Heya, i'm here to blog about today before doing DNT.
It wasnt a really awesome day today. Well i dont know why either. Had flu and tummyache the whole day. Gawd, what is wrong with me. -.- Plus i had bad hair&face day. Eeeek wished i could be like Dennis for once. He can skip school for no reason!!!
Lessons were kinda boring. I actually paid attention to every lesson today except CS. I have no idea what the teacher was talking about la. History lesson was FREAKING boring!!!!(even though i paid attention.) My itouch and iphone was confiscated by this unknown teacher. DAMNIT!!!! What is his freaking problem!!!! I bet he never touched an iphone nor an itouch before. Ugh Dennis kinda warned me but i turned a deaf ear to him till the very last minute. Very bad uh... I know, lol. When i got back my phone, he then told me that very same teacher confiscated his phone too, but Dennis had to write a "composition" to get his phone back. So he told me i was lucky.
Supposed to catch Despicable me after school. However the timings didnt suit our schedule. So yeah went to have lunch/dinner. Reached home at 5pm.
“So we’re teenagers. We fall in love too often, too easily and too hard for our own good. We don’t listen to the people that we value the opinion of the most. We hurt the people we love & we make the same mistakes over and over. We want all the privileges of being older, with the advantages of being young. We do things no one can explain, including us. Every minute of it is exhausting and every minute is amazing.”