Time passes so fast. My camp's over. And i tell you, there's only three words to describe it: Fabulous and Unforgetable.
Now i've got 7days of my life to blog here. And each day is gonna be a super long day.
I seriously wonder how long i'll take to finish this post. I dont feel like blogging about Genting.
Cause i realised the half post that i blogged before going camp was screwed. Screw you k blogger. -.-
Woke up in the morning at 6 to bathe. Hehe, reached Lavender at 7plus.
Saw the people there. I felt as if i was going on a concentration camp.
Very weird feeling and i dont feel right man. But nevermind, 5days only, very fast over one.
Went up the bus and waved goodbye to parents. Reached JB at 9plus. Reached Kota Tinggi at 10.
The place looked ugly. I don't like it. Cause it looked so natural! -_-
Went up to training room with my lagguage and spencer rushed up the super long slope.
He was tired after that HAHA! Serve him right for running up! LOLLLL. I kept laughing la.
Reached there, put down our lagguages, took my attendence and took a seat.
They said we could take a seat at anywhere we liked. So we seat girl one side, boy one side, LMAO!!
Then they saw it, they changed our seats to girl boy girl boy. Well, i ended up sitting with my Brother and another guy named Yi Jun.
Beside Yi Jun was this girl called Kassandra. She's sucha a pretty girl with a very beautiful smile.
Everytime she see me looking at her, she'll flash a smile at me. Mygoodness, so beautiful.
So had some introduction game and stuff like that. Very interesting ^^.
After some time, we were split into groups of 6. There were 3 groups altogether.
Heard from Ken, one of the trainers that this Superteen camp is the smallest camp in the Superteen History.
So, my group consisted of Me, Yi Jean, Yi Jun, Serena, Joel, Bryan with the cutest camp leader(It's called Resource), BRANDON LIM.
This dude Brandon, he reminded me alot of my other friend Brendon Chua. -.-. Except Brandon is like way more thoughtful, way more handsome, and way more cute.
Hehehe, lucky Brendon Chua dont read my blog. (Well... Maybe he passes by sometimes...) Or else he'll murder me and start arguing nonsensical stuffs with me again.
Hmmmm okay, so we had to intro ourself, and remember each other names. Then we had to think of a group cheer.
We couldnt think of anything. But Bryan suggested a super old cheer(That's what they claimed but i tell you, i never heard it before -_-).
Okay, so we had our cheer ready already. But another problem, someone have to shout out. Like be a leader to shout so the others follow.
Nobody volunteered. Then not long after, another Resource called Jean came up to my group and pointed at me.
She told me i had the Leader looking face so she told me to shout. So yup, i shouted but no one was cooperating.
Now i know how it feels when people are so dead. -.- Pisses me off at times.
Alrighty, after all this, Ken gave us a challenge. Whoever can say all 19 of our names out in 10sec gets 10SGD and not RM.
So daniel was the first to try. HAHAHAHAH he looked as if he had Parkinsons Disease. HAHAHAH HE MADE THE WhOLE AUDIENCE LAUGHED.
He failed 4-5 times but he kept trying. And everytime he tried, he'll have to shake his hand like got earthquake like that.
HAHAHAHA BUT HE IS VERY CUTE LA!!! He looked alot like Clarence. But alot alot cuter and alot better looking ^^.
After all those introductory stuff, we headed down to have our lunch. Well, the lunch aint bad :)
After lunch, went back training room and it was choosing leader time.
We started voting for the boys first. Daniel, Bryan and Jervois were voted! Grats to them for being leaders.
Then it was the girls' turn. Tansy, Hannah, Serena, Donwei and ME were selected.
These people were all chosen by the resources. Then we voted. Guess what, i totally didnt expect BRANDON to vote for me.
AT ALL LA! LOL... So we had to go out after being chosen, and then the people in the room will have to vote.
So sad Donwei and Serena had no votes -_-... Tansy had 13votes mygod!! Hahaha! Hannah and me had 5votes. ^^.
So Tansy, Me and Hannah were the girl leaders. *claps claps* LOLLLL Nothing really nice to clap about though.
Okay, after that they told us our roommates. It was supposed to be 3 in a room.
But idk why got 2group is 2girls only. Yup, i'm one of them. My roommate is a lovely cute girl called Tedra.
She's super cute. But at first when i saw her, i was afraid of one thing: What if she dont talk to me? I'm gonna suffer for the next 5days.....
But it was wrong man, the moment we reached the room we were chatting and chatting already. FAST RIGHT? HAHA.
Okay, supposed to change into sports outfit cause we're having COE(Challenge of Excellence, like sports la!).
I dint change, cause i was already wearing a shirt, i just changed into comfortable shorts.
