Dontknow lah. Pain pain. Heheh. Woke up in the morning as usual.
Jesus Christ, i was freaking tired la!!!! -.-.
Reached school and normal lessons lor.
PE was quite ok la. Very sweaty urgh. Gross man. First period of the day somemore.
Art did self portrait. LOL SIA, i draw draw draw, look like alien.
After i put on hair into the picture, it looked like me. Cool man. HAHA.
Then Chinese normal lesson. Chinese is interesting now.
Phew, lucky change teacher. Literature did some question essay about movies.
The end. LOL.
My post very short right. :D Short and sweet ma. Tsktsk.
I'm not used to it. Hmmmm. How i shall i lengthen it...
Dont know leh.. -.-. No songs are nice now. Boring alibaba.
Later going daddy's company's bbq. Cool~
Reflection of me in the toilet. Charlotte is in the toilet.
I'm bored, took out my phone and snapped the mirror.

Charlotte came out of the toilet.
Still holding my phone but this time, snapped the mirror with her image. :D

I know i look bigger in size in those reflections.
You wanna know why?! Cause i'm wearing PE inside.
Damn warm sia. -.-. Somemore, my PE shirt damn big size.
I purposely bought it big, and my uniform is smaller in size than my PE.
So i like have to make the sleeves same length as my uniform.
Making me look so fat fat fat when i'm already so fat. -.-.