Woke up this morning like every other day. Prepared my stuffs and headed to school.
Realised that dance studio wont be opened till Cross country is over.
Lol. So brought my things up to the hall. Had a slight briefing for cross country and off we went.
Sec1 girls first to run, followed by Sec1 boys.
Then sec2 and sec3 girls run, then sec2 and sec3 boys.
Not sure about sec4s and sec5s. Hehehh.. I wasnt there already when they were running.
I want to slack, i dint want to run. Charlotte and Jazreel say they want to run.
Yup, they went ahead of us. Way ahead. Yolande and me were slacking behind.
We got run la, at times. HAHA. Charlotte said she's sure she could run at least far enough so i cannot catch her up.
And guess what, i was right behind her in no time, then taking over her. HAHAHAHA!
She's so cute eh! LOL... Ran ran ran then stop stop stop, behind the boys are presurizing me.
They are all so freaking fast! They start like maybe 15minutes or later, later than us you know!
And some of them already infront of me!!! D: Damn stress, then keep running lo.
LOL. If only i hadnt slack, maybe i can get top 20. -.- Cause i only got top 30.
LOL... Quite unbelivable, i dint know alot of people were behind me. I look behind, like no people.
I thought i was like the last few already. I ask Geraldine what place she was in.
She tell me 200plus. -.- Can tell bpsians girls very lousy at running.
Excluding those in sport cca la. LOL. Those in sports cca can go compete with the boys already.
So scary. LOL... Went back to school and was Jazreel injured. WADAHELL.
Poor thing.. ._. I had no time, have to go put things in Dance studio and prepare for dance. -.-
Lol, actually no difference. Cause i had to wait for Charlotte to come back.
She ended up in position 45. -.- How fast. LOL. Waited for her and went to dance studio.
Washed our faces and cleaned up our sweat and changed into costumes.
Makeup-ed and straightened hair and makeup-ed again and tied hair.
Danced afew rounds before heading to hall. At first, my makeup was quite nice looking.
But after sweating and everything, i looked like a ghost. Sometimes hate makeup la.
So.... ghostly lo. Especially those thick thick one. Rahs.
Dance finished, i guess everything turned out quite well. But i nearly fell on my last pose wth.
The stupid chair. Maybe i take not good chair or something. HAHA. :X
I still think i look stupid in the dance. Too much of act cute stuffs.
Looool. Plus my shoe was super big, it kept wanting to fall out.
I had to ue my toes or what to hold on it tightly. Then some movements cannot do properly.
Those need to point toes one. ._. Heheheh, but its not so obvious and people wont notice me one la, so nevermind lo.
HAHA. Another thing, i brought my cam along, but no battery. How great. -.-
Crazy right. So i dint take any pictures. Sian!!!!
But teacher got take, aiyo. I want the pictures sia!! ): Don't think i can get it anyway.
Heheh.. After school, waited for daddy to fetch me. Busy texting alot of people.
-.- Spam man, some tell me go back woodgrove, some tell me go back zhonghua.
Wah what the hell, i cannot devide my body into two. But i want to go back woodgrove more than zhonghua la, frankly.
Heheh.. I miss the teachers in woodgrove, i miss the mates in woodgrove too.
Sigh. I ended up going home, both schools also never go. Lol.
Cause my father was angry with me for no fucking reason. Like what the fuck la.
Let's rewind time...
Texted daddy say my school ended at 12.10pm. Tell him come fetch me.
Cause i told him 12.30pm end. Ok la, maybe need like 15minutes from his workplace reach my school.
So i waited for 15minutes before calling him. But 15minutes already, still never come.
So i called.
Me: Daddy where are you now?
Daddy: Huh what? Oh gimme 20minutes more.
Me: HUH!? Why so long sia!?
Daddy: Er where are you now?
Me: At school la.
Daddy: Ok, you gimme 20minutes ok.
Me: Ok.
Wait wait wait. Waited for more than 20minutes too. I'm like so pekchek already la.
He finally came, nearing to 1pm already. So i went into the car, and he showed me face.
Wtf, first question he asked me was, if i sent a email to Mr chia.
I was like: Huh? what email sia. Then he asked if mummy got send me the text message not.
So i said have, but i dint know must send email cause i thought mr chia asking mummy so mummy will reply what.
Then he was like: He asking about mummy or asking about you? (Show me jiaobin.)
I told him: How i know must send email, also no one said must send email.
-.- Anyway the message is asking mummy how am i what. Why must i reply how am i.
I can lie to Mr Chia say i super super super good girl what. Wtf sia he.
Rubbish please, so fucking random la. Then nevermind.
He say everytime i call him, never say byebye. ?!?!?! -'-?!?!?!?!
He everytime scold me hor, he also got do one sia. Sickening to the max la.
Usually i call him, tell him what i want to say already right, he'll be like: okokok. *HANGS THE PHONE.*
-.- Like that one leh. Where is the byebye uh? Is maybe if I GOT SAY, then he say leh.
If not he wont lo. What the hell. WHATEVERRRRRR. Keep showing me face. So sick and so tired.
Reached back home and had lunch. Ate finished, nathalie called me.
Tell me what she's at woodgrove gate already, and Dennis behind her.
LOL!?!?!? -.- Walao, she kept tempting me to go lo... If only i never lived so far.
Pissed la, wanted to ask him one, wth he go lock his room door. Bobian, cannot do anything lo.
But i really want to go out la wtf.... Texted Klaryce and asked if she can go out and have Dinner with me later on.
She go tell me she dont want eat, but can pei me. So cute leh.
How can i eat when someone's staring at me. ._. If later i going out, i sure make her eat at least a little..
HEHE. Also read a book in the afternoon, "Mummy doesnt love you."
Only read the 1st chapter. Alot of things kept distracting me. -.-
My phone, the noise of the fountains in my house, the leaking aircon. -.-
I read the first chapter only i feel disgusted by the mother already lo.
Some fucked up mother she is. This kind of mother, i don't want also nevermind la.
LOL.. Ok probably not going for dinner already. -.- My place here has stopped raining.
But Klaryce's place, heard from her, it's raining damn heavily. ._.
Sigh... I want to eat pastamania. ): I want to eat swensens. Aiyo qisiren.
Hope her place will stop raining soon..
Woohoo! I just noticed teacher sent me the Funk Jazz song! Hahahaha!
Yay i've got the original one already! Got the 5,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,1 DANCEFLOOR.
HAHAH! Yay yay yay. Hope can practise one more time these few upcoming days.
Hohoho. The song is like so damn big you know! 38mb. SIAO. LOL.
What did teacher add inside sia!!! LOL. Only that DanceFloor thing only sial.
Nevermind haha. I've burnt into disc already.
Chatted with Josephine about size issues this evening. Haha. Chatted quite long too. Woohoo. Okay, done with blogging. Sayo.
I really miss those times we play catching la!
I miss those times we keep getting caught for not handing up or doing our homeworks.
I miss those times when we keep running and hiding at the field.
I miss those times when we fought with each other over small matters.
I miss those times when we keep saying Quan En rubber ducky.
I miss Mr Leo alot alot alot. Really alot. LOL!!!
He was the one who made me cried when i got back my Primary5 EOY result.
Cause i kept failing like left one or two marks to pass.
But EOY, i got a 70% back, cried on the spot. I cannot forget that day la.
Plus, the lady who was borned on the same day as me, cried too cause she finally passed math.
All thanks to MrLeo. HAHAHA. Somehow la, no matter what i still miss that math teacher of mine alot.
I miss Charmaine, Crystal, Trudy, Choolin, Nathalie, Dennis, Jeffery, Jiale, Alyssa and all my other fellow classmates.
Ohman, seriously want to see you people soon! Mooncake festival, i'll go.
Promise man!!! No matter how near exams are to that date, i'll still go.
I really wish to see you people there. Please go to the festival okeh!!!!! MUST OKEH!!!!!
Looking really forward to that day! Luv you people to the infinity! ♥♥
My smile can cover up what’s inside. Even if my soul starts breaking down, I can still tell a joke. Even if I’m dying inside, I can still look so funny. I guess that’s how my life would go. I just have to smile and be happy even if the world is slowly killing me.
Quick updates
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
When they ask me, does it change? No it dont change a thing.
Don't call me even if I should cross your mind
Hard enough I don't need to hear your voice on my messages
Let's just call it quits it's probably better
So if I'm not returning your calls it's 'cause
'Cause I'm not comin' back I'm closing the door
I used to be trippin' over missin' you but I'm not anymore
I got the picture phone but baby your picture's gone
Couldn't stand to see your smile every time you dialed
'Cause it's over
Girl you know it's over this time
So when you call I'm pressin' seven
Don't wanna hear your messages messages
I'm tryna erase you from my mind
'Cause it's over
I swear girl it's over this time
So don't keep callin' leavin' messages
Don't wanna know where you been
Baby 'cause it's over
It's Over - Jesse Mccartney
You'll never get sick of this song la. Haha. No matter how old this song is, it's still very nice to hear to me.
Having been rotting at home since morning. Sunday really sucks bigtime la.
Probably wanna go out with family later. But i dont know where to go.
Any suggestions? sometimes i really hate going out with them la.
It's not that i dont want to follow them out, it's just that they're damn boring lo.
Go shopping with them, also must fast fast fast one, as if they are dying soon.
-.- I'm not cursing them or what, they really very boring. Lol.
Not like JAZREEL la, every sunday also go out. Also don't know where she go one.
Tomorrow have performance. Lol. Sure laugh at me one, so poorthing lo me.
Sigh. Dont feel like performing tomorrow, i only want to go out..
Dont judge its book by its cover ok people.
Doesnt mean someone is pretty means shes good at everything.
Doesnt mean someone is ugly means shes lousy at everything.
UPDATED @ 10.21pm
Hello, i'm back home from Compass, bathed and can start blogging already.
:D Went to Compass la. LOL! Went popular first to get stationeries.
Very weird, why the pen not put on the .... shelf or something one.
Its like hanged or idk what la. Then have to squeeze in to get the pen you want.
Cause alot of people. -.-, dont blame me for being stupid, i dont go compass.
Hehe, bought things here and there. And went Yoshinoya eat dinner.
Lol. Then went shop shop again. Shopped finished, went back home.
Saw alot of Michael Jacksons everywhere. All playing his videos.
Daddy bought his concert CD back home. HAHA. I'm watching it now.
So many people in his concert lo, (LOL OF COURSE LA, KING LEH!!).
Hehe, I LOVE HIS DANCE MOVES. HAHAHAH. Ok, back to post.
Went to packed my things for dance tomorrow. Hope there's cross country.
So we won't be so rush for everything. Hehe. But school will end later lo. LOL.
Bathed finished, masked finished, now blogging halfway and looking at MJ's concert.
Hahaha! Have been playing FriendsForSale in facebook. Lol la, people worth so much.
I'm not even worth a million. Buy me leh people!!! ): Jazreel don't want buy me back already..
She so mean.. Hmmmm, i watched a show this morning on channel 55.
It's called Love Exchange i think. That show inside got my chinese name sial!
Dint notice at first, cause they say so fast. -.- LOL. I saw the subtitles then i know.
LOL. Alright, maybe that's all for today's post. Goodluck all for tomorrow's performance!
Hard enough I don't need to hear your voice on my messages
Let's just call it quits it's probably better
So if I'm not returning your calls it's 'cause
'Cause I'm not comin' back I'm closing the door
I used to be trippin' over missin' you but I'm not anymore
I got the picture phone but baby your picture's gone
Couldn't stand to see your smile every time you dialed
'Cause it's over
Girl you know it's over this time
So when you call I'm pressin' seven
Don't wanna hear your messages messages
I'm tryna erase you from my mind
'Cause it's over
I swear girl it's over this time
So don't keep callin' leavin' messages
Don't wanna know where you been
Baby 'cause it's over
It's Over - Jesse Mccartney
You'll never get sick of this song la. Haha. No matter how old this song is, it's still very nice to hear to me.
Having been rotting at home since morning. Sunday really sucks bigtime la.
Probably wanna go out with family later. But i dont know where to go.
Any suggestions? sometimes i really hate going out with them la.
It's not that i dont want to follow them out, it's just that they're damn boring lo.
Go shopping with them, also must fast fast fast one, as if they are dying soon.
-.- I'm not cursing them or what, they really very boring. Lol.
Not like JAZREEL la, every sunday also go out. Also don't know where she go one.
Tomorrow have performance. Lol. Sure laugh at me one, so poorthing lo me.
Sigh. Dont feel like performing tomorrow, i only want to go out..
Dont judge its book by its cover ok people.
Doesnt mean someone is pretty means shes good at everything.
Doesnt mean someone is ugly means shes lousy at everything.
UPDATED @ 10.21pm
Hello, i'm back home from Compass, bathed and can start blogging already.
:D Went to Compass la. LOL! Went popular first to get stationeries.
Very weird, why the pen not put on the .... shelf or something one.
Its like hanged or idk what la. Then have to squeeze in to get the pen you want.
Cause alot of people. -.-, dont blame me for being stupid, i dont go compass.
Hehe, bought things here and there. And went Yoshinoya eat dinner.
Lol. Then went shop shop again. Shopped finished, went back home.
Saw alot of Michael Jacksons everywhere. All playing his videos.
Daddy bought his concert CD back home. HAHA. I'm watching it now.
So many people in his concert lo, (LOL OF COURSE LA, KING LEH!!).
Hehe, I LOVE HIS DANCE MOVES. HAHAHAH. Ok, back to post.
Went to packed my things for dance tomorrow. Hope there's cross country.
So we won't be so rush for everything. Hehe. But school will end later lo. LOL.
Bathed finished, masked finished, now blogging halfway and looking at MJ's concert.
