A guy out there was meant to be the love of your life, your best friend, your soul mate, the one you can tell your dreams to. He'll smile at you, but he'll never laugh at your heart. He'll brush the hair out of your eyes. Send you flowers when you least expect it. He'll stare at you during the movies. He'll call to say goodnight or just cause he is thinkin of you. He'll look in your eyes and tell you, you're the most beautiful girl in the world, and for the first time in your life, you'll believe it.
안녕! Hehe Korean is a really fun language to learn, really!! Even though i'm an extremely slow learner, but yeah its still cool for me. :)
So today was an extremely cold day for me. Didnt really expected it though. I was like, "oh its raining. should i bring jacket?" Decided to so i just grabbed the jacket and went to school. Rained stopped. I started to felt the heat but didnt want to take out because, i'm lazy to wear back if i wanted to LOL. Thank god i didnt because after the first period, temperature started dropping drastically. Ok i'm exaggerating, but it was really very cold!
A pretty normal day for me. I was anticipating for after school because clique was planning to watch Aftershock. But after Chinese period, i realised my "aunt" came and visit me!!! Ohmygosh what a wrong timing right... I had to go home, if not it'd be so freaking disgusting. EEWWWW MUCH!!! I hurried went to the toilet before SS lesson started and went back. But on the way, Joseph gave me a scare. ._....
On facebook yesterday, he said he'd say hi to me today. Actually i kinda forgot about it leh. Ohmygosh then when i was walking about to the classroom, he suddenly walked pass me and said: HIHIHIHIHI. Like wth, i didnt know what to respond at first because i had slow reaction. I knew i was already late for class so i just said Hi, waved, and said bye. Weird much, i didnt see his class around. How the hell did we "coincidentally" bumped into each other eh? LOL Until afew minutes ago then i realised, he already saw me walking to the toilet. So he literally planned all this, just to give me a shock. LOL!!! Ha Joseph, I'll be watching out for you on Monday. Wont be as shocked, promise.
Watched SHINee's Hello Baby!!! Ohmygod even if you dont like them or whatever uh, after this show you will confirm fall in love with them man!! LOL. I was like bored, and i was crazing over Taemin so much lately that i decided i should watch Hello baby. SO CUTE LA ALL REALLY!!! I used to only like Taemin. The others were only average. After watching, i realised all of them have their own kind of super awesome character. Its totally different from their singing images, TOTALLY!
SHINee ftw! ♥