You know, when we go up the bus, me and Jazreel don't want to sit infront. So we squeeze behind with Charlotte and Yolande. Yolande sit on Charlotte. I sit on Jazreel. =.=!!!!!! I'm like so heavy, i dont even dare to put my weight on her. Then she told yolande that she was heavier than me?! OMG. -.-. What nonsense. Like no need to weigh also know she lighter than me ma! So kuku. Then i damn uncomfortable. LOL. It was almost like i was standing. Then teacher don't allow us to sit liddat. Tell us move infront again. We don't want. In the end let us sit behind. LOLOLOLLLLL.
The person in charge of our class damn talkative la. Talktalktalktalk and talk. I also donno what she talking. All History one. She talk as if she was from that century you know, as if she had seen what had happened during the past. LOL.. Wow. Headed to some idk what place also. The staircase scare me. SUPER SUPER LONG. -.-... Cher in cher told us to go up. See some old thingy la. But me zhihao and Jazreel dint go up. They come down, regret. Cause the old thingy i think not there already. Wasted their energy climbing up the stairs. In the mid point of the staircase, there is this stupid uncle sitting down there. The other teacher in charge of another class told him that we're lazy to climb up. He so extra one. -.-. "YEAH, you must make them climb up and down 10times." WTF. Go and die la he.
Last stop was the cemetery lor. That place was nice. Kinda liked it. But i was damn damn damn sleepy already. I walked like not stable one, like anytime can fall down. LOL. Having headache too. ALL OF A SUDDEN LOR. =.= Reach school 12.50 liddat. Went home watched Boys Over Flowers. Now also watching. But it's loading. Stupid desktop. The keyboard spoil. Then i cannot use that one. Now this dumb laptop load so slow. So blog first to kill time. HAHAH.
I realised i'm posting pictures nowadays ah. :D Not me. BUT STILL PICTURES RIGHT? Lame pictures actually.

This is the yesterday's Leadership Workshop the lecturer.

Anyhow snap one. LOL!
I'm so crazy over this show now. HAHA. KIM HYUN JOONG!!!!!! Luv him luv him LUV HIM MAN!
Boys Over Flowers
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