Hahaha! Have been playing FriendsForSale in facebook. Lol la, people worth so much.
I'm not even worth a million. Buy me leh people!!! ): Jazreel don't want buy me back already..
She so mean.. Hmmmm, i watched a show this morning on channel 55.
It's called Love Exchange i think. That show inside got my chinese name sial!
Dint notice at first, cause they say so fast. -.- LOL. I saw the subtitles then i know.
LOL. Alright, maybe that's all for today's post. Goodluck all for tomorrow's performance!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Let's stick to reality.
Sup y'all! I'm here to post about today woohoo! Haha.
I woke up at 7am actually. But i see time so early, so i went back to sleep.
Then, charlotte rang me up at 7.38am. ._. I wonder why she wakes up so early.
LOL. Dance starts at 9 she wake up so early for what.
So i hung up and continued sleeping. LOL! Daddy came into my room half an hour later or so.
"Why you still sleeping?!" I look at the clock, walao. Havent even 8.10am lo.
-.- So irritating. LOL. Bobian, wake up lo. Reached school 8.40am i think.
Waited for fellow dancemates to arrive and started dance soon after.
Dance till 12pm, went home and prepared for funkjazz. Felt abit more fresher.
But, i fell asleep in the car. LOL. Slept very long eh, dont know why.
Mummy like drive so slow. LOL!!! Enjoyed my sleep hahaha.
Reached there, danced again. First repetuar, changed position.
Cause alot of people dint come. So pathetic la. How i wished for once everyone turn up for dance. ):
Second repetuar, teacher added in new steps and cancelled some steps too.
I couldnt catch up. Probably too sleepy or tired. I dont know.
Sigh. But i tried my best.. ): Lol. Teacher today looked like Jovienne alot.
Her dressing style, her hair, her make up, her dance moves. Like twins lo, except she's older ba.
Jovienne very hiphop kind ma, today sheena did hiphop, look like jov lo!! LOL.
I miss Jovienne... ): Sigh, still got like perhaps 3months plus till she comes back Singapore for a break.
After that, she'll be gone again... RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHS.
Daddy fetched me after that, i fell asleep in the car.
Reached back home, jumped onto sofa and continued sleeping till 5.30pm.
Cause time to go church. LOL... Very tired eh!!!!!! Rahhhhhhs.
Went church and went back home. Father luke transfering to another church..
Urgh. Father Joseph going back home and cure his illness. Aiyo sian.
Everything's changing. First my guitar teacher, second dance teacher, now my church priest.
Irritating to the core man. -.- What's next sial. I HATE CHANGES!!!!!
Lol, but life is always changing right. Wadahell. Cannot take it. ):
Used the computer afer church for awhile and watched Stepup2.
Ohman, i love the dance in that show, super alot lo! Really wished i could dance like them.
Like so impossible. ): Went to bathe after that show.
Watched MJ's videos on mtv! Haha! So nice, really love his dancemoves too.
And his songs are nice too. You are not Alone, Bad, Beat it, Smooth Criminal, Black or White, Billie Jean, Heal the World, Man in the mirror, still got alot.
HAHAHA. Now still playing. Now they playing BEAT IT.
"Just beat it, beat it beat it." LOL. I'm blogging at the same time.
Haha. Don't know what to do after this. I dont feel like sleeping, but i'm still sleepy.
Mygod la, have been sleeping too much today. Urgh. Think i shall stop my post for now.
I woke up at 7am actually. But i see time so early, so i went back to sleep.
Then, charlotte rang me up at 7.38am. ._. I wonder why she wakes up so early.
LOL. Dance starts at 9 she wake up so early for what.
So i hung up and continued sleeping. LOL! Daddy came into my room half an hour later or so.
"Why you still sleeping?!" I look at the clock, walao. Havent even 8.10am lo.
-.- So irritating. LOL. Bobian, wake up lo. Reached school 8.40am i think.
Waited for fellow dancemates to arrive and started dance soon after.
Dance till 12pm, went home and prepared for funkjazz. Felt abit more fresher.
But, i fell asleep in the car. LOL. Slept very long eh, dont know why.
Mummy like drive so slow. LOL!!! Enjoyed my sleep hahaha.
Reached there, danced again. First repetuar, changed position.
Cause alot of people dint come. So pathetic la. How i wished for once everyone turn up for dance. ):
Second repetuar, teacher added in new steps and cancelled some steps too.
I couldnt catch up. Probably too sleepy or tired. I dont know.
Sigh. But i tried my best.. ): Lol. Teacher today looked like Jovienne alot.
Her dressing style, her hair, her make up, her dance moves. Like twins lo, except she's older ba.
Jovienne very hiphop kind ma, today sheena did hiphop, look like jov lo!! LOL.
I miss Jovienne... ): Sigh, still got like perhaps 3months plus till she comes back Singapore for a break.
After that, she'll be gone again... RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHS.
Daddy fetched me after that, i fell asleep in the car.
Reached back home, jumped onto sofa and continued sleeping till 5.30pm.
Cause time to go church. LOL... Very tired eh!!!!!! Rahhhhhhs.
Went church and went back home. Father luke transfering to another church..
Urgh. Father Joseph going back home and cure his illness. Aiyo sian.
Everything's changing. First my guitar teacher, second dance teacher, now my church priest.
Irritating to the core man. -.- What's next sial. I HATE CHANGES!!!!!
Lol, but life is always changing right. Wadahell. Cannot take it. ):
Used the computer afer church for awhile and watched Stepup2.
Ohman, i love the dance in that show, super alot lo! Really wished i could dance like them.
Like so impossible. ): Went to bathe after that show.
Watched MJ's videos on mtv! Haha! So nice, really love his dancemoves too.
And his songs are nice too. You are not Alone, Bad, Beat it, Smooth Criminal, Black or White, Billie Jean, Heal the World, Man in the mirror, still got alot.
HAHAHA. Now still playing. Now they playing BEAT IT.
"Just beat it, beat it beat it." LOL. I'm blogging at the same time.
Haha. Don't know what to do after this. I dont feel like sleeping, but i'm still sleepy.
Mygod la, have been sleeping too much today. Urgh. Think i shall stop my post for now.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Today's an interesting day... :D
I've been so tired everyday i just cannot wake up on time everyday.
When daddy woke up, i was still in bed. He came in my room and wake me up..
LOL. Probably around 7.30 or so already. Heheh...
I was wishing him to tell me that since i've waked up later than usual, i no need go sch lo..
LOL! I know that's impossible though. Hehe. Went to school and Yolande wasnt there yet.
Well, sat at hall, all i wanted to do was to fall asleep.
I was freezing in the car this morning. The weather outside was cold enough.
Plus and aircon inside the car, PLUS I'M HOLDING A BOTTLE OF COLD WATER.
I wished i had brought my cardi along! ): I was hesitating when i was outside my house door, whether to bring it anot.
But i still dint. Roars, so cold la. Ok, back to school topic. LOL.
First period was Music. Tsktsktsk. Me, Darryle, Jazreel, Yolande and Josephine played Truth or Dare.
Oh man, so interesting eh. Josephine kissed Dennis. HAHA.
I was forced to kiss Darryle. Wtf. So wrong. -.- Blah nevermind. LOL.
Dont think i kissed properly, he kept looking downwards and if i bend any lower, it'll be so obvious, teacher will catch me.
Actually, teacher did caught me. LOL. I just denied all the way.
SO WRONG. -.- Chinese lesson was next. Went Animac studio. Roars, most boring lesson.
Did nothing but sms. -.- I really got nothing to do. Thanks Lester for smsing me at the right time.
LOL! Just right at the beginning of the class, i recieved his message eh!
So happy that i've got an sms partner for the time being. LOL.
I think i've got smses to spare. Hehe... :P My bill's coming soon, and ... HAHA.
Smsed him till recess time, went down to have breakfast. Ate sandwiches.
After eating, Jazreel pulled me with her. Cause she wants to see Darryle smoke. -.-
So alibaba. And Jerrel was there too. Lol. Went 4th boys toilet. LOL MAN.
Slacked there awhile. Headed back to class soon after.
English period was next but english teacher dint come. So another free period.
We did finished the worksheet that was given out and continued playing Truth or Dare.
It's a continuous game from the morning one. So it was my turn to spin.
Most of the dares were hugs and kisses. Probably most of them kisses. Haha!
Ok, my first dare was kissing darryle right. Second one was walking up to rishi and give him a good scare. LOL.
Not really that bad la, but his reaction was kinda hilarious. :D
Third dare was to bite Darryle's hand. -.- I bu she de. LOL. (Not that i like him or what, but i don't hurt people. UNLESS THAT PERSON REALLY PUNCH ME LA.)
LOL! So i just bit him alittle. Everyone was like, walao like that only, not pain and no kick one lo. -.-
..... LOL... Fourth dare was to Kiss JONAS. Wtfffffff. Charlotte was there lo.
Mygod, another so wrong thing ok... But i dont care la, they kept saying faster faster.
-.- I ended up kissing his ears. No la, half ear half face. I CANNOT REACH.
HOW WEIRD. Not that surprising i guess, he's like 175cm or 173cm or idk la.
Somewhere there. LOL. Fifth and final dare, still kiss. -.- This time is kiss Jen Michael.
Lol la. I don't really know him at all lo. Since it's a dare, nevermind lo.
Haha. The truths were kinda lame. Lol. Kept asking me to choose between two guys.
They left me with no other choice roars. So idiotic. LOL.
Nevermind, it's still fun. Truth or Dare seems to be like a bonding game.
It's nice, i like it.
Had Geog lesson and Reading period, zzz. So boring. Dont really have the mood to study today.
HAHA. Had too much fun already la. But i will study for EOY. :D
After school, went to do CIP. It's compulsary. -.- Went amk to do the donation thingy.
Went opposite amk hub the blocks there do first. I feel like an idiot lo.
Got people inside the house, they don't want to open the door lo, so mean...
I'm only asking for like 10cents also can, they also don't want. Walao.
You buy house also 200k and above lo!?!? ): LOL. Nevermind.
Finished 2blocks, went back amk hub. Wasnt getting good "business" at the blocks.
Went back, started asking around. Ok ah, i tell you ah, IT WAS SO MUCH EASIER TO ASK IN AMK HUB. REALLY.
Don't know whoose idea was it to go the blocks there. Dumbdumb.
I was kinda pissed la. You know some people right, i ask them to donate, they pretend to take our their wallets then walk away.
RAHHHHHHHHHHHS. Some take the wallet out on the spot and the walk away.
Walao they love walking away so much. Now i know how it feels to do such things.
But some auto come to me. LOL! Usually those with small kids or babies.
The babies are so cute la!!!!! Ohman, all the babies are all so cute and chubby.
Awwwww!! Hehe. Finished cip and went back to school. We stop one stop before the school.
Jazreel's stupid idea. Then she started running and twirling and idk what la.
So retarded lo! And Jazreel and Darryle was like, I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU, here and there.
HAHA. Damn funny one. It's like how they do in movies. LOLOLOLOL!!!
Went opp. school to buy bbt first then went back to school.
Called daddy up to ask if he can fetch me. Cause i was feeling so damn tired, i don't even wanna move.
But he wasnt free. ): So i had to go home myself. Charlotte and Jazreel going amk again.
LOL. So i followed. Hahaha! Jazreel went off earlier than me and Charlotte.
Bought some things there and walked around with Charlotte.
So weird... There was this girl, idk who/i dont remember who, kept staring at me...
She looked familiar la, but i really dont remember at all. -.-?!?!
When she was like 2metres away from me already, she said: Shanette leh!
Or something like that, i was like, HUH. How she know me one sial?! Who she sial!
I was trying very hard to recall who she. -.- But i really cannot remember.
TSKTSK. I really have damn bad memory. Sigh man. SHE LOOK FAMILIAR. AHHHHHHH.
Nevermind, headed home after that. Walked home and bathed.
Now blogging. Haha. Tiring day...
I feel quite proud of myself eh. Haha. I've never been so engaged in sch activities before.
Previously in yuying, anything like this or any staybacks, i'll skip.
Last time i'll think: So stupid, fucking wasting my time only lo.
Hehe. And i've never been in school till 5plus or 6plus like almost everyday before.
Seriously, this week, only Wednesday i came back early. And also not that early, around 2plus.
I only remember coming home late for one whole week when i was Andrew's girlfriend.
LOL. Lying to my parents and say that i've got stayback this and that till 5plus.
Now it's just the plain truth. :D I feel so free.
Though my current life now is kinda dull, but i think i prefer my current life.
I don't need to cover for my wrongdoings, i don't mix with Online friends.(Like chat with them alot..)
I don't need to lie to say i'm having staybacks to go meet boyfriend cause i'm not engaged in such stuffs now.
Really, if you've got things to do, you won't have time to do nothing.
And yes, i know i'm always saying i'm bored on MSN. LOL. I truly am.
Cause everytime when i've got free time at night or what, i really got nothing to do.
So what lo. LOL. Now on my mind, only got dance, slim down, jazreel and co, and trying my best to be streamed to science stream.
Yeah, Life's getting quite normal for me already. Happy with it, really.
I'm finally leading a teenage life, properly. Yay me. :D
I'm talking to Fion Lee now. Hahaha. She's in dance too! Ohmygosh, i love her school's dance la. So damn cool.
I wished my school got more people who knows how to dance.
But a pity, no. Sigh man. Look at that man. Heard from Fion that the boy inside is volunteer one somemore.
COOL LAAAAAAA. My school studio is like damn damn damn small.
My primary school one so big. Yuying one also not say very small. Woodgrove one okok but got 3studios or 2 if i remember.
When daddy woke up, i was still in bed. He came in my room and wake me up..
