents are angry. But i told Clarissa that if she sees me online, means i'm safe.
So i did went online HOHOHO. I'M SAFE!!!! :D Now i'm waiting for her to come online with the photos.
Cause most of the photos are taken with her camera. She's taking her own sweet time to come online!
I bet she's still sleeping la! What a pig, first day of her teen life and she's sleeping. Power.
Hahaahahah! Oh ya and Clarissa! I don't think your JL is cute anymore. My JL's WAYYYYY cuter ^^! HAHAHAHA~!!!!
wind too big. LOL