Went to school as usual. Announcements and everything were so boring la. -.-. So ah, went back to classroom to check results. I waited so long. -.- Cause i was the freaking last index number. Hate last numbers la. So idiot. So waited waited and waited, then finish already went foyer wait for bus for my geography learning journey.
Went to LTA. Very fun man!!!! Luv it. Hahahah. Good thang i dint skip school. We dint had break leh. Left the place around 11plus. So hungry. Went to some hydroponics place. DAMN HOT. Can get heat stroke ohmygod. Cannot stand the heat. Somemore we dint eat, energy no more. Then finished already went back school. We were late already. Supposed to reach school by 12.15pm. But we reached the place at 12.05pm. And left the place at 12.45pm. =.=. Dumb right. Reached school 1plus pm. Still need to go hall, cause Peterson wanna see us. He told us that we cannot fail maths. The rest fail maths one must retake or something. Those pass one can enjoy holiday(yeah right). So off we went back home. HAHA.
Reached home, damn tired. EAT MAC. :D:D:D Watching Boys Over Flowers at the same time. I very slow lah mygod. SO SLOW LAH. I wished i could watch it faster. Then slack slack slack. (Cannot remember what i do.HAHAHAH)
Dint go school. :D Cleaning day. Blah, dont want. HAHAH. Woke up at 9. Mummy woke me up. She saw my piercing. She asked me why i dint tell her. Then she angry, stomped out of the room. I faster go brush teeth and rushed out of the room just to say sorry to her. LOL. But she still angry la. Then started talking about my results again. See, the disadvantage of getting poor results. Hehhh.
10 went to bathe and prepare. Followed mummy go cut hair. I wanted to dye my hair. But mummy told me not enough time. So i asked her if i could buy the dye thingy then come back dye myself. She said okay. YAY. Lol. Went and cut my hair too. People said it was nice(i dont think so. I look like mushroom head now). LOL? Nice meh. I dont dare take picture of myself. So cannot show. Heheh.
After that, went to dentist to do my teeth. I saw Goh Mei Yi's mummy. So mean, first thing she said to me is "you fat already." in chinese... Urghhhhhhhhhhh.Dont care la, knew it. Went to do teeeeth. Omg so pain. Actually not really lah. But the injection was like.... -.-. Scared. And the sound of the machine. Dontknow what is that. Scary.. Now, my teeth is like normal human teeth! I can smile normally already! I so happy! Hahaha. Thanks to mummy. She said she paid.... 1200 for my teeth. Lol. Ex right. LOLLLLL.
Did finish around ... 2?? Maybe, dont remember. Went Watsons to get my hair dye. I bought Hoyu brand. Cause Klaryce Lim Si Hui say the colour very fast come out. Hehehh. I bought Caramel Chocolate colour. I hope it would be obvious la. I wanted to eat Subway, but mummy wanna go office do something. I thought she went there awhile only. So i told her go her office first then go subway. Followed her up to her office. Everyone looked at me like i'm some kind of giant. Lol, pathetic. I saw Danny Ong. LOLLLLLLL. They talked finish, went to another part of the office with mummy and danny. Saw mummy's clique mates. HAHAHA. They damn funny one. Though i'm kinda extra there, i still kept laughing. Funny. HAHAHAH. Went off with mummy and danny. Mummy wanna send danny home. So mean, she forgot about my Subway.. ): Nevermind. In the car, mummy talking to danny, i also talking to him. Usually hor, i talk to adults got like the feeling of the age gap. But when i talk to him hor, it's like he is maybe a few years older than me liddat. LOL... And he told me he taught in Nan Chiau High & Catholic High before. Unbelievable. HAHAHA. My mum ask him to tutor me since he was a teacher before. LOL. And!!!! He asked me my birthday. So i told him la, then you know what. He told me he'll give me assessment books as my birthday presents. -.-!!!! Kukumalu.
Sent him home and we reached home. I cannot wait to dye my hair. Cause, i was praying hard that this time, the colour would be obvious! Then started doing and doing. Went and wash it off after 35 or 40 minutes. HAHA, i very kiasu. :P No colour lor... So sad. I walked into mummy's room, and said, "No colour lor... Everytime liddat." You know what! Mummy's reaction was, " WHAT NO COLOUR? So obvious you tell me no colour. You blind or what!" I chuatio. -.-. CAUSE REALLY I CANNOT SEE THE COLOUR. LOLLLLLL. Then i walked down to the kitchen. I show sad face to winnie and told her the same thing. HAHA. Then she also say no colour, but tell me to wait 3days, sure have colour. I walked out, cause bright ma, i tried to console myself by saying got colour, stand in the sun more often sure got colour. HAHAHAHAHAH. Winnie walked out, and said, "HAVE COLOUR WHAT..." Then i showed her f7 face. LOL. I walked more towards the light. I move one step, she " SEEEEEEEE " one time. Wah, qi si ren.
Then i dont care la. LOL. I wanna buy another bottle. ): I really want the colour to be obvious zzz. Ate dinner and now blogging. I'm gonna watch Boys Over Flower soon. I dont think i'll rush now. I still got alot of time. LOL, its not like i'm gonna die tomorrow right? :X
Below are pictures from today and yesterday. Man, i was thinking of whether i should post up MY FACE anot. Took me alot of courage you know. So i was thinking, must face up to the facts la right. If i look like that, i
cannot change it right. So post lor. Heheheh.

The colour. LOL...
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