LOL. Probably around 7.30 or so already. Heheh...
I was wishing him to tell me that since i've waked up later than usual, i no need go sch lo..
LOL! I know that's impossible though. Hehe. Went to school and Yolande wasnt there yet.
Well, sat at hall, all i wanted to do was to fall asleep.
I was freezing in the car this morning. The weather outside was cold enough.
Plus and aircon inside the car, PLUS I'M HOLDING A BOTTLE OF COLD WATER.
I wished i had brought my cardi along! ): I was hesitating when i was outside my house door, whether to bring it anot.
But i still dint. Roars, so cold la. Ok, back to school topic. LOL.
First period was Music. Tsktsktsk. Me, Darryle, Jazreel, Yolande and Josephine played Truth or Dare.
Oh man, so interesting eh. Josephine kissed Dennis. HAHA.
I was forced to kiss Darryle. Wtf. So wrong. -.- Blah nevermind. LOL.
Dont think i kissed properly, he kept looking downwards and if i bend any lower, it'll be so obvious, teacher will catch me.
Actually, teacher did caught me. LOL. I just denied all the way.
SO WRONG. -.- Chinese lesson was next. Went Animac studio. Roars, most boring lesson.
Did nothing but sms. -.- I really got nothing to do. Thanks Lester for smsing me at the right time.
LOL! Just right at the beginning of the class, i recieved his message eh!
So happy that i've got an sms partner for the time being. LOL.
I think i've got smses to spare. Hehe... :P My bill's coming soon, and ... HAHA.
Smsed him till recess time, went down to have breakfast. Ate sandwiches.
After eating, Jazreel pulled me with her. Cause she wants to see Darryle smoke. -.-
So alibaba. And Jerrel was there too. Lol. Went 4th boys toilet. LOL MAN.
Slacked there awhile. Headed back to class soon after.
English period was next but english teacher dint come. So another free period.
We did finished the worksheet that was given out and continued playing Truth or Dare.
It's a continuous game from the morning one. So it was my turn to spin.
Most of the dares were hugs and kisses. Probably most of them kisses. Haha!
Ok, my first dare was kissing darryle right. Second one was walking up to rishi and give him a good scare. LOL.
Not really that bad la, but his reaction was kinda hilarious. :D
Third dare was to bite Darryle's hand. -.- I bu she de. LOL. (Not that i like him or what, but i don't hurt people. UNLESS THAT PERSON REALLY PUNCH ME LA.)
LOL! So i just bit him alittle. Everyone was like, walao like that only, not pain and no kick one lo. -.-
..... LOL... Fourth dare was to Kiss JONAS. Wtfffffff. Charlotte was there lo.
Mygod, another so wrong thing ok... But i dont care la, they kept saying faster faster.
-.- I ended up kissing his ears. No la, half ear half face. I CANNOT REACH.
HOW WEIRD. Not that surprising i guess, he's like 175cm or 173cm or idk la.
Somewhere there. LOL. Fifth and final dare, still kiss. -.- This time is kiss Jen Michael.
Lol la. I don't really know him at all lo. Since it's a dare, nevermind lo.
Haha. The truths were kinda lame. Lol. Kept asking me to choose between two guys.
They left me with no other choice roars. So idiotic. LOL.
Nevermind, it's still fun. Truth or Dare seems to be like a bonding game.
It's nice, i like it.
Had Geog lesson and Reading period, zzz. So boring. Dont really have the mood to study today.
HAHA. Had too much fun already la. But i will study for EOY. :D
After school, went to do CIP. It's compulsary. -.- Went amk to do the donation thingy.
Went opposite amk hub the blocks there do first. I feel like an idiot lo.
Got people inside the house, they don't want to open the door lo, so mean...
I'm only asking for like 10cents also can, they also don't want. Walao.
You buy house also 200k and above lo!?!? ): LOL. Nevermind.
Finished 2blocks, went back amk hub. Wasnt getting good "business" at the blocks.
Went back, started asking around. Ok ah, i tell you ah, IT WAS SO MUCH EASIER TO ASK IN AMK HUB. REALLY.
Don't know whoose idea was it to go the blocks there. Dumbdumb.
I was kinda pissed la. You know some people right, i ask them to donate, they pretend to take our their wallets then walk away.
RAHHHHHHHHHHHS. Some take the wallet out on the spot and the walk away.
Walao they love walking away so much. Now i know how it feels to do such things.
But some auto come to me. LOL! Usually those with small kids or babies.
The babies are so cute la!!!!! Ohman, all the babies are all so cute and chubby.
Awwwww!! Hehe. Finished cip and went back to school. We stop one stop before the school.
Jazreel's stupid idea. Then she started running and twirling and idk what la.
So retarded lo! And Jazreel and Darryle was like, I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU, here and there.
HAHA. Damn funny one. It's like how they do in movies. LOLOLOLOL!!!
Went opp. school to buy bbt first then went back to school.
Called daddy up to ask if he can fetch me. Cause i was feeling so damn tired, i don't even wanna move.
But he wasnt free. ): So i had to go home myself. Charlotte and Jazreel going amk again.
LOL. So i followed. Hahaha! Jazreel went off earlier than me and Charlotte.
Bought some things there and walked around with Charlotte.
So weird... There was this girl, idk who/i dont remember who, kept staring at me...
She looked familiar la, but i really dont remember at all. -.-?!?!
When she was like 2metres away from me already, she said: Shanette leh!
Or something like that, i was like, HUH. How she know me one sial?! Who she sial!
I was trying very hard to recall who she. -.- But i really cannot remember.
TSKTSK. I really have damn bad memory. Sigh man. SHE LOOK FAMILIAR. AHHHHHHH.
Nevermind, headed home after that. Walked home and bathed.
Now blogging. Haha. Tiring day...
I feel quite proud of myself eh. Haha. I've never been so engaged in sch activities before.
Previously in yuying, anything like this or any staybacks, i'll skip.
Last time i'll think: So stupid, fucking wasting my time only lo.
Hehe. And i've never been in school till 5plus or 6plus like almost everyday before.
Seriously, this week, only Wednesday i came back early. And also not that early, around 2plus.
I only remember coming home late for one whole week when i was Andrew's girlfriend.
LOL. Lying to my parents and say that i've got stayback this and that till 5plus.
Now it's just the plain truth. :D I feel so free.
Though my current life now is kinda dull, but i think i prefer my current life.
I don't need to cover for my wrongdoings, i don't mix with Online friends.(Like chat with them alot..)
I don't need to lie to say i'm having staybacks to go meet boyfriend cause i'm not engaged in such stuffs now.
Really, if you've got things to do, you won't have time to do nothing.
And yes, i know i'm always saying i'm bored on MSN. LOL. I truly am.
Cause everytime when i've got free time at night or what, i really got nothing to do.
So what lo. LOL. Now on my mind, only got dance, slim down, jazreel and co, and trying my best to be streamed to science stream.
Yeah, Life's getting quite normal for me already. Happy with it, really.
I'm finally leading a teenage life, properly. Yay me. :D
I'm talking to Fion Lee now. Hahaha. She's in dance too! Ohmygosh, i love her school's dance la. So damn cool.
I wished my school got more people who knows how to dance.
But a pity, no. Sigh man. Look at that man. Heard from Fion that the boy inside is volunteer one somemore.
COOL LAAAAAAA. My school studio is like damn damn damn small.
My primary school one so big. Yuying one also not say very small. Woodgrove one okok but got 3studios or 2 if i remember.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
500th post!
Yay, today's my 500th post. Actually... It's not exact.
Cause i imported this posts from my other blog. Yeah.
So some posts are missing. Ok, not some, but ALOT. Ah pathetic.. Nevermind.
If only i hadnt change my blog so many times, i would have gotten more than s thousand posts.
I started blogging since i was 10. So by right, now i should more than a thousand right?
LOL! Ok, enough of those crappy shitzx. Haha!
As usual, winnie woke me up at 6.13am(she is forver on time.)
But, i thought i was late already. So i woke up immediately. -.- Stupiddddddd.
Then, i heard the radio say: So, it's 6.14am now blahblahblah.
I was in the loo that time. LOL. So after taking a leak, i jumped into my bed.
Slept for another 10 or 15minutes or so, HAHA. Then went to brush teeth.
I know i'm very lazy. BUT I'M VERY TIRED KKKKKK. Headed to school.
Short short day today. Haha. I meant for lessons la, for dance, noo.
Had three lessons today, ok, to be actual, it's only 2. Cause English teacher dint come.
Had Science and Math. Boring boring boring. I fell asleep during math class.
I cannot stand graphs la. Really very boring la walao. I want to do algebra la.
Stupid graphs so boring. Plus i havent buy that curve ruler or the flexible ruler or whatever you call that weird ruler that's able to bend.
Rubbish man. Don't know learn graphs for what. I'm not going to do stocks leh next time. -.-
Dance modular was last period. 2hours of dance. Dance dance dance and still dance.
LOL. When school ended, i have to no where to go. ): So lonely eh me.
Went out of studio for awhile, see the rain also ruin my mood.
So headed back to dance studio, was wondering if it was still open.
And yes lucky me, it was opened. Haha! So i went in then. I brought my musci disc along with me today.
So i played it. Haha. Dance dance abit till Chen xian(i think her name is spelled like that...) came in. O.O.
Continued dancing and wenyan and co. came in. ._. Lol. Still continued dancing.
But when Yvonne and co came in, lol, time to stop dancing. Haha.
Slacked alot and waited for the rain to stop. Kuku rain. LOL..
Rain dint stop still, but i dont care already la, i want to go opp. sch buy thing eat sial.
Judith and Chenxian followed me. Haha. Helped Yvonne buy food and drink and went back sch.
Slacked again and dance started. Teacher told us the upcoming plans for next year eh.
It sounds so cool. Haha! Looking very forward to it man!
Started dancing and dancing. Haha. Teached polished us for teacher's day.
Went home and bathed and now blogging. Yawns, i'm so tired. I can sleep anytime now.
I'm hungry. Should i eat maggie now? Omg, it's 9.11pm already.
Still eat. Walao, i really want to slim down la wtfffffff. -.-

Was dancing yesterday night, around 11plus. LOL! I've got nothing to do what!
Haha! Started playing around with my cam, cause i was looking at my past photos.
LOL. And i took these lame pictures. -.- I know one of them can see my cleavage.
You can just ignore it if you want to. I don't really want to censor it or what.
It spoils the image. -.- Hehehe... Ohya, i used blogger to upload my pictures cause my photobucket got problem.
-.-. Don't know why, i refreshed alot of times already, but the upload button just wont come out.
Roars, dont like you la, upload button. LOL!!!!
I wonder why's so many people changing to onsugar. LOL, why ah? ._. Ok, i'm done with today's post. Sayo!
Cause i imported this posts from my other blog. Yeah.
So some posts are missing. Ok, not some, but ALOT. Ah pathetic.. Nevermind.
If only i hadnt change my blog so many times, i would have gotten more than s thousand posts.
I started blogging since i was 10. So by right, now i should more than a thousand right?
LOL! Ok, enough of those crappy shitzx. Haha!
As usual, winnie woke me up at 6.13am(she is forver on time.)
But, i thought i was late already. So i woke up immediately. -.- Stupiddddddd.
Then, i heard the radio say: So, it's 6.14am now blahblahblah.
I was in the loo that time. LOL. So after taking a leak, i jumped into my bed.
Slept for another 10 or 15minutes or so, HAHA. Then went to brush teeth.
I know i'm very lazy. BUT I'M VERY TIRED KKKKKK. Headed to school.
Short short day today. Haha. I meant for lessons la, for dance, noo.
Had three lessons today, ok, to be actual, it's only 2. Cause English teacher dint come.
Had Science and Math. Boring boring boring. I fell asleep during math class.
I cannot stand graphs la. Really very boring la walao. I want to do algebra la.
Stupid graphs so boring. Plus i havent buy that curve ruler or the flexible ruler or whatever you call that weird ruler that's able to bend.
Rubbish man. Don't know learn graphs for what. I'm not going to do stocks leh next time. -.-
Dance modular was last period. 2hours of dance. Dance dance dance and still dance.
LOL. When school ended, i have to no where to go. ): So lonely eh me.
Went out of studio for awhile, see the rain also ruin my mood.
So headed back to dance studio, was wondering if it was still open.
And yes lucky me, it was opened. Haha! So i went in then. I brought my musci disc along with me today.
So i played it. Haha. Dance dance abit till Chen xian(i think her name is spelled like that...) came in. O.O.
Continued dancing and wenyan and co. came in. ._. Lol. Still continued dancing.
But when Yvonne and co came in, lol, time to stop dancing. Haha.
Slacked alot and waited for the rain to stop. Kuku rain. LOL..
Rain dint stop still, but i dont care already la, i want to go opp. sch buy thing eat sial.
Judith and Chenxian followed me. Haha. Helped Yvonne buy food and drink and went back sch.
Slacked again and dance started. Teacher told us the upcoming plans for next year eh.
It sounds so cool. Haha! Looking very forward to it man!
Started dancing and dancing. Haha. Teached polished us for teacher's day.
Went home and bathed and now blogging. Yawns, i'm so tired. I can sleep anytime now.
I'm hungry. Should i eat maggie now? Omg, it's 9.11pm already.
Still eat. Walao, i really want to slim down la wtfffffff. -.-
Was dancing yesterday night, around 11plus. LOL! I've got nothing to do what!
Haha! Started playing around with my cam, cause i was looking at my past photos.
LOL. And i took these lame pictures. -.- I know one of them can see my cleavage.
You can just ignore it if you want to. I don't really want to censor it or what.
It spoils the image. -.- Hehehe... Ohya, i used blogger to upload my pictures cause my photobucket got problem.
