Sigh, i'm really darn lazy to blog. :( Got so much to write, but i decided not to.
So i didnt go dance on Saturday. The weather very hot, i dont wanna burn my face, so i decided to stay home.
No church either so went Parkway with family. :) Wanted to look for that indoor rowing machine.
But, they never sell it there. So sad. :( Did some shopping at Cotton On.
Hehe, I bought one super cute tank. Love it alot la seriously! Hehee.
Jonas got very emotional that particular night, which is kinda weird i guess?
Never have he confide me in anything, never have he asked me for desperate help before.
LOL, but because of SOMETHING, become like that eh. Ha, don't know whether to laugh and kick his ass, or pity him.
Somehow i decided to pity him and try to help him, but he got so irritating man!
Nevermind, i'm a kind soul. I'll TRY and help as much as i can though i know if i dont help, Dennis will also do the job. LOOL.
Had Insomnia that particular night and was only able to sleep at like 2plus.
Quite late for me already as it has been sometime since i slept at 2.
Nothing much happened on Sunday. It was kinda a sleepy day for me.
Had guitar in the morning, tuition in the afternoon and went Whampoh for ba ku teh at night.
:) I hate the mirrors in my room eh. It ALWAYS reminds me of how terrible my face have become.
Well, as for today, History was kinda awesome in a way that Dennis is there to entertain me with his gossips.
He can really go create his own magazine titled, 'The School Affairs'.
Tskkkk, nevermind it was still entertaining. I bet the only reason i would wanna look forward to History is because of him.
Irritating yet entertaining at times. Best part is, HE WILL NEVER EVER GET ANGRY! :P
During break time, had awesome time with the usual babies. Their retarded actions make me laugh until i can die.
Dance was tiring. :( I did alot of failed backrolls.. Feel so sad and depressed because of this.
Even people bigger sized than me also can do, i this idiot there keep failing.
Omg. Fail so many times until i cry. OHMYGAWD, really damn wtf. Don't understand why i cant roll over.
Thanks alot Charlotte for being there for me ALL THE TIME. Love you to the maximum of the maximum. Hehehe.
Went home and i was dang tired. Really wished i could just go to bed but i stink.
Ewwww, so bathed and slacked alll the wayyyyy. Not gonna do DNT. Poof, i dont know what i'll get from yeoyeo tomorrow.
Nothing serious i bet. He'll tell me: Your marks also not my marks. I fail you i still get my pay.
TSK THIS KIND OF TEACHER ALSO HAVE SIA. Nevermind, this kind of teacher produces me this kind of shit student.
Cannot blame me please.
So, i think i'll be having an early night today. (Hopefully i'll sleep before 11..)
There's PE tomorrow. & NAPFA on Thursday. (DOUBLE SADNESS!!!)
So goodnight and bye my darlings.
OH PS: I REALLY WANNA KNOW WHAT IS GLEE. Where can i watch the previous episodes?