Look at this picture. I know my face scares you a little. But dont care my face la. Look at the effect. I dint even edit this picture. LOL! And, i've got nothing to do that time. So i anyhow snap snap snap. Suddenly this weird picture with this weird picture comes out. LOL. Look at my pimple. -.-. So obvious somemore. And the shirt i'm wearing. ARMY ONE. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. It's damn damn huge. I kept the sleeves so that it won't be so long. BACK TO THE EFFECT. LOOK AT IT MAN! ISNT IT COOOOOOL!!?? HAHAHAHA. I wanted to delete cause it was so ugly. But when i look at it the second time, i spotted this ultra cool thingy. COOL MAN! :D
Just watched finished the second last episode of Boys Over Flowers. God, so scared the ending not nice. -.-. GU JUN PYO IDIOT. So many people dont want forget, must forget Geum Jan Di. -.-. IDIOT NOT. Roars.. Last episode, later then watch. LOL!! Now, i need to find things to do. I wanted to do my blogskin. But i dont know do what. So i better not mess with it, later from nothing to do become ALOT of things to do. I'm not really that free la. Heheheh.
I watched finished Boys Over Flowers!!!!!!!!
I LUV IT!!!!!!
NICE ENDING !!!!!!!!!!
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