-.-. Don't know why, i refreshed alot of times already, but the upload button just wont come out.
Roars, dont like you la, upload button. LOL!!!!
I wonder why's so many people changing to onsugar. LOL, why ah? ._. Ok, i'm done with today's post. Sayo!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
It just happens to be this way.
Oh man. Now i think i know why i've got so little tags.
You people cannot find my tagboard and my profiles etc right.
Wtf so pathetic. I think it's at th bottom. It looks alright on my computer.
It's only some computers that they dont look alight. And i don't know why.
._. I'll fix it sooon... BUT JUST REMEMBER ITS AT THE BOTTOM.
I woke up at 7.35am today! LOL. Very tired. Today i seriously felt damn tired.
My whole body was aching. I dont know why la. Proably dint had a good sleep last night.
Sigh. Slept in the car, wanted to sleep in the hall but was damn uncomfortable.
Damn moodless in hall, -.-, i was eally god damn tired.
reached classroom, i want to just sleep. I just laid my head on the table while waitig for teacher.
I think i fell asleep during geog class. I don't know. I just know i really damn tired.
-.-.....!?!? Next period was Lit. Yay, watch-movie-period. Haha!
We carried on watching "Life is Beautiful". You know my last Wed's post, i said the show was very funny right.
This week also, LOL! But the sad thing is that we're reaching the tragedy part.
): Aiyo, should've concentrated more during History lesson. Cause now i don't know why hitler was so bias against the Jews. :X
DONT SAY I STUPID. LOL. I like history only when i WATCH it.
I hate it when i need to study. Zzz. Those dates and kns stuff. Wtf.
But don't worry, i'll go find out lo! I also must find out the ending of that show.
Stupid they go send the children and elderly to Gas Chaber by lying to them that they're going to have a bath.
WTF LA. SO FUCKING MEAN. STUPID PEOPLE. But this child in the show damn cute lo.
He don't want to bathe. LOL. Cause he hate bathing alot alot alotttttt.
SO CUTE LA. I pity the father alot alot alot too ): The child don't evn have a clue at all of what's going on sial.
The father suffering outside, but he come back and say the GAME was very FUN.
Cause he told the kid that they were playing a GAME. So poor thing la really..
So suay, the day the jews were being send to the cam area, was the child's birthday..
SUAY LIKE MADDDDDDD. I hope the ending's good uh. ._. Later all die die die. Wthhhhh.
We watched until forgot time. HAHAHAHA. Went recess and ate burger.
Went up to class and slacked. Retnam came to class so early. ._.
Lessons lessons lessons and last period FTP. Went home after that.
Now blogging. I was planning to change my blogskin. But zzzz. Lazy kills me.
Lol. So don't think i'll change already. Hehehh...
I'll let you take a look at how my skin's supposed to look like at your screen.

I cannot use photobucket to upload. -.- Cause the picture would look damn ugly.
-.- LOL. So just click open if you cannot see. (:
Soo... It's supposed to look like that la. ._. If it's not like that, something must be wrong with your computer.
LOL! Ok kidding. Haha! I wanted to exercise today. But seems like no one's free again.
I wanted to go Hougang eat. But no money. -.- I wanted to go out on Fri with Charlotte chiken.
But plan got ruined by some CIP shit thing that's from 12plus to 4plus.
-.- Probably would still be watching movie, depends i guess..
Ok, i think i'm done with this post here. Cya babies.
You people cannot find my tagboard and my profiles etc right.
Wtf so pathetic. I think it's at th bottom. It looks alright on my computer.
It's only some computers that they dont look alight. And i don't know why.
._. I'll fix it sooon... BUT JUST REMEMBER ITS AT THE BOTTOM.
I woke up at 7.35am today! LOL. Very tired. Today i seriously felt damn tired.
My whole body was aching. I dont know why la. Proably dint had a good sleep last night.
Sigh. Slept in the car, wanted to sleep in the hall but was damn uncomfortable.
Damn moodless in hall, -.-, i was eally god damn tired.
reached classroom, i want to just sleep. I just laid my head on the table while waitig for teacher.
I think i fell asleep during geog class. I don't know. I just know i really damn tired.
-.-.....!?!? Next period was Lit. Yay, watch-movie-period. Haha!
We carried on watching "Life is Beautiful". You know my last Wed's post, i said the show was very funny right.
This week also, LOL! But the sad thing is that we're reaching the tragedy part.
): Aiyo, should've concentrated more during History lesson. Cause now i don't know why hitler was so bias against the Jews. :X
DONT SAY I STUPID. LOL. I like history only when i WATCH it.
I hate it when i need to study. Zzz. Those dates and kns stuff. Wtf.
But don't worry, i'll go find out lo! I also must find out the ending of that show.
Stupid they go send the children and elderly to Gas Chaber by lying to them that they're going to have a bath.
WTF LA. SO FUCKING MEAN. STUPID PEOPLE. But this child in the show damn cute lo.
He don't want to bathe. LOL. Cause he hate bathing alot alot alotttttt.
SO CUTE LA. I pity the father alot alot alot too ): The child don't evn have a clue at all of what's going on sial.
The father suffering outside, but he come back and say the GAME was very FUN.
Cause he told the kid that they were playing a GAME. So poor thing la really..
So suay, the day the jews were being send to the cam area, was the child's birthday..
SUAY LIKE MADDDDDDD. I hope the ending's good uh. ._. Later all die die die. Wthhhhh.
We watched until forgot time. HAHAHAHA. Went recess and ate burger.
Went up to class and slacked. Retnam came to class so early. ._.
Lessons lessons lessons and last period FTP. Went home after that.
Now blogging. I was planning to change my blogskin. But zzzz. Lazy kills me.
Lol. So don't think i'll change already. Hehehh...
I'll let you take a look at how my skin's supposed to look like at your screen.

I cannot use photobucket to upload. -.- Cause the picture would look damn ugly.
-.- LOL. So just click open if you cannot see. (:
Soo... It's supposed to look like that la. ._. If it's not like that, something must be wrong with your computer.
LOL! Ok kidding. Haha! I wanted to exercise today. But seems like no one's free again.
I wanted to go Hougang eat. But no money. -.- I wanted to go out on Fri with Charlotte chiken.
But plan got ruined by some CIP shit thing that's from 12plus to 4plus.
-.- Probably would still be watching movie, depends i guess..
Ok, i think i'm done with this post here. Cya babies.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Only you can make my heart beat faster than usual.
I just watched finished the show Hot Chick. Based on what Crystal said, that show is very long ago.
SO WHAT. -.- It's nice what. Lol man. & i'm watching on the television.
Do you expect a new released show to be on tv? NO RIGHT. YOU THIS DUMBDUMB.
LOL. Very nice show. Haha. Actually i dint watch finish all.
Planning to watch it again. I only like watched the back part. -.-... LOOL.
Nice ending eh!! Haha. Acually no need watch infront i also know the show already.
I rock right! Haha. I want to watch Orphan now!!! People in school are talking about it.
I'm very curious sial, who wants to watch? Watch with me leh!!
I think i'll be able to go in. -.-. I look old, so pathetic. I hope i'll be lucky ba.
Oh ya, i'm still loving Midnight Romeo. HAHA. OOO WOOHH WOOHH.
Woke up this morning, AS USUAL. Roars, i wished government can make school hours shorter and start later.
Don't understand why have to start so early la. We're not birds, we don't get worms.
We only get big eyebags and feel sleepy. People my age, where got sleep early one.
._. So poor thing la us. LOL... Reached school, with my dance costume and my red umbrella.
Look like ah toot. -.-. I walked the route that no one can see me, until i walk to the hall lo.
Haha. Saw Yolande and Jonas chatting. Haha. First lesson was Math.
So fedup, first thing teacher tell those never hand up ytd's homework one must hand in.
Only then i realised i did the wrong worksheet, tmd. -.-. The other worksheet, totally blank lo wtf.
So cher say no choice send me dentention. ROARS, NO WAY. DONT WASTE MY TIME.
I did the whole fucked up worksheet during math class and handed up after class.
See i'm superwoman. LOL. Nah.. Not really. Graphs give me headaches.
I rather do Algebra la please. -.-. I know i crazy, lol. But really. LOL.
PE was next period. Damn PE period lo. It's always boring. I want to exercise. ):
I remember Yuying used to have those running and vigorous exercises.
Bishanpark dont have one lo. Keep playing softball softball or what ball la.
Zzz. So boring la, so dint do PE. Slack around with Jazreel and Josephine and Co.
Josephine damn good at dancing la. I have to master bodyroll, i dont care.
-.- She so damn pro man. LOL. Hmmmm. Had recess and went up for English class.
Teacher dint come, geog cher took over. Gave us a comprehension worsheet and wants us to hand up when the period ends.
She also said can hear music, so i hear hear hear and do do do.
I did halfway, until i fell asleep. LOL! SO SHIOK EH. HAAH.
But suddenly i hear those chair noises etc. and i woke up. Yay, i woke up at the right time.
The period ended and it was time to hand up. Aiya, never finish tomorrow teacher will still give us back one lo.
Lol. So do tomorrow lo. LOL. I know i love procrastinating. Hehehe..
History next period. And Chinese. LOL. Chinese teacher also dint come.
Went to Excel room. Damn boring la. ): Art was last period.
I think the lesson was kinda short though. Haha. Did nothing, just listen to teacher talk about some surrealism artists.
Quite interesting eh... Haha. I'm planning to find out more. Seems that artists have tragic stories behind them eh?
Haha! Shall go do some SHANETTE'S RESEARCH next time when i'm extremely bored.
One of them is Frida Kahlo. Wah her story is damn pain la. Cannot imagine.
Ok, after art went to dance studio with Charlotte to put down our stuffs.
Slacked in dance studio and waited for teacher to come.
Charlotte and co. were seriously jokers. Haha. Though i don't really know them, i still find them funny.
HAHA. Dance dance dance till 6.30pm. I so fattttttt and uglyyyyyyyyyyy. ZZZZZZZZZ.
Wah cannot take it anymore. Zzzz. AND ANOTHER THING.
I've been saying for dont know how many times already. UNLIMITED SMSES.
-.- (Over sucha thing? Not worth it. But who cares, i seriously wants it. ):)
Walao, when can i get unlimited smses. Even the radio's advertising le lo.
Wah so pathetic sial me!!!! I think like 3/4 of my friends already has it.
Everytime text them they'll send me fucking short messages.
Walao. I really want unlimited la. WALAO WALAO WALAO WALAO WALAO!!!!! ):
And i really want to go shop at Topshop. Sian, i wished mummy give up $500 to go shopping lo.
ROARS. Ok, byebyebyebyebye.
Ok, watch this. That guy must chill out, (THOUGH I KINDA FEEL THE SAME WAY AS HE IS LOL!!!!!!!)
I think this is Frida's husband if i'm not wrong.. LOL. So ....... -.-.. LOL.
SO WHAT. -.- It's nice what. Lol man. & i'm watching on the television.
Do you expect a new released show to be on tv? NO RIGHT. YOU THIS DUMBDUMB.
LOL. Very nice show. Haha. Actually i dint watch finish all.
Planning to watch it again. I only like watched the back part. -.-... LOOL.
Nice ending eh!! Haha. Acually no need watch infront i also know the show already.
I rock right! Haha. I want to watch Orphan now!!! People in school are talking about it.
I'm very curious sial, who wants to watch? Watch with me leh!!
I think i'll be able to go in. -.-. I look old, so pathetic. I hope i'll be lucky ba.
Oh ya, i'm still loving Midnight Romeo. HAHA. OOO WOOHH WOOHH.
Woke up this morning, AS USUAL. Roars, i wished government can make school hours shorter and start later.
Don't understand why have to start so early la. We're not birds, we don't get worms.
We only get big eyebags and feel sleepy. People my age, where got sleep early one.
._. So poor thing la us. LOL... Reached school, with my dance costume and my red umbrella.
Look like ah toot. -.-. I walked the route that no one can see me, until i walk to the hall lo.
Haha. Saw Yolande and Jonas chatting. Haha. First lesson was Math.
So fedup, first thing teacher tell those never hand up ytd's homework one must hand in.
Only then i realised i did the wrong worksheet, tmd. -.-. The other worksheet, totally blank lo wtf.
So cher say no choice send me dentention. ROARS, NO WAY. DONT WASTE MY TIME.
I did the whole fucked up worksheet during math class and handed up after class.
See i'm superwoman. LOL. Nah.. Not really. Graphs give me headaches.
I rather do Algebra la please. -.-. I know i crazy, lol. But really. LOL.
PE was next period. Damn PE period lo. It's always boring. I want to exercise. ):
I remember Yuying used to have those running and vigorous exercises.
Bishanpark dont have one lo. Keep playing softball softball or what ball la.
Zzz. So boring la, so dint do PE. Slack around with Jazreel and Josephine and Co.
Josephine damn good at dancing la. I have to master bodyroll, i dont care.
-.- She so damn pro man. LOL. Hmmmm. Had recess and went up for English class.
Teacher dint come, geog cher took over. Gave us a comprehension worsheet and wants us to hand up when the period ends.
She also said can hear music, so i hear hear hear and do do do.
I did halfway, until i fell asleep. LOL! SO SHIOK EH. HAAH.
But suddenly i hear those chair noises etc. and i woke up. Yay, i woke up at the right time.
The period ended and it was time to hand up. Aiya, never finish tomorrow teacher will still give us back one lo.
Lol. So do tomorrow lo. LOL. I know i love procrastinating. Hehehe..
History next period. And Chinese. LOL. Chinese teacher also dint come.
Went to Excel room. Damn boring la. ): Art was last period.
