Went for guitar lesson in the morning. I woke up myself. Cause dont know who off-ed my aircon. Lol. Reached heartland, waiting for the lift that time, i was texting i dont know who. Lol, dont remember. Then when i turned back, i jumped up abit. LOL!! Cause the teacher was behind me. LOLLL. He seemed to be moody uh. During class time, he like very weird weird one. I think he si lian issit? LOLOLOLOL.
Went back home. Watched 2 parts of boy over flowers. I'm coming to the end of the show. Awww... I don't want it to end neh. Lol. Prepared for dance class after that. I luved what i was wearing yesterday. Very cute neh the top. :P But i was having a bad hair day, sadly. -.-. I tried tying my hair in all sorts of ways. Look damn damn weird. Cause of my stupid haircut. So i thought of what to tie. SUDDENLY, i remembered how Klaryce tied when i went out with her. So i wanted to try, see how i look. I LOOKED LIKE A JAPANESE. -.-..... So irritating. But cannot change already, cause my hair curly curly already. Roars. Bad hair day man!
Dance was pretty okay. Though i had alot alot of mistakes behind. Cause, too tired, and alot of people was looking. So stress. -.-. LOL. Went back home, and watched Boys Over Flowers again. Wah, i want to be in that fairytale leh.. I don't mind being bullied by the mother. LOL.... Cause there are other things that is damn wonderful.
5plus prepared for church and went to church. Lol. I felt damn damn damn sleepy. I wanted to sleep in Church. Lol. Idiot right me? But i dint la, i only like put my head down for awhile then look up already.
Quite a number of people looked at me like i was some kind of alien that has just reached planet Earth leh. I think it's because of my hair. -.-.
Wanted to go Cold Storage get some things to eat, but rain suddenly poured down. We had to rush home immediately. Watched tv all the way till 12am. Lol. Then went to sleep.

Nothing in particular to post today. Cause i dont think anything's gonna happen today. Unless parents suddenly wants to watch a movie or hang out somewhere, i'll be rotting at home for the whole day. I wanna go out tomorrow. Actually, tomorrow's the 6H's gathering. I dont think alot of people's going. It's damn not planned properly at all. I dont even think i'm invited. Cause, they claimed to have planned so long ago, yet i never hear a single news at all. So i dont think i'll be going. Cause no one asked if i was going. Stupid, i dont exist in this world, at all.
Woke up at 10am sharp. Ate breakfast and went to bathe. Weather too hot, i buey tahan. After that, went to flip through my childhood photos. Damn cute. Dont know why my looks change so much. Can tell the difference eh. From baby till now.. Wah. -.-. Last time i'm kind close to my relatives, now leh? See me like stranger liddat. Stupid. I took a few snapshots of some pictures. Its blur, cause my camera's not good. I used my phone camera. Lol.
Now watching Boys Over Flowers. Episode 23. Sigh. Why JanDi left... She'll be back right...????

My parents and my brother. I still remembered this picture.
It's taken in genting.
Last time me, peiyee, peiming, dennis and terence took the train seat infront. And i think last time he is like, maybe the biggest size among all of us? So we all can squeeze into one seat, but he cannot come in. So he went to sit with my parents, and he cried. Dont know who went and snapped him crying. LOL!!

This is me and my brother. HE IS WEARING MY DRESS KAY.
Hahahha. Last time he very adorable eh?
Can be my sister already. (:

CUTE RIGHT? Now like shit. LOL..

Me with the same dress spencer is wearing on top. LOL!!

Tada! Cute rightttttttt!!!!!
I wanna pinch spencer. Last time he very nice to pinch.
Now also la, but not cute already. Unless he act cute la, -.- But still so fake.

Another dress. LOL. Like angmoh baby. HAHAHHA.

MEEEEEEEE. I think i was in cruise.

But it was my birthday. I'm the one in the hairband.
The one on the left is FION LEE. SHE IS DAMN CUTE.
I look like a giant beside her.
We're of the same age, AND she is 2months plus older than me.
The rest are my cousins. And my parents. But they guy, dont know who he is. LOL!!
Spot meiyi! LOL!
I cannot even believe that that's me you know! LOL!
Germaine, Me, Charmaine. (:
Now never talk already. Lol.
Total strangers i can say.
All those pictures on top, they look nicer in real life. Here so blur. -.-. So dumb one. LOL!
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