Ran around the whole freaking place for alot of times. I broke Shanette's record.
I never felt giddy or i-want-to-faint that kind of feeling before. Well, this time round, my eyesight totally blacked out.
Damn horrible la. But after awhile i went back to join the rest. I dont want to be left out la.
After running, went to do COE 1. We had to balance on a beam and there will be two ropes tied at the ends of the beam.
Brandon is in charge of shake the beam so that it'll be very hard for us to cross over.
But that's the point of this game. No matter how tough, we'll still have to focus and get thru it.
Well, i failed that. Ken helped me thru, but still failed. Pathetic la k.
At first Ken lent me one finger of his for support. But i totally freaked out and grabbed his whole hand.
Then when i was reaching the end, Brandon suddenly shaked the whole beam so hard i wasnt even prepared for it la!
I dropped down and i thought i fell down. But Ken, carried me down slowly.
Omgggg, he can carry me...? HE CAN CARRY ME?!?!?! -.- Wth i'm like so freaking heavy and he managed to carry me.
Zzz, but thanks to him, i wasnt injured. So nice of him la. So failed, i was the last one to go up there for the day.
Had dinner afterwards, and went back to the hotel to have a bath. Let Tedra bathed first.
Headed back to training room after bath and had talks again. Very interesting! HAHAHA, Peter was the speaker at night.
He came out with the John Cena move. "Hi. My name is Peter. And you can't see me!!" is his standard line LOLOLOL.
Had talk and watched a short video clip. Zzz, i almost fell asleep during the video clip.
Totally dont understand la. After the video, we were released to go back hotel and sleep, leaders had to stay back for a short debrief.
Slept at 1plus.
Woke up in the morning at 7plus and had COE. Jervois and Me lead the warmup exercises.
Turned up to be kind screwed cause idk what are the commands for the exercises..
But still managed to pull thru and after that, finished the COE exercise that we did yesterday.
No one remmebered that i failed yesterday. So i dint went up again. Like thank god!!
After sweating, went back to hotel and bathed and had lunch. Had talks again.
It was all really very funny. HAHAHA seriously cannot stop laughing. But there was some times when they get angry la.
Ohya, had test too. -_- Quite afew questions idk. Luckily Yijun helped me alil.
Very seldom only. Ernest go scold us :( Okay la not really scold, but like ..... I also dont know what la. But he scared me man.
I just said what happened that scared me la, not into details. He used the glasscup with water and put it near my face.
That shocked me already. Then after that, he suddenly threw that glass onto the floor.
So got broken glasses right. He go take one piece from the floor, then go act as if he was gonna scratch my face. Damn scary.
-_- After that he told us alot about values etc.....
Heh, after that 6plus, went to change again and had COE. Next COE exercise was that we need to walk on rope.
But our hands are holding onto another rope. I thought it wasnt that scary. But it was still equally scary la tsktsk.
I just supported the people who did it. Only like half finished. The other half will be tomorrow.
After COE, had dinner. Nice nice, then had talks again. Funfunfun. Then after that we had to write a letter to "man in the mirror".
(If you have no clue what i'm saying, go stand infront of the mirror now, and you'll know who is man in the mirror.)
After we write, we have to share it among our group. So Brandon started. We went anticlockwise.
I was sitting at brandon's left and Bryan on his right. So Bryan started second and i was the last.
I summarized mine cause there wasnt much time left. We had supper after that and went to bed early.
Cause the next day, we'll be waking at up 5plus to go Jungle trekking.
Woke up at 5.30. Did some warmup and stretches, head to canteen area and collected our breakfast and mineral water.
Off we headed to the "jungle". It was bloody dark la, cannot see one. my partner's Kassandra.
Climb climb climb up, i think 7plus already. Cause when we reached on top, sun rise already HAHA.
Took photos, but not clear cause it was... idk??! -.- LOL so we went down and found a place to have our breakfast.
Eat halfway, i feel damn bloated and full. So dint finish and continued walking out of the jungle.
Didnt really feel tired, quite happy with my performance HAHAHAHA.
Ken and the other trainers said this is the first time in the Super Teen history that they get to go Jungle Trekking.
Whooooo! Hahahah! Went down and took a break. Not long after, had COE. Completed the rope thingy.
I managed to get thru though!!! I was trying my best to balance, so i need to look at my legs at times.
Walao, i look one time, Brandon shake harder. Damn evil. LOL. After that exercise, had another exercise.
We have to find partner, then hold onto each other's palms, NOT GRAB HANDS uh, and walk thru the rope.
No one will shake the rope. But my rope kept shaking, i was so afraid la. Damn scary, only sometimes i feel alright.
But me and Tansy were the first pair to finish the exercise! Actually there was one pair before us.