I think the lesson was kinda short though. Haha. Did nothing, just listen to teacher talk about some surrealism artists.
Quite interesting eh... Haha. I'm planning to find out more. Seems that artists have tragic stories behind them eh?
Haha! Shall go do some SHANETTE'S RESEARCH next time when i'm extremely bored.
One of them is Frida Kahlo. Wah her story is damn pain la. Cannot imagine.
Ok, after art went to dance studio with Charlotte to put down our stuffs.
Slacked in dance studio and waited for teacher to come.
Charlotte and co. were seriously jokers. Haha. Though i don't really know them, i still find them funny.
HAHA. Dance dance dance till 6.30pm. I so fattttttt and uglyyyyyyyyyyy. ZZZZZZZZZ.
Wah cannot take it anymore. Zzzz. AND ANOTHER THING.
I've been saying for dont know how many times already. UNLIMITED SMSES.
-.- (Over sucha thing? Not worth it. But who cares, i seriously wants it. ):)
Walao, when can i get unlimited smses. Even the radio's advertising le lo.
Wah so pathetic sial me!!!! I think like 3/4 of my friends already has it.
Everytime text them they'll send me fucking short messages.
Walao. I really want unlimited la. WALAO WALAO WALAO WALAO WALAO!!!!! ):
And i really want to go shop at Topshop. Sian, i wished mummy give up $500 to go shopping lo.
ROARS. Ok, byebyebyebyebye.
Ok, watch this. That guy must chill out, (THOUGH I KINDA FEEL THE SAME WAY AS HE IS LOL!!!!!!!)
I think this is Frida's husband if i'm not wrong.. LOL. So ....... -.-.. LOL.
Monday, August 24, 2009
You're my midnight romeo.
Man i'm so in love with Midnight Romeo - Pushplay.
LOL. Don't ask why, i also don't know why. But i cannot download it.
It's nowhere to be found man. ): But whoever has that song, please be kind and send it to me alright!!
Though you won't get anything back in return, i can guarentee you'll live one day longer.
LOL! Pretty please to people outside? :B If you don't know me, send it to shanette-@hotmail.com ok?? HAHA.
Woke up this morning late, school started late ma, started preparing for school.
Looked at my phone, and i saw Yolande's message at 7.18am.
She's so weird. School starts like 8.30am on Mondays and she reached school at 7.18am?!
She must b crazy. She still asked where i was. Obviously i was at home la.
Wow, i was still sleeping lo.. HAHA. Reached school around 8.10am.
Normal lessons, damn boring la. Bored bored bored. ):
If i'm a bpsian from last year right, i would be jumping up and down already lo..
LOL. But sadly, i cannot. Later people think i crazy. -.-
Got back my math paper. I got 28/40. It's an A2. Bullshit pls. I'm just plain lucky.
There was this two questions that worth 3marks in total.
ITS CARELESS OK. SERIOUSLY CARELESS. Omg, if only i scored that 3marks, i would have gotten an A1 already. ):
So heartpain sia.. Sigh, had Homec. Zzz. Boring like kns lesson.
English was last period. Had vocab test. Lololol.
After that was cca already. I dint bring costume at all lo.
Sian, i'm getting so sick of my school dance already la please.
Why do they keep concentrating on the Seniors only. I feel damn inferior.
Don't know why. I know i'm not the only one. But the juniors make me feel this way.
I'm 1 year older than them for god's sake. Why do they treat me like some kid younger than them. -.-.
Ah whatever, i'm just not good at mixing with kids younger than me.
Probably some of them only la, depends. SOME REALLY VERY CHILDISH I CANNOT TAHAN.
-.- Sorry but really no offense. I know i was their age before.
But you'll know how i feel la!!! I just feel so clown-ish in my school dance.
I cannot dance well in Jazz. Zzzzzzz. MY SIZE REALLY DONT FIT JAZZZZZZZ.
Like some big giant on stage acting cute. WALAO CANNOT STAND IT LA.
I feel like backing out lo. The dance, have me dont have me doesnt even make a difference.
I don't mind not performing la seriously. -.- Work so hard to get my movements right when i'm standing at the back?
It's just wasting my time la. I rather be studying Science at home, REALLY.
So pathetic. Somemore all the dancers damn small size.
I'm getting more and more zibei le la. ): Why like that.
I want to be in a school call School Of Fat la. I don't mind being grouped with them lo.
At least everyone there is fat and we won't pimpoint on whoever cause we're of the same kind what.
Crapping man, how can there ever be a school like that. Lol man.
You people keep telling me i'm not fat, wtf. Nice try consoling me la.
Sorry it doesnt even help ok. ._. Make me feel worst. Lol..
Some person in school, who is so much smaller in size than me(blind also can see the difference between us.), keeps saying she's fat and say's i'm skinny.
What a good joke. -.-. IF SHE'S FAT HOW THE HECK CAN I BE SKINNY.
Okok, back to this. Yeah, i really want to slim down, no matter what also must slim down.
Everyone around me are like so small in size, and me, giant... Oh so pathetic!!!!
After dance went back home to have a bath and head to Heartland for tuiton.
Tuitioned till 9pm, went Giordano to see if there were any yellow or orange tanks.
Dont have. ): Only got spaghetti tops. Urgh, whatever, i'm in need of it.
If not, tomorrow teacher sure scold me like mad. So just bought.
Went home and try, GOT CLEAVAGE.... Shitstuff, i already bought a size smaller than my usual size already leh!!!!!
Stupidddddddddd, nevermind, i'll try to hide it tomorrow..
Finished my graph worksheet,(never reall finish la, stupid worksheet.) and now blogging.
I really want Midnight Romeo!!!! PLEASEEEEEEE, really if you have, please send me ok!
I'll thank you a million! Hahaha! Sayonara!!
WHOOOOPS. OHOH, MY MUSIC PLAYER IS SPOILT. -.- Bloody hell, i dont know why.
I'll fix it when i've got the time ok! I'll try asap! Sorry people.
I know my blog's very boring now. That's why my number of viewers dropped.
My number of tags dropped. Blahblahhhhh. Okok, BYEBYEEE.
LOL. Don't ask why, i also don't know why. But i cannot download it.
It's nowhere to be found man. ): But whoever has that song, please be kind and send it to me alright!!
Though you won't get anything back in return, i can guarentee you'll live one day longer.
LOL! Pretty please to people outside? :B If you don't know me, send it to shanette-@hotmail.com ok?? HAHA.
Woke up this morning late, school started late ma, started preparing for school.
Looked at my phone, and i saw Yolande's message at 7.18am.
She's so weird. School starts like 8.30am on Mondays and she reached school at 7.18am?!
She must b crazy. She still asked where i was. Obviously i was at home la.
Wow, i was still sleeping lo.. HAHA. Reached school around 8.10am.
Normal lessons, damn boring la. Bored bored bored. ):
If i'm a bpsian from last year right, i would be jumping up and down already lo..
LOL. But sadly, i cannot. Later people think i crazy. -.-
Got back my math paper. I got 28/40. It's an A2. Bullshit pls. I'm just plain lucky.
There was this two questions that worth 3marks in total.
ITS CARELESS OK. SERIOUSLY CARELESS. Omg, if only i scored that 3marks, i would have gotten an A1 already. ):
So heartpain sia.. Sigh, had Homec. Zzz. Boring like kns lesson.
English was last period. Had vocab test. Lololol.
After that was cca already. I dint bring costume at all lo.
Sian, i'm getting so sick of my school dance already la please.
Why do they keep concentrating on the Seniors only. I feel damn inferior.
Don't know why. I know i'm not the only one. But the juniors make me feel this way.
I'm 1 year older than them for god's sake. Why do they treat me like some kid younger than them. -.-.
Ah whatever, i'm just not good at mixing with kids younger than me.
Probably some of them only la, depends. SOME REALLY VERY CHILDISH I CANNOT TAHAN.
-.- Sorry but really no offense. I know i was their age before.
But you'll know how i feel la!!! I just feel so clown-ish in my school dance.
I cannot dance well in Jazz. Zzzzzzz. MY SIZE REALLY DONT FIT JAZZZZZZZ.
Like some big giant on stage acting cute. WALAO CANNOT STAND IT LA.
I feel like backing out lo. The dance, have me dont have me doesnt even make a difference.
I don't mind not performing la seriously. -.- Work so hard to get my movements right when i'm standing at the back?
It's just wasting my time la. I rather be studying Science at home, REALLY.
So pathetic. Somemore all the dancers damn small size.
I'm getting more and more zibei le la. ): Why like that.
I want to be in a school call School Of Fat la. I don't mind being grouped with them lo.
At least everyone there is fat and we won't pimpoint on whoever cause we're of the same kind what.
Crapping man, how can there ever be a school like that. Lol man.
You people keep telling me i'm not fat, wtf. Nice try consoling me la.
Sorry it doesnt even help ok. ._. Make me feel worst. Lol..
Some person in school, who is so much smaller in size than me(blind also can see the difference between us.), keeps saying she's fat and say's i'm skinny.
What a good joke. -.-. IF SHE'S FAT HOW THE HECK CAN I BE SKINNY.
Okok, back to this. Yeah, i really want to slim down, no matter what also must slim down.
Everyone around me are like so small in size, and me, giant... Oh so pathetic!!!!
After dance went back home to have a bath and head to Heartland for tuiton.
Tuitioned till 9pm, went Giordano to see if there were any yellow or orange tanks.
Dont have. ): Only got spaghetti tops. Urgh, whatever, i'm in need of it.
If not, tomorrow teacher sure scold me like mad. So just bought.
Went home and try, GOT CLEAVAGE.... Shitstuff, i already bought a size smaller than my usual size already leh!!!!!
Stupidddddddddd, nevermind, i'll try to hide it tomorrow..
Finished my graph worksheet,(never reall finish la, stupid worksheet.) and now blogging.
I really want Midnight Romeo!!!! PLEASEEEEEEE, really if you have, please send me ok!
I'll thank you a million! Hahaha! Sayonara!!
WHOOOOPS. OHOH, MY MUSIC PLAYER IS SPOILT. -.- Bloody hell, i dont know why.
I'll fix it when i've got the time ok! I'll try asap! Sorry people.
I know my blog's very boring now. That's why my number of viewers dropped.
My number of tags dropped. Blahblahhhhh. Okok, BYEBYEEE.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Life's boring like mad la.
I want to chat with someone ): Why their exam periods so long..
Sigh. All i talk to often, all got exam, so all never online.
Lonely, i am so lonely. ):
Woke up this morning, and i found myself alone at home.
Parents and brother went for breakfast and maid went offday.
So not cool, cause i dont know what to do at home. -.- Computer is really boring me out lo.
Nevermind, switched the tele on, watched tv till they were back.
Yawns. I seriously hate Sundays. Most boring day of the week. Sigh.
I should've asked someone out. Urgh. Around noon, went to bathe and headed out of house.
Parents want to go buy lights etc, not my thing. Zzzz...
So went Whampoh eat lunch first, then went to see those light shops.
Walking walking, and, there was this guy who looked damndamndamn familiar.
I was flipping through my memory mind to remember who he was.
AND YES I REMEMBERED. It was Benjamin Wu Jia Qi!!!!!!! OH MY GOD LA.
My kindergarden bestfriend. He dint change at all sia!!!! Totally never change lo.
I also recognised his dad. His dad kept staring at me. LOL!
I bet he found me familiar too. Haha! I dint managed to shout for his name.
Cause when i remembered, i already walked passed him.
Haha, suddenly remembering all those kindergarden times. So cute and adorable la.
Especially him, me and his girl call Joee(pronounced as Joey). We're always together.
Haha! I still remember once, I sat in between Joee and Benjamin in AVA room watching Tom and Jerry LOL.
Don't know why, benjamin suddenly felt sick and laid on my shoulder.
Then, Joee laid on my other. LOLLLL. Sigh, so good to be small kids right.
Missed the past, yeah. Now don't know how to get in touch with them already.
Went Ikea after that. I dont know for what reason also.
My parents are boring people.. I rather stay at home and stick to the computer..
Walkwalkwalk, daddy suddenly disappeared. Dont know he go where.
So waited for him at the entrance there. Suddenly there was this girl who looked so familiar too..
But she dint see me, she just vrooooom, walked past me and went up the escalator.
I texted her and when i saw her looking at her phone, i knew it was her aleady.
LOL. She was hot man. HAHAHAH. After awhile, left ikea already.
-.- Then slack slack slack. Lol... Then went back home.
Watched tv, Hannah Montana and JONAS. It's my first time watching JONAS.
I missed the first 2 or 3 episodes infront. Hehehehhh. Funny show.
LOL. And, Joe Jonas don't really look that bad if you see him carefully la, though his hair is screwed. LOL!
Now currently doing nothing.. ): Tomorrow's school again. Sigh..
Sigh. All i talk to often, all got exam, so all never online.
Lonely, i am so lonely. ):
Woke up this morning, and i found myself alone at home.
Parents and brother went for breakfast and maid went offday.
So not cool, cause i dont know what to do at home. -.- Computer is really boring me out lo.
Nevermind, switched the tele on, watched tv till they were back.
Yawns. I seriously hate Sundays. Most boring day of the week. Sigh.
I should've asked someone out. Urgh. Around noon, went to bathe and headed out of house.
Parents want to go buy lights etc, not my thing. Zzzz...
So went Whampoh eat lunch first, then went to see those light shops.
Walking walking, and, there was this guy who looked damndamndamn familiar.
I was flipping through my memory mind to remember who he was.
AND YES I REMEMBERED. It was Benjamin Wu Jia Qi!!!!!!! OH MY GOD LA.
My kindergarden bestfriend. He dint change at all sia!!!! Totally never change lo.
I also recognised his dad. His dad kept staring at me. LOL!
