Thinkin about us, what we gonna be?
Open my eyes, yeah it was only just a dream.
I'm worn out today seriously. I almost fell asleep on the bus, STANDING. Omg during dance, teacher worked on techniques and it was so tiring!! :( School was just plain tiring today.
The main reasion why i'm blogging now its because of, Alexander Lee Eusebio. LOL did i mention i watched Dream team ep 42 yesterday? Taemin appeared only in the front of the show. The rest was still entertaining because Alexander and this guy from Mighty Mouth called Sangchu. They were extremely hilarious la! One some cute the other so hawt HAHA. I started watching U-KISS reality show called Vampire just because of Alexander. I think Hello Baby is waaaay better. Whoops i know i'm bias but HA, i'm definitely faithful to SHINee man. Heheee. I just love ONE person from some groups. Like, Kim Hyun Joong. HAHA and now i'm adding to my one-person-from-the-group list and that is, ALEXANDER LEE EUSEBIO!!!! His character so cute la. Then everytime he laughs hor, MY HEART MELT! LOL. Plus his hair is always in the cute high ponytail thingy! It so reminds me of Amanda and Hongki! SO CUTE!!! Walao eh but Hongki's hair now damn turn off man. Why he change until so extreme. Ewww i rather he have his hair short in this case. -_- And seriously, Alexander look very handsome without make up. HEHE. Yay he is so cute. ^_^