Obviously, i'm bored. If not why would i be posting when 24hours havent even passed after my last post?
I've been downloading videos to my computer to update my iPhone's videos in the morning.
OH, i woke up at 8plus today! WANNA KNOW WHY? ITS ALL BECAUSE OF THE SUN.
It was literally BURNING ME AWAKE. -.- My whole face was burning hot even though i'm in an air conditioned room.
Can someone PLEASE shoot the damn sun down?
So today's Labour's day. Oooo nothing awesome about the day. Wedding dinner is in 6-7 hours time.
I already decided on what to wear. BUT IT SERIOUSLY HUGS MY FATS. HOW? Should i just change to something else?
This happens when i always get casual clothes and NO formal wears! :(
Ok whatever, i'm gonna go off. This post is seriously lame. Shouldnt have even thought of blogging.