I bet he found me familiar too. Haha! I dint managed to shout for his name.
Cause when i remembered, i already walked passed him.
Haha, suddenly remembering all those kindergarden times. So cute and adorable la.
Especially him, me and his girl call Joee(pronounced as Joey). We're always together.
Haha! I still remember once, I sat in between Joee and Benjamin in AVA room watching Tom and Jerry LOL.
Don't know why, benjamin suddenly felt sick and laid on my shoulder.
Then, Joee laid on my other. LOLLLL. Sigh, so good to be small kids right.
Missed the past, yeah. Now don't know how to get in touch with them already.
Went Ikea after that. I dont know for what reason also.
My parents are boring people.. I rather stay at home and stick to the computer..
Walkwalkwalk, daddy suddenly disappeared. Dont know he go where.
So waited for him at the entrance there. Suddenly there was this girl who looked so familiar too..
But she dint see me, she just vrooooom, walked past me and went up the escalator.
I texted her and when i saw her looking at her phone, i knew it was her aleady.
LOL. She was hot man. HAHAHAH. After awhile, left ikea already.
-.- Then slack slack slack. Lol... Then went back home.
Watched tv, Hannah Montana and JONAS. It's my first time watching JONAS.
I missed the first 2 or 3 episodes infront. Hehehehhh. Funny show.
LOL. And, Joe Jonas don't really look that bad if you see him carefully la, though his hair is screwed. LOL!
Now currently doing nothing.. ): Tomorrow's school again. Sigh..
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Just dance, gonna be okay, da dom dom.
Heylo heylo. Just a rough idea what happened yesterday kay.
Don't wish to elaborate much. (: Ohya, no pictures too, yesterday very shag.
Went school in the morning, playplay with company.
After school went orchard. Simply just walking around everywhere.
LOL. Jazreel kept complaining tha her legs were aching. HAHA.
We also played "catching game". HAHAHA. Very scary plus nice experience we've had.
Went CentrePoint to eat HaagenDazs. That's our so called lunch and dinner.
LOL. Very ex i tell you, mine cost me 16bucks plus GST, 19bucks.
Jazreel's was i think 16bucks in total? I don't know. Haha.
Reached home, bathed and auditioned. I want @cash!!! ): I want to change my style eh!
Daddy reached home at 10plus, mummy too. Around 11plus nearing to 12, daddy said he want go eat porridge.
Mummy ask me follow. -.- Sian, i see daddy so poor thing eat alone, i follow him lo.
Rahs, fatfatfatfat. Though it's just porridge, but i'm eating it at 11plus mind you.
Came back and auditioned awhile again, then watched WhyWhyLove.
That show's entertaining. Haha. I wanted to watch finish, but i fell asleep. -.-
This morning woken up by Winnie again. She's making a nuisence of herself these days.
I'm getting that irritated by her. Usually she wakes me up ONCE, and i'll get up regardless of how long i take.
Nowadays, she have to keep coming my room to wake me up. SO IRRITATING LEH.
Went for guitar lesson. It was hell for me la walao.
I hate guitar lesson with Eugene. So irritating. I play wrong he also bochap.
Just keep staring at me, -.- Damn fedup sia. Whateverrrrrrrr.
Came home and slacked. I'm so gonna get @cash. Money money money.
I ate Mac for lunch. Stupid brother suggested it, i'm sure he was the one.
Went to bathe after that and went for Dance.
Today new teacher again. It's Jovienne friend. Hahaha.
Reached there, and i spotted the teacher. She looked ABIT like Jovienne.
But her photo on Facebook looked like Jovienne, really. Lololol.
Had dance class with her. Pas De boure again. Jazz jazz jazz.
Ok la, it's better than the previous teacher lo. He is damn kuku ok. I dont like.
At least this got hiphop. ABIT. LOL. When i was doing warmup, she asked me if i go to LOTS of dance classes.
Cause i think most of the warmups i know. It's the same as my school one lo.
How can i dont know. LOL. I'm not rich man. I only go for one class and school dance ma. Haha.
I think she's Jovienne TEACHER. LOL. Their dance style same one. Kewl man.
Waited for daddy to fetch me, and went home. Now blogging.
I'm going to church later. I miss church eh. It's only one time that i dint go.
LOL!!! Nevermind, haha. Alright! I shall end my post here! Cya peeps!
Don't wish to elaborate much. (: Ohya, no pictures too, yesterday very shag.
Went school in the morning, playplay with company.
After school went orchard. Simply just walking around everywhere.
LOL. Jazreel kept complaining tha her legs were aching. HAHA.
We also played "catching game". HAHAHA. Very scary plus nice experience we've had.
Went CentrePoint to eat HaagenDazs. That's our so called lunch and dinner.
LOL. Very ex i tell you, mine cost me 16bucks plus GST, 19bucks.
Jazreel's was i think 16bucks in total? I don't know. Haha.
Reached home, bathed and auditioned. I want @cash!!! ): I want to change my style eh!
Daddy reached home at 10plus, mummy too. Around 11plus nearing to 12, daddy said he want go eat porridge.
Mummy ask me follow. -.- Sian, i see daddy so poor thing eat alone, i follow him lo.
Rahs, fatfatfatfat. Though it's just porridge, but i'm eating it at 11plus mind you.
Came back and auditioned awhile again, then watched WhyWhyLove.
That show's entertaining. Haha. I wanted to watch finish, but i fell asleep. -.-
This morning woken up by Winnie again. She's making a nuisence of herself these days.
I'm getting that irritated by her. Usually she wakes me up ONCE, and i'll get up regardless of how long i take.
Nowadays, she have to keep coming my room to wake me up. SO IRRITATING LEH.
Went for guitar lesson. It was hell for me la walao.
I hate guitar lesson with Eugene. So irritating. I play wrong he also bochap.
Just keep staring at me, -.- Damn fedup sia. Whateverrrrrrrr.
Came home and slacked. I'm so gonna get @cash. Money money money.
I ate Mac for lunch. Stupid brother suggested it, i'm sure he was the one.
Went to bathe after that and went for Dance.
Today new teacher again. It's Jovienne friend. Hahaha.
Reached there, and i spotted the teacher. She looked ABIT like Jovienne.
But her photo on Facebook looked like Jovienne, really. Lololol.
Had dance class with her. Pas De boure again. Jazz jazz jazz.
Ok la, it's better than the previous teacher lo. He is damn kuku ok. I dont like.
At least this got hiphop. ABIT. LOL. When i was doing warmup, she asked me if i go to LOTS of dance classes.
Cause i think most of the warmups i know. It's the same as my school one lo.
How can i dont know. LOL. I'm not rich man. I only go for one class and school dance ma. Haha.
I think she's Jovienne TEACHER. LOL. Their dance style same one. Kewl man.
Waited for daddy to fetch me, and went home. Now blogging.
I'm going to church later. I miss church eh. It's only one time that i dint go.
LOL!!! Nevermind, haha. Alright! I shall end my post here! Cya peeps!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I'm always going the wrong way.
Hey babes & hunks? Enjoying Tyron????? HAHAAHA.
I'm still crazy over his gorgeous looks anyway for your info. HAHA.
The video on top there ^^^^^^^, also very funny. Watch it.
LOL. Busy finding things to entertain myself. Lol. Cause no one go out with me. ):
I planned to go gym on Wed, no one was free. I planned to go watch movie today, no one was free.
I planned to go out tomorrow with Jazreel last week. Yet now she tell me cannot.
I mean not cannot, is only 2 of us going, so she dont feel like going.
Then the others, all having CT, and i've already had it!
Results are coming out soon, so when you peope can go out, i cant?!!?!?
Oh my god, this is hell man. ): Whatever lo, i shall stay at home and watch funny videos.
School was as usual today. I cannot tolerate winnie sometimes la! So kuku.
Keep waking me up so early! You know i reached school at 7am today?!!?!?
But, when i reached home, totally forgotten about it. -_-
Modular period was totally damn slack. I wanted to practise funk jazz.
But those people there, will think i'm siao. Lol. Nadia's one of them.
Lol. Whateverrrrrrrrrrrrr. Funkjazz rocks bigtime, (not with that angmoh cher though).
Slept in Math class. Lol. Don't know why teacher putting so much time on Graphs.
Damn boring la. But i know how to do, so sleeping is a good thing to do at that time.
Haha!! :D See, my post so short only. Probably going Kovan soon.
Wanna go get my new pairs of shoes and buy daily necessities.
So, tata. If tomorrow i'm going out, you guys might get a long post. HAHA.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Oh my heavenly god!!! Tyron's god damn hot!!!!
But still tall la. This guy there, freaking tall man. Actually, dint really see his height.
I think i saw him in some magazine before.. Izzit him?? LOL.
HE LOOK BETTER THAN PICTURES. LOL. When he's watching xiaxue's video, HE LOOK HOT HOTHOT.
HAHAHAHAHA. I know this video very old. But i really need to smile/laugh/something.
Ok, enough of the nonsense, (BUT HE REALLY VERY HOT!!!!) shall start posting now!
Winnie woke me up at 6.13am. After that, maybe at 6.30am, she came in and said so late already why still havent wake up.
-.-. Late indeed. I reached school earlier than before because of her, wadahell!!!
Nevermind, normal school. LOL. I don't really wanna post so much today.
Had assembly. Keep having assemblys nowadays. Rahrahrah. LOL.
Talking about flims and stuff. There was this person called royston.
He let us watch his film: Xiao Zi Tiao , i think uh. He said we're the first people to watch it.
It's going to come out in Dec. WE ARE SOOOOOOOOOOO IN. HAHAHAHAHA.
The show is very nice. I like it. LOL.
Johanna was using my phone after the show. Peterson confiscated it. ._.
LOL. After assembly took it back, he said must confiscate one week. -____-
My immediate reaction was: HUUUUUUUUUH SORRYYYYYYY UH!!!!!!!!! LOL.
That always work man!! :D I got it back and i went home.
I want my pimples to be gone. ): I want it to be gone damndamn badly. ):
I need help. I need it to be gone by Friday sia. It's so impossible.
(I don't agree, there was once when i prayed hard that i wanted my pimple to be gone, it really was gone the next day. Damn miracle. LOL.)
I still want to watch Tyron episode. HAHAHAHAHA. SO HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
CT are over!
SUP GUYS! I'm back finally after 2days. HAHA.
Cause i was busy studying. I REALLY DID. I know it's unbelivable, even i cant believe it myself. LOL.
But i really did! HAHA. I know this upcoming common tests, i'll do alot better than my previous tests.
Except for History.. My confidence level for that subject is red mark. -.-.
I seriously tried hard ok, freaking HIS STORY. LOL.
I just don't understand why so many people are able to pass history with flying colours, and me, F9. -.-
Why uh!! Even the most stupid people also able to pass history lo!!
My god, i'm worst than them. Ah whatever. I know i'm so gonna pass Geography and Science.
I'm so happy man. When i do the papers right, it's like though i'm stuck in some questions, i still managed to answer most of them!
SO COOL LEH! HAHA. Ok let's start on the wordy post. (:
Saturday Evening, 15th August 2009.
Went Tampines Mall to shop. Weird much, heard from Spencer it was mummy who suggested going there.
Amazing right, all she does is stay in her room and use the computer.
And everytime i want to go out, she'll just bochap me. Now say want go TM.
Amazing... Haha. Okok, so went there around 7plus. I fell asleep in the car.
Reached TM, the sky dark already. LOL. Daddy dint follow us, he got some dinner at expo hall.
Hmmm. First stop was Mango! :D I want to get my tanks. HOHO.
I remembered Mango was in Isetan. I kept thinking that i walked wrong way.
But when i walked straight, i finally saw the arrow pointing upwards to Mango.
Yay, bought grey and white tanks and one Mango blouse.
Then 2nd stop was, COTTON ON! HEHEHAHAHEHEHO. LOL. Bought another striped tank there.
Pink and white. IT'S NICE MAN. :D But it aint cheap eh, 19.90 i think.
Ok, next stop was ToysRus. Obviously it wasnt me who wanted to go there.
My childish brother wants to buy some childish gun. Yeah, he is childish manzxz.
Mummy bought Spongebob stufftoy. LOL. Cause she said her Handphone stufftoy spoil, then nothing to hug at night.
HAH?! So bought that, after that headed to some shoe shop. Mummy wanted to buy shoes.
She buybuybuy, buy until the total bill was $200+++... Scary man. LOL.
Speaking of shoes, i need new pairs of shoes! Gonna get'em soon!!!
Mummy and Spencer headed to Swarovski while me and Winnie went The Body Shop.
I wanted to get perfume from there. But my nose cannot smell anything. -.-
Was i having a flu or something? Idk. LOL. So dint buy, in case buy wrong.
Went to The Face Shop, mummy's still in Swarovski.
See see see, only bought masks. When mummy bought finish her things, she came and find me.
She bought 9masks one go, i think it's 9. I dint count. LOL. Mad man.
Spencer and Winnie went Delifrance to get breads if i'm not wrong.
So expensive sia the bread. My god. LOL. Buy bread, buy brownie, buy drinks, total bill was like $23 or something like that. .______. BREAD ETC. ONLY EH. LOL.
Reached home at 10pm. Bathed and everything, slept at 1am.
SICKENING MAN, I WANTED TO SLEEP AT 5AM!!!!! D: My plan always fail nowadays.
Getting frustrated already lo, cause no one chat with me! Then i bored i sleep. -.-
Nevermind!!! This coming week, i sure sleep late latee... LOL. EXAMS ARE OVER EH.
(But that's only the minor ones, major one havent come. -.-)
Sunday, 16th August 2009.
Woke up damn early the next morning. I think i woke up at 8am plus.
