HELLO GUYZ. I'm here once again to blog!!! :D Had an awesome yet tiring day yesterday.
Woke up at 11, talked to qianyu on MSN and then headed to the bathroom for a bath and prepared for the day out.
I waited for the bus for so long. :( I was almost melting already. Reached amk hub @ 2pm and i thought i was late.
Qianyu came at 2.15pm. Had no ways to contact her because her school teacher confiscated her phone.
So i just waited and waited with Ridley. When she finally came, i went to take money, bought food and headed into the cinema room.
Caught the Jack Neo film 'Being Human'. It was a really good show, except for the lame ending!
I know the Jack Neo hot topic is still going around but the show was still good what. Super humorous.
Jack Neo films always make me happy like mad already then start sobbing then happy again.
-_- After the movie, went Somerset 313 with Qianyu and Ridley. She thought there got Juicy Couture.
Yup, so i checked the internet, dont have. Went to eat, then headed to Ion. Somerset's boring...
Walked out of Ion and went Taka. Qianyu wanna see her Juicy Couture thingy again.
Kaheng called, telling me she already reached Plaza Sing. So i went back to Dhoby and find her while the 2 of them go home. :)
I saw Brice and her together, the first thing i heard from Brice was not a Hi. It was a 'See she so skinny what. Where got fat. On her blog still can pose somemore.'
EH THATS SUPER RANDOM. They must be talking about me before i arrive. -.- Ok went Cathay to find the sisters, Kassandra and Tedra.
Haha Brice was stupid. He bluffed Kass and Ted that we've gone missing and he acted panicky.
LOL. Supposed to catch Dear John, but the earliest time slot for the show was 9plus.
Very late eh... So we ended up slacking in some Sushi restaurant @ Cathay. I didnt eat.
I ate at Somerset, remember? Kaheng and Brice kept saying that i was lying! Gosh ask Qianyu and Ridley la!!!
I got eat lor! Then i got so bored cause they kept eating and i dont wanna eat... LOL.
Last stop of the day, Starbucks Cafe. I bought my drink and sat there drinking.
Daddy kept calling me eh. So irritating, last time also never like that one. He so weird yesterday.
So i had to reach home as early as possible, in case i go home kena bomb.
Lol, i was telling Kassandra that some people wear tights alone without a long shirt will look kuku.
Then this weird guy whom i dont know, said: Wah tights ah. This is tights ah? *He points to his own pants*.
I was like huuuuuh. He was talking to me??? o.O But he walked away already.
Then when i wanted to continue talking, he passed by me again and said: Yeah the tights very nice! (Y) *Points to his own pants again. -.-.....*
Another random moment. Why he so random. Okay nevermind, i got hyper after i drank the coffee.
EEEK, the coffee contained........ CHOCOLATE. Tsk, chocolates make me go crazy. What a wrong timing once again.
On the way to the MRT, i was practically being a lil crazier than my normal self. Brice said he'll buy me Javachip everytime before we see each other so i'll be hyper.
THATS COOL YOU KNOW. I get free drink. LOL, yup but F-A-T. Tsk. Yes i'm sure i've put on weight this hols.
Took the train with Kaheng since we're going the same way. :) Talked to her on train and reached home at 10.30pm. Hah, whoops? Daddy was sure angry for who knows what reason.
Bathed and everything, 11plus already. Mummy came back at 12 and asked me what time i came back.
"I DONT KNOW. HAHA I DONT TELL YOU." My hyperness still there if you realise.
Since i drank coffee, i was only able to go to sleep at 2plus. -_- Whole night thinking of rubbish thoughts.
I was thinking that i could sleep through the afternoon. But Spencer tan woke me up and said we're going out SOON.
-.- I thought it was some trick of his to wake me up so i just continued sleeping.
"I.... I JUST CANT GO TO SLEEP, CAUSE IT FEELS LIKE I'VE FALLEN FOR YOU. ITS... GETTING WAY TOO DEEP." suddenly started ringing. (It was my ringtone.)
Roar, Mummy called twice. Picked up and she told me we were going out! -.-
So i woke up, bathed and headed out. Went Thomson to see fountains and stuff like that.
So not my thang, obviously i'm just following my mommy. Went Sushi Tei for lunch @ Thomson Plaza.
It was very delicious. Cha soba is mad love. :D I was acting crazy during lunch too. Hehe.
Walked around for a lil while, then headed home at 3plus4. Watched Alvin & the Chipmunks 2!!!
It was so cute!!! I love Theodore!!! I LOVE HIM LEH REALLY. He is so fat and cute and CUTE!!!!
Heh, but i've gotta chiong my homework tomorrow. WHICH MEANS, i cannot go out.
Actually i can, if i manage to finish my homework tomorrow before 6. Now, i wanna go eat my donut.
Hehe. Yay dance dance dance tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow~
Omg i really want long hair so desperately. :( Ashley Tisdale's brunette hair is so nice!!!
She look very very very pretty. Heheheh, i likey her. :D
She so sexy and hot and pretty and HAHAHA HER SONGS ROCK TOO.
& I was also searching for Lady Gaga's old looks. Eeeek i really hate how she look now.
She very stupid la really. Can look pretty she dont want. Stupid or what.
But her songs are always great and addictive eh. Weird right. Haha. She looks the best in her Pokerface vid.
This must be one of her old innocent pictures. LOL.
YES I WANT LONG HAIRRRR. Fyi i dont know who she is. Some random person. LOLLLL.