I was VERRRYYYY sleepy seriously. I also dont know why.
Must be because of winnie one la. This woman dont know how to see time. -.-.
You know i told her to wake me up at 630. 620 only she told me 630 already.
Make me wake up and realise i could actually sleep for another 10minutes.
Roar, though its just 10minutes, it's still 10minutes what!
Only had History lesson today and DNT. LOL, did nothing in both lessons.
Hiphop was the 'theme' for today's assembly man!!!!!
Like damn awesome la! Never in my life have i seen a real beatboxer/rapper infront of my eyes.
LOL, they were so damn cool la! Especially the beatboxer.
He could do SOOOOOO many sound effects with just his mouth. -_-
How the heck do these people do such stuffs man! I did take records of it.
You can hear it! :D It's not as nice as you hear it real life.
Trust me, its really by his own mouth and though it sound as if MANY people did those sounds, but its just one person.
Amazing to the max okay.The rapper's awesomely cool too!!! :D:D:D
(Sorry. There was some technical problems. Will TRY and put up the clips after CT.)
Came back home, bathed and started killing my braincells to think of how to do my DNT.
Finally knew what to do so i did. Now mummy's on her way to daddy's office to get the layout thingy that i did in the afternoon!
I'm gonna start pasting later and i'll show you my master piece okay! :D
I'm just gonna show you what pictures i used for my dnt.
Heheheh, Annabelle would know how i got this pen. (Well, if you do pass by my blog. :D)
This is damn retarded. Thats the one reason i hate DNT. A picture tells a thousand words.
I know you wont understand a single thing though i've literally said 4000 words.
LOL!!! I'll be jogging later on after i do my DNT. Hehe, i ate mac for dinner.
So i needa burn off the fatty oil in me. LOL :D
I'm dead beat.... :'( The stupid project. Yawnz. -.-
It WAS interesting until i got super tired of it. Like seriously, :(
I wanna sleep early tonight but i havent even started revising on my DNT theory.
The paper stated there that we've gotta spend at least 6hours on that question.
You know how long i spent? Yes 6hours. -.- Hello, very long already.
I thought i'd take like maybe 3hours or so only la. Freaking hell.
Alright, let me show you guys what i've done. Sorry, i know my handwriting like kindergarden kid.
Cause i never write so big before, and i tried writing big so it looks weird.
Sigh, really pray that wilson yeo dont give me low marks...
This is question 1.
This is question 2.
HAHAHA, this somehow entertained me. LOLOL, especially the first photo below.
It was taken when i'm 4 i think. I was in childcare that time. (I didnt go Nursery. LOL.)
LOL DAMN FUNNY, WHO THE HELL IS HE??? HAHAHA. And i know the second one's cuteeee.
HEHEHEHE. I'm also like 5 or 6 years old.