But i dint get off my bed, so comfy. Weird thing was that there was no sun. LOL.
So nice to sleep. HAHA. 9plus then i got off the bed.
Forensic Heroes 1&2 FTW! :D 12plus went to bathe and had lunch.
Slacked and studied History till round 3. I fell asleep after that.
History is seriously very boring. -.- I like Geog better. I'll take Geog next year. -.-
Woke up by daddy nearing to 4. I had tuition at 4.30pm for math.
So prepared and went to teacher's house. God, i feel damn sleepy...
Tuitioned till 6pm and i went home. I suggested to go Heartland cause i wanted to get some stuffs.
But mummy was sleeping, winnie was ironing. Daddy say me, spencer and he go only.
Walao, i cannot stand myself being the only girl la can. -.-
So i got fed up and started showing face la. Lol... Dint go inthend, daddy dabao back dinner.
Ate finished, bathed and started studying for History again.
Studied finish, surfed the net awhile and headed to bed.
Monday, 17th August 2009.
Woke up at 7.30am by Winnie. Prepared and headed to school.
On the way there, Charlotte called me and asked where i was.
She called me a pig somemore. I WHERE GOT PIG MAN. Monday start school late, what for i wake up early sia! LOL.
Reached school around 8.15am and studied for History.
There was nothing much to study for Math leh... I cannot study for math.
If i do study for math, i'll fail. Stress too much. Usually, i'll just see the question, and do la.
LOL. I think i've got loads of careless mistakes.. :'(
Had tests and Homec and Math and English. School ended!!!! :D
The day sound like school ends at 1plus or something yeah.
Rahs, reached home, bathed, slacked. I dint study for Science in the afternoon.
Wasnt in the mood to, somemore later got Science tuition. So much science. -.-
7pm, left home for tuition. Tuitioned till 9pm and went home to bathe.
I heard on the radio yesterday, there was this Match the 91.3 DJs.
It's a game. Then if you get the matched DJs, you get to win tickets to preview for Final Destination 4.
LOL! ): the ticket went to him... So sad lo...
Started studying at 10pm. Scienceeeeeee. I HAVE TO PASS MAN. HAVE TO HAVE TO.
I was worrying like hell, i got BIGBIGBIG problems on Force and Moment of a Force.
Started flipping thru all the old worksheets and memorising the formulas.
I managed to finish everything by 11pm. YAY!!!! I really remembered ok!!!!!
HAHA. Slept early.
Tuesday, 18th August 2009.
Woke up late today. Ok la, not that late, but i was sleeping when i brushed my teeth.
HAHAHAHAHA. Dont know how i did that too. Reached school and studied for Science again.
I'm not worried for Chinese. Cause it's composition and it's easy.
(: Took the tests, (EASY!!!!!!!) and had normal lessons again.
I realised i got alot of PIMPLES coming out after my ACNE is gone. -.-
Had Chinese, Art, History and English. All very boring.
After school, went back home and quickly bathe, then had Math tuition.
Now finished tuition, ate finished dinner, and i'm blogging now.
I now no one to talk to sial. I feel so damn bored. ):
I'm addicted to Roller Coaster Kingdom. LOL. Ok la, not really that addicted.
But it's so cool to have your own imaginary theme park. LOL.
Actually, i've got lots to random pictures to post.. But i'm really very lazy.
I think i've blogged enough for the day already. So takecare dears. :D
I think this song is nice. HAHA.
Cause i was busy studying. I REALLY DID. I know it's unbelivable, even i cant believe it myself. LOL.
But i really did! HAHA. I know this upcoming common tests, i'll do alot better than my previous tests.
Except for History.. My confidence level for that subject is red mark. -.-.
I seriously tried hard ok, freaking HIS STORY. LOL.
I just don't understand why so many people are able to pass history with flying colours, and me, F9. -.-
Why uh!! Even the most stupid people also able to pass history lo!!
My god, i'm worst than them. Ah whatever. I know i'm so gonna pass Geography and Science.
I'm so happy man. When i do the papers right, it's like though i'm stuck in some questions, i still managed to answer most of them!
SO COOL LEH! HAHA. Ok let's start on the wordy post. (:
Saturday Evening, 15th August 2009.
Went Tampines Mall to shop. Weird much, heard from Spencer it was mummy who suggested going there.
Amazing right, all she does is stay in her room and use the computer.
And everytime i want to go out, she'll just bochap me. Now say want go TM.
Amazing... Haha. Okok, so went there around 7plus. I fell asleep in the car.
Reached TM, the sky dark already. LOL. Daddy dint follow us, he got some dinner at expo hall.
Hmmm. First stop was Mango! :D I want to get my tanks. HOHO.
I remembered Mango was in Isetan. I kept thinking that i walked wrong way.
But when i walked straight, i finally saw the arrow pointing upwards to Mango.
Yay, bought grey and white tanks and one Mango blouse.
Then 2nd stop was, COTTON ON! HEHEHAHAHEHEHO. LOL. Bought another striped tank there.
Pink and white. IT'S NICE MAN. :D But it aint cheap eh, 19.90 i think.
Ok, next stop was ToysRus. Obviously it wasnt me who wanted to go there.
My childish brother wants to buy some childish gun. Yeah, he is childish manzxz.
Mummy bought Spongebob stufftoy. LOL. Cause she said her Handphone stufftoy spoil, then nothing to hug at night.
HAH?! So bought that, after that headed to some shoe shop. Mummy wanted to buy shoes.
She buybuybuy, buy until the total bill was $200+++... Scary man. LOL.
Speaking of shoes, i need new pairs of shoes! Gonna get'em soon!!!
Mummy and Spencer headed to Swarovski while me and Winnie went The Body Shop.
I wanted to get perfume from there. But my nose cannot smell anything. -.-
Was i having a flu or something? Idk. LOL. So dint buy, in case buy wrong.
Went to The Face Shop, mummy's still in Swarovski.
See see see, only bought masks. When mummy bought finish her things, she came and find me.
She bought 9masks one go, i think it's 9. I dint count. LOL. Mad man.
Spencer and Winnie went Delifrance to get breads if i'm not wrong.
So expensive sia the bread. My god. LOL. Buy bread, buy brownie, buy drinks, total bill was like $23 or something like that. .______. BREAD ETC. ONLY EH. LOL.
Reached home at 10pm. Bathed and everything, slept at 1am.
SICKENING MAN, I WANTED TO SLEEP AT 5AM!!!!! D: My plan always fail nowadays.
Getting frustrated already lo, cause no one chat with me! Then i bored i sleep. -.-
Nevermind!!! This coming week, i sure sleep late latee... LOL. EXAMS ARE OVER EH.
(But that's only the minor ones, major one havent come. -.-)
Sunday, 16th August 2009.
Woke up damn early the next morning. I think i woke up at 8am plus.
But i dint get off my bed, so comfy. Weird thing was that there was no sun. LOL.
So nice to sleep. HAHA. 9plus then i got off the bed.
Forensic Heroes 1&2 FTW! :D 12plus went to bathe and had lunch.
Slacked and studied History till round 3. I fell asleep after that.
History is seriously very boring. -.- I like Geog better. I'll take Geog next year. -.-
Woke up by daddy nearing to 4. I had tuition at 4.30pm for math.
So prepared and went to teacher's house. God, i feel damn sleepy...
Tuitioned till 6pm and i went home. I suggested to go Heartland cause i wanted to get some stuffs.
But mummy was sleeping, winnie was ironing. Daddy say me, spencer and he go only.
Walao, i cannot stand myself being the only girl la can. -.-
So i got fed up and started showing face la. Lol... Dint go inthend, daddy dabao back dinner.
Ate finished, bathed and started studying for History again.
Studied finish, surfed the net awhile and headed to bed.
Monday, 17th August 2009.
Woke up at 7.30am by Winnie. Prepared and headed to school.
On the way there, Charlotte called me and asked where i was.
She called me a pig somemore. I WHERE GOT PIG MAN. Monday start school late, what for i wake up early sia! LOL.
Reached school around 8.15am and studied for History.
There was nothing much to study for Math leh... I cannot study for math.
If i do study for math, i'll fail. Stress too much. Usually, i'll just see the question, and do la.
LOL. I think i've got loads of careless mistakes.. :'(
Had tests and Homec and Math and English. School ended!!!! :D
The day sound like school ends at 1plus or something yeah.
Rahs, reached home, bathed, slacked. I dint study for Science in the afternoon.
Wasnt in the mood to, somemore later got Science tuition. So much science. -.-
7pm, left home for tuition. Tuitioned till 9pm and went home to bathe.
I heard on the radio yesterday, there was this Match the 91.3 DJs.
It's a game. Then if you get the matched DJs, you get to win tickets to preview for Final Destination 4.
LOL! ): the ticket went to him... So sad lo...
Started studying at 10pm. Scienceeeeeee. I HAVE TO PASS MAN. HAVE TO HAVE TO.
I was worrying like hell, i got BIGBIGBIG problems on Force and Moment of a Force.
Started flipping thru all the old worksheets and memorising the formulas.
I managed to finish everything by 11pm. YAY!!!! I really remembered ok!!!!!
HAHA. Slept early.
Tuesday, 18th August 2009.
Woke up late today. Ok la, not that late, but i was sleeping when i brushed my teeth.
HAHAHAHAHA. Dont know how i did that too. Reached school and studied for Science again.
I'm not worried for Chinese. Cause it's composition and it's easy.
(: Took the tests, (EASY!!!!!!!) and had normal lessons again.
I realised i got alot of PIMPLES coming out after my ACNE is gone. -.-
Had Chinese, Art, History and English. All very boring.
After school, went back home and quickly bathe, then had Math tuition.
Now finished tuition, ate finished dinner, and i'm blogging now.
I now no one to talk to sial. I feel so damn bored. ):
I'm addicted to Roller Coaster Kingdom. LOL. Ok la, not really that addicted.
But it's so cool to have your own imaginary theme park. LOL.
Actually, i've got lots to random pictures to post.. But i'm really very lazy.
I think i've blogged enough for the day already. So takecare dears. :D
I think this song is nice. HAHA.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Woke up by mummy. She came sneaking into my room. Got motive ah......!!!
Haha. I woke up and i told mummy i dont wanna go guitar lesson.
My face one big pimple! I dont want go out la!!!! D:
Hehee, she agreed, so i stayed at home and rot. :D I was waiting for afternoon's dance class.
I hoped the teacher would be good. I PRAY HARD.......
When time was nearing, i prepared for dance, ate lunch and went out to Kovan and fetch jiejie.
Reached UE square at 1.05pm. Went Cold Storage as usual.
I saw this weird angmoh in the studio. I kept telling jiejie that was the teacher.
Gasping away, the teacher is a guy!?!?! -.- Irritating...
Class started, total bullshit. He taught the things, all same like my school.
What pas de boure la, then pirorette(IDK how to spell, but it's pronounced this way.).
He totally did not followed our previous dance. I was feeling damn down la.
-.-. JAZZ JAZZ JAZZ. Sickening bullshit. I kept complaining lo..
I think jiejie irritated also. LOL... He ended the class at 2.30pm sharp la.
Walao, lol. Daddy fetched us home and i started complaining again.
I send Jovienne a facebook message. I really wondered if that was her friend la!?
Not long after, she went online! So we started talking and talking.
So maybe next week then come. PHEW. Upon hearing the good news, i heaved a sigh of relief.
HAHAHAHA. Talktalktalk, i somehow complained to her too. LOL.
Nevermind, she said at least i tried dancing that jazz shit.
After awhile, she suggested we webcam. HAHAHA. I never webcammed anyone before.
I hate to see myself in the cam la pls. -.-. So she was the first!!!
She showed me her beautiful hotel. My god, damn nice la!!! ):
Chatted awhile and she went out. Hahaha. I'm going out soon too!
To tampines mall! With my family. HAHA. :D Might post when i'm back.
So stay tuned okay!!! :D
Haha. I woke up and i told mummy i dont wanna go guitar lesson.
My face one big pimple! I dont want go out la!!!! D:
Hehee, she agreed, so i stayed at home and rot. :D I was waiting for afternoon's dance class.
I hoped the teacher would be good. I PRAY HARD.......
When time was nearing, i prepared for dance, ate lunch and went out to Kovan and fetch jiejie.
Reached UE square at 1.05pm. Went Cold Storage as usual.
I saw this weird angmoh in the studio. I kept telling jiejie that was the teacher.
Gasping away, the teacher is a guy!?!?! -.- Irritating...
Class started, total bullshit. He taught the things, all same like my school.
What pas de boure la, then pirorette(IDK how to spell, but it's pronounced this way.).
He totally did not followed our previous dance. I was feeling damn down la.
-.-. JAZZ JAZZ JAZZ. Sickening bullshit. I kept complaining lo..
I think jiejie irritated also. LOL... He ended the class at 2.30pm sharp la.
Walao, lol. Daddy fetched us home and i started complaining again.
I send Jovienne a facebook message. I really wondered if that was her friend la!?
Not long after, she went online! So we started talking and talking.
So maybe next week then come. PHEW. Upon hearing the good news, i heaved a sigh of relief.
HAHAHAHA. Talktalktalk, i somehow complained to her too. LOL.
Nevermind, she said at least i tried dancing that jazz shit.
After awhile, she suggested we webcam. HAHAHA. I never webcammed anyone before.
I hate to see myself in the cam la pls. -.-. So she was the first!!!
She showed me her beautiful hotel. My god, damn nice la!!! ):
Chatted awhile and she went out. Hahaha. I'm going out soon too!
To tampines mall! With my family. HAHA. :D Might post when i'm back.
So stay tuned okay!!! :D
Friday, August 14, 2009
I'm just so ugly la. ._.