But i think they didnt complete. Took a photo and the rest continued doing. Ken called me aside to have a small chat with me.
He's so nice to talk to la :) But he kept telling me that i should shout or talk more cause i'm the leader.
Ooo, after that off we went to bathe and eat lunch. Had talks after that. STILL VERY FUNNY.
Practically everyday was funny. Love it la okay. Around 5plus or idk what time, Ernest told us he'll teach us how to sleep.
LOL then he let us sleep. So amazing omg he actually made everyone sleep sia?!?!? -.-
I thought i slept for hours but on friday, he told the parents he only let us sleep for 20minutes.
Had COE after that. Did warmups and all the usual stuffs. Then got this new game called OSIM. must find partner then must carry her on your back one.
-_- Ken carried me again.... -_- He damn freaking strong la. I tried carryin Kassandra, succeeded afew times.
But i failed the last time and i fell. Lol.... -_- She totally didnt succeed at all cause i was freaking heavy.
When i fell, i thought it was only a small cut lor, wth so much blood. Gan wee see already he felt so disgusted LMAO!
But i still participated in the games, it was fun kay!!! Peter taught the people how to do actual hip rotation.
Like move the hip only. I did that alot of times, so of course i know how to do. Then we have to find partner again.
And then do with them again. Kass's my partner again LOLLL, so i did. Ken passed by me and said my name. I was like HUHH??
Then i dont know who told me he said i did very well. Then Peter passed by me and told me i did it correctly.
Finished that, he told me and Bryan to come out and show demonstration. Got one part damn censored.
Everyone laughed. Cause.... one girl one boy ma, and the action damn censored la HAHAHAHAHAHHA.
Well the next part's irritating. -.- Water time. We had to climb up a wall, with the help of other people la.
Must be fast, if not the resources and trainers will keep splashing water. I was the first to kena.
Ernest use the super huge gun to spray my back -.-. So quickly climbed up, and went to the other side.
After the wall right, water bomb game. RAH WET WET WET, MY WOUND WOUND WOUND. -.-. Went to throw at Gan wee cause he was the one who kept throwing bombs at me.
Bathed after that and dint eat dinner. Not really hungry. Had talks again. Everytime is fun okay. :D:D
Discussed about talent time. I wasnt in the mood at all la. I dont know why :((((((
Had the bombing game after that. Walao my grouped kena bombed :( Then we had punishment.
LOL damn funny la joel. He was Miss Kota Tinggi HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! And the rest of us have to follow Peter do some "pole" dance with the take-of-your-clothes music.
He do until damn funny and i totally have no idea how to immitate. Then peter change music.
yijean and serena dint do, end up only i do... -.-.... I also dont know what i doing, just shake here shake there move here move there.
Then i took out my jacket throw at Daniel. LOL i dont know how i threw to at first. HAHAHAHAHA. Poor Daniel, sorry uh LOL!!
We had this steroid thing. Machiam hypnotizing the person like that. LOL!!!! Everyone had to try no matter how heavy you are.
So Brandon was "hypnotizing" me, i think alot of people carried me. Cause i'm heavy ^^.
Went to sleep at 1plus or 2.
Woke up at 7plus and had our last COE session. The high Beam. It didnt seem as hard as it looked la.
To me, i think it was the easiest among the 4COEs we've done. Finished that, went for a bath, went back to training room.
Talktalktalktalk, discussed about Talent time again. Then had test. -_-
Then continue to talktalktalk. Very funny, i forget to mention. We kept doing some super stupid speed reading thing.
We had to finish writing all the many many numbers in 1min30sec. If not got punishment.
We all rush like mad. Me and Hannah very lucky. Only kena at the back. (Actually not lucky, cause at the back means more punishment. LOL!!!)
After that Ernest let us sleep again. And we slept again LOL. Then after that, we talked about some personality test thing.
Got type 1 - 9. I'm type 2, the helpful kind. EH NOT I SAY ONE. Ernest and ken and the rest did some test and say one.
Quite true la actually. Only alil bit not true. LOL. But i can say that the test damn amazing la. HAHA.
They act all the types until very very funny! Cannot stop laughing HAHAHAHAHA.
After the test thing, we had dinner. After dinner, got talks again. Then had supper.
Supper already leh, Ken suddenly got angry. I think cause our test results damn shitty. He scolded afew of us cause we were uncooperative.
We had the-total-truth-nothing-but-the-truth session. People like Joel, Gordon, Bryan got scolded.
Brandon's fierce la. >< Okay scold finish already, had the lovelovelove session and forgiving session.
Aiya, you all have to experience yourself to understand. It's really very nice even though we got scolded.
Not sadistic or what, its just that this is just part of life. Discussed abit about talent time.
And soon after, its talent time. -.-.... I die... I dont remember dance steps LOL.
When it was our turn, i remember the steps already. Supposed to be good thing right? But wrong, it's bad.
-.-. Cause i danced wrong place, shouldnt have danced on the carpet. I kept slipping down shitz. So the dance was screwed.
Nevermindnevermind. After talent time, 2plus already. I think we're supposed to sing song uh. Then we must hold hands and sing together.
Then after that hug as many people as we can goodbye. Omg i want to cry already la :( They are all so nice people.
So funny, at first was hug more than 5people. Then Ernest went to add on. I want to hug Gan wee.
Then we like step one foot forward then backward then when ernest told us to hug more people, we went forward.
HAHAHAHA. Damn cute. Had a game called Car Wash. Well before that, ernest scared the hell out of me.
He was telling a freaking scary ghost story. Then suddenly he boooooo us and the lights were all off.
I couldnt find anyone to grab, and tears rolled down my eyes. LOLLLL, when afew lights were on, i managed to grab Tansy cause she was beside me.
Everyone screamed, but i was the only one who got shocked till i cried. Ernest spotted me cause i was sitting right infront of him.
Then he tried scaring me again. He told me there was someone behind me. Everyone started looking behind me.
"You dont anyhow la! nothing la!" was what i told him. Then he told me to just look and someone was really behind me.
I told him ya, my campmates la! Then he still told me to look. Hmmm i was prepared this time so when i turned behind, he screamed to scare the other people.
And while the other people fell for it, i stood there just smiling. LOL. Okay so we played Carwash.
We're supposed to walk in the middle of two lines, then we will grab each other hands and tell them good things.
For the first time in my life, i've heard so many compliments. And i can tell whether they are truth or just lies.
Its so touching la. Well, then it was the resources turn. I was infront right? Infront of me there was another guy called Gordon.
So Brandon talked to Gordon first. Then after that he looked at me with a blank face, so i also show blank face LOL.
"I'm supposed to talk to you." he told me that. So i said okay and he held my hand and talktalktalk. Talk halfway, i smiled and laughed.
"What's so funny?" I told him nothing and told him to continue. But he still say: No, i dont get it. What's so funny??
-.- Wth LOL so i said LOL NOTHINGGGG, anything else?? He said no and we let go. Supposed to hug after saying good things.
But he dint hug me and waited for the next person. -_- Wth he hug everyone but he never hug me :( So sad. Stupid brandy. LOL.
Aiya but in any case, Brandon's still the best la <3 Slept at 4.
Day 5
Last day of the camp. Awwwman. Woke up at 8plus and had breakfast and packed laggugage and met in training room at 9am.
Well! The sentence on top is damn the broken engalish la. HAHAHAHAH.
So in the morning, had last talk by Ernest i think.. (I dont remember la tsktsk.)
Play last game. The Commit Suicide game HAHAHAH. Damn scary but fun lor.
2 stacked up chairs were put on the stage. We have to stand on the chair facing the stage and fall backwards.
There'll be people catching you, BUT STILL SCARY RIGHT?! Its like i'm so frigging heavy la!!!
Ernest was like 'Wah this one, die la.' when it came to me. There was this girl damn slim.
But he say very heavy. -_- Well, but everyone was encouraging me, haha.
So i went upupup. It was very fun! There was someone, idk who, went to put my hand on my face.
Wtf i cannot breathe. Tsktsktsk, i wonder who is it man!!! LOLLL.
Then we sing song again, this time really last goodbye hug already. Ohman tears rolled down. (Alilllll.)
After that, had test. Last test, i dont think i did THAT badly... Heh. The day was ending..
So fast lor. The parents reached after Ken and Ernest told us afew jokes.
Ernest talked to the parents while we sat there and listened. DAMN FUNNY!!! HAHAHAH.
But some stuffs ernest say fake one lor. Then had dedication time. Only like 5people went up to talk when we were ALL supposed to go up?
Hahaha cause of time constraint i guess.. Ernest treated ALL of us to dinner after camp.
So kind of him. Had our dinner and reached back Singapore and home around 11pm at night.
So this is the end of the Super Teen Holiday Camp at Kota Tinggi. There's no photos for this post.
Because i have to wait till Kelly come back from Indo and till she gets the permission to get the photos up.
Yeah. Plus i think i left alot of things out. -_- My brain not tuned correctly so now at this moment i cannot think correctly.
I'll come back and edit as soon as somethings pops into my head. I love everyone!!!
(I have decided to divide the post into 2. I'll post this up first cause my Genting one, the photos only uploaded halfway. ZZZ. -.- So do wait up for my Genting's post. AND I WILL DEFINITELY EDIT THIS POST, its like in a total mess la. Just post it up so that i feel my blog wont be so dead. HEH!!!)