Nothing much to say, maybe afew points to write about.
- I finally managed to poke the contacts into my eyes in less than 5minutes. :D
- I did not know what to wear so i asked KlaryceLim.
- She told me to wear the top that's on my MSN DP.
- I dint want to cause i wore it too often.
- But i still did in the end cause i've got nothing to wear. -.-.
- Pictures are ugly. (:
- Dennis Yeo actually talked to me yesterday night!
Woke up this morning and i think it was earlier than usual.
Cause usually after i'm done preparing for school, spencer would not be at home already.
Or at least he's already outside waiting for his bus to come.
Today, he's still in his room preparing when i'm already done O_O
Reached school and normal lessons again as usual.
History and maths and recess and Music.
Modular CCA was the last period. Dance again. -.-.
Jazz Funk rocks big time compared to modern dance. LOL. :D
We're doing some retro dance or idk what. ._.
The front part of the dance, looks abit like the HSM2 All for one song. LOL!
I think i hurt my left leg baluku. HAH.
Cause the dance movement got one need to kneel. And my thigh muscle hurts. ._.
Reached home after that and eat lunch and watch tv. LOL.
2pm, already like 7pm liao. Became so dark man!
The whole house like from morning 10am became evening time 7pm in just 1hour.
Hahaha, rain rain go away! Come again another day la!
Rain is good, for sleeping. -.-. But now, i've got something i wanna do, and it rains.
Spoils my mood when this happens. Its so irritating la.
Ok! It's stopping soon i guess. It's starting to brighten up again. HAHAHA.
Yay it's bright now! Hohoho. I want cookies! I want cooooookies.
-.-. LOL. Cookies i delicious, espeically chocolate ones. HAHA.
Dont blame me for being ugly. ):