Why angmohs all so pretty one. ._. Can i don't have pimples anot..

Woke up this morning, and i realised i slept early again!!!!! URGH.
Bloody hellzx manzxzx. Nevermind la. Prepared for school.
I sent a goodbye message to Jovienne already. Thank god she havent fly at the time.
Her flight was 11.30am. ._. She replied me at 7plus or 8plus.
I that time exam. Then i only could reply her around 10am. ._.
She dint reply already. Maybe she off-ed her phone already. Hehehh..
Today was Geog and English test. I think i can pass Geogrpahy.
All my geog test all fail. -.-. From Sec1 till now. Except for CA1.
LOL. This time i can pass again. Weeeeeeeeehooooooooo. :D
English was simple. Today slacky day. Haha. English period dint do anything at all.
Geog lesson after that and reading. Freaking hell that teacher in charge luv torturing us la tmd.
Whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. After that Yolande came my house again.
And yup, she's still in my house. She keep coming my house la! LOL.
She damn damn damn luv my house man!! I'm so honoured. HAHAHAH.
Later maybe going Church. ._. Assumption Day tomorrow. But i cannot go, heheh..
Its only in the morning and afternoon. I cannot make it unless i wake up at 6.15am.
Tsk! And Anticipatory mass is tonight at 6.15pm or 8pm. Maybe going the 8pm one.
Hahaha. Oh ya! Another paragraph to Darryle!!!!! :D
You know the Group Super Junior right??
INSIDE ALSO GOT ONE FAT ONE. He can SING and DANCE leh!?!?!?! -.-
You say Fat people cannot dance means insulting ALOT of people in the world i tell you.
LOL. Aiya, in any case, we can dance better than you.
You and your Shuffling. Step one know how to shuffle. LOL MAN.
I think you shuffle halfway your legs stuck to the ground lo!
Crap man! I see you shuffle ABIT before in class! KNS KNS KNS KNS OKOKOK! :D
I very long never see Klaryce Lim online already lo. She so mean one.
Never online. ): Nevermind, tomorrow can see her already. Haha.
O.O Oh ya, don't know if yours is over. HAHAHA. Tell me soon ok!!!!!!!!
Woke up this morning, and i realised i slept early again!!!!! URGH.
Bloody hellzx manzxzx. Nevermind la. Prepared for school.
I sent a goodbye message to Jovienne already. Thank god she havent fly at the time.
Her flight was 11.30am. ._. She replied me at 7plus or 8plus.
I that time exam. Then i only could reply her around 10am. ._.
She dint reply already. Maybe she off-ed her phone already. Hehehh..
Today was Geog and English test. I think i can pass Geogrpahy.
All my geog test all fail. -.-. From Sec1 till now. Except for CA1.
LOL. This time i can pass again. Weeeeeeeeehooooooooo. :D
English was simple. Today slacky day. Haha. English period dint do anything at all.
Geog lesson after that and reading. Freaking hell that teacher in charge luv torturing us la tmd.
Whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. After that Yolande came my house again.
And yup, she's still in my house. She keep coming my house la! LOL.
She damn damn damn luv my house man!! I'm so honoured. HAHAHAH.
Later maybe going Church. ._. Assumption Day tomorrow. But i cannot go, heheh..
Its only in the morning and afternoon. I cannot make it unless i wake up at 6.15am.
Tsk! And Anticipatory mass is tonight at 6.15pm or 8pm. Maybe going the 8pm one.
Hahaha. Oh ya! Another paragraph to Darryle!!!!! :D
You know the Group Super Junior right??
INSIDE ALSO GOT ONE FAT ONE. He can SING and DANCE leh!?!?!?! -.-
You say Fat people cannot dance means insulting ALOT of people in the world i tell you.
LOL. Aiya, in any case, we can dance better than you.
You and your Shuffling. Step one know how to shuffle. LOL MAN.
I think you shuffle halfway your legs stuck to the ground lo!
Crap man! I see you shuffle ABIT before in class! KNS KNS KNS KNS OKOKOK! :D
I very long never see Klaryce Lim online already lo. She so mean one.
Never online. ): Nevermind, tomorrow can see her already. Haha.
O.O Oh ya, don't know if yours is over. HAHAHA. Tell me soon ok!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Pimples are fucking irritating.
Hi people from the whole wide world. Shanette from Singapore is here to blog once again.
I've read my yesterday's post. -.-. It seemed so wrong. LOL.
Nono, i mean i missed out alot of parts of my life in that post.
Might be editting that later on.
Woke up this morning reluctantly. Seriously didnt even want to open my eyes.
I was brushing my teeth with my eyes CLOSED. LMAO. I really wanna sleep uh.
And it's not like i slept that late yesterday night. Perhaps 11 or 12plus?
Prepared for school, i saw a freaking big pimple on my nose this morning when i was tying my hair.
Lol. So irritating manzxzx. Reached school around 7.15am.
Short day today. Science was the first period. I got back my Science paper.
LOL CAN. I was expecting myself to get a 10,11,12. I got a 14 instead. WEEEEEEEE.
Not that high, but i'm quite happy la. Super last minute revision and i got this result.
SCIENCE LEHH!!!!! :D Hahahaha! But, i could've gotten 17/20. Careless like shit.
I was also thinking about my math test i did on Tuesday.
That horrendous test.... Made me cracked my head like there's no tomorrow.
Seriously, i thought that, that math paper would be the first test paper i'll fail this term.
Wadahell la. I did all those questions without much thinking lo. ._____.
Teacher was telling us that our class have 5 or 6 failures.
Then i was like, shittttttttttttttz. Why this time everyone passed. .___.
Cause i was thinking i'm on of the 5-6 failures. Teacher arranged the paper from highest to lowest.
Highest obviously full marks la. ._. So i just dint care about who teacher was calling.
Anyway, my name would be somehow called out the last ma...
Suddenly teacher called, SHANETTE. I thought teacher calling Leonard.
She always pronounce me and his name same one. So very hard to differentiate.
Then she looked at me for awhile, cause i dint went up to take the paper.
Tyco like mad can!!!!! HAHAHAHA. I'm very fated with the number 14.
It's just alwasy 1414141414. -.-. Everything 14 one. TSKKKKKK.
Nevermind, 14/20 is 70% leh! A2 you know. LMAO. Though it's like a smallllll percentage into the overall marks, count it individually, IT'S A2 LEH.
LOLOLOLOL. :P Weeeehooooo. Ok, enough of test-talking.
Modular CCA time! I told teacher that i couldnt go for dance in the afternoon.
So sad right, i also feel sad ): I want to go.. But school ends at 1.15pm.
CCA starts at 3.30pm.. And in between that time, no one free to pei me.
Urgh, i cannot wait for 2hours plus in school la!!! I will bored to death one lo.
So dint go.. Urgh. Lol la. Bet they're learning the finale now.
I'll have to learn from Charlotte/Josephine if not nextnext week i sure mati.
Told teacher i got to study for Common Test tomorrow. So she agreed for me not to go.
I seriously cannot tahan this Caifong la wtfffffffffff.
Make me damn irritated i no mood to dance. Zzzzzz. So ended up i got alot of mistakes.
BLAH WHATEVER. -.- Cannot tahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
After school, went to find Jazreel. LOL. No need find, she was outside of dance studio. But she, Darryle, JieFeng, Edwin need go see Lim for some issues.
Zzzz. This lim only know how to catch people. Freaking VP. SUCKSUCKSUCKSUCKSUCK.
Waited for Jazreel till 2pm... -.- Waited for bus and went J8.
Ate the Takopachi. LOL. I dont know if i spelt it correctly. Heheh...
Ate already i went back home. Bathed and everything.
Now blogging. Today's Jovienne last day in Singaporeeeeeee.................
I hope she's online tonight so i get to chat with her first before she leaves.
I've read my yesterday's post. -.-. It seemed so wrong. LOL.
Nono, i mean i missed out alot of parts of my life in that post.
Might be editting that later on.
Woke up this morning reluctantly. Seriously didnt even want to open my eyes.
I was brushing my teeth with my eyes CLOSED. LMAO. I really wanna sleep uh.
And it's not like i slept that late yesterday night. Perhaps 11 or 12plus?
Prepared for school, i saw a freaking big pimple on my nose this morning when i was tying my hair.
Lol. So irritating manzxzx. Reached school around 7.15am.
Short day today. Science was the first period. I got back my Science paper.
LOL CAN. I was expecting myself to get a 10,11,12. I got a 14 instead. WEEEEEEEE.
Not that high, but i'm quite happy la. Super last minute revision and i got this result.
SCIENCE LEHH!!!!! :D Hahahaha! But, i could've gotten 17/20. Careless like shit.
I was also thinking about my math test i did on Tuesday.
That horrendous test.... Made me cracked my head like there's no tomorrow.
Seriously, i thought that, that math paper would be the first test paper i'll fail this term.
Wadahell la. I did all those questions without much thinking lo. ._____.
Teacher was telling us that our class have 5 or 6 failures.
Then i was like, shittttttttttttttz. Why this time everyone passed. .___.
Cause i was thinking i'm on of the 5-6 failures. Teacher arranged the paper from highest to lowest.
Highest obviously full marks la. ._. So i just dint care about who teacher was calling.
Anyway, my name would be somehow called out the last ma...
Suddenly teacher called, SHANETTE. I thought teacher calling Leonard.
She always pronounce me and his name same one. So very hard to differentiate.
Then she looked at me for awhile, cause i dint went up to take the paper.
Tyco like mad can!!!!! HAHAHAHA. I'm very fated with the number 14.
It's just alwasy 1414141414. -.-. Everything 14 one. TSKKKKKK.
Nevermind, 14/20 is 70% leh! A2 you know. LMAO. Though it's like a smallllll percentage into the overall marks, count it individually, IT'S A2 LEH.
LOLOLOLOL. :P Weeeehooooo. Ok, enough of test-talking.
Modular CCA time! I told teacher that i couldnt go for dance in the afternoon.
So sad right, i also feel sad ): I want to go.. But school ends at 1.15pm.
CCA starts at 3.30pm.. And in between that time, no one free to pei me.
Urgh, i cannot wait for 2hours plus in school la!!! I will bored to death one lo.
So dint go.. Urgh. Lol la. Bet they're learning the finale now.
I'll have to learn from Charlotte/Josephine if not nextnext week i sure mati.
Told teacher i got to study for Common Test tomorrow. So she agreed for me not to go.
I seriously cannot tahan this Caifong la wtfffffffffff.
Make me damn irritated i no mood to dance. Zzzzzz. So ended up i got alot of mistakes.
BLAH WHATEVER. -.- Cannot tahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
After school, went to find Jazreel. LOL. No need find, she was outside of dance studio. But she, Darryle, JieFeng, Edwin need go see Lim for some issues.
Zzzz. This lim only know how to catch people. Freaking VP. SUCKSUCKSUCKSUCKSUCK.
Waited for Jazreel till 2pm... -.- Waited for bus and went J8.
Ate the Takopachi. LOL. I dont know if i spelt it correctly. Heheh...
Ate already i went back home. Bathed and everything.
Now blogging. Today's Jovienne last day in Singaporeeeeeee.................
I hope she's online tonight so i get to chat with her first before she leaves.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
It's just something about you.
Hello!!! I am back!!! :D Did you missed me? I know you dint. LOL.
I want to dedicate this 1/4 of the post to those idiots who discriminates fat people.
Let's start from the beginning ok.
1. Fat people not human?
2. Fat people cannot do what normal people can do?
Eg, Wear pretty clothes, Dance, Have a right to choose.
3. Fat people cannot be proud of who they are?
4. Fat people MUST be looked down cause of their sizes?
Some people are borned bigbone. You think they want?
Some people are borned fat. You think they want?
Some are borned this way! Do you fucking think they want it this way!?
Why must they discrminated by you freaking bamboo people outside?
"Eeeeee, look at you in that photo! Like pig like that!!!!"
"Walao eh, so fat and ugly still take photo. Do you even look at yourself in the mirror?!"
"You wear skinnys very fat leh!!! Walao so big size."
"You see la, that one so pretty *points to someone*, you leh? Big like fuck."
Sigh. I know we don't look nice when we're fat. We also wished we were small in size.
You idiots out there put yourself in our shoes and think la.
What if you're the big sized one? How do you feel if people insult you like that?
Even though if that particular person is making a joke out of it, they still mean it WAY DEEP down from their heart.
You'll go say a skinny girl, "EEEE, YOURE SO FAT SHIT." No right?
You'll say her skinny shit and say you're just kidding right? SEE YOU ACTUALLY MEAN IT WHAT.
Who thinks fat people cannot dance? I'm sure alot of you people do.
But did you ever think before anot, fat people might dance badly in some ways.
But at least they dance better than you people who say fat people cannot dance what!
At least those fat people are willing to give it a try even though they know their size what!
Like you people meh? Everything don't want to try, only scared of failures.
You keep insulting fat people like me, say what we dont look nice is this that and everything.
My dance skills might not be that great, but i think it's way better than yours la ok, Darryle Tan Guan Wei.
Fucking smoker, go smoke your life away and fuck away from earth la.
Polluting the air, making us hard to breathe. KNS.
Keep telling me to show you my dance. Why? You wanna learn uh?
I know la, people like you should be superman right? I dance one time you should be able to know how to dance already right?
YOU WANNA TRY????? You outside your home act so big, then at home locked up.
-.- Idiot manzx you. I not pretty? I KNOW. But need you insult me till so jialat meh?
I just hope you'll just keep your unneeded comments to yourself.
You never open your mouth, no one will think you're mute ok.
Ok, i'm done with those rants. LOL. I know it became a post of me scolding someone.
Eh whatever la. I cannot tahan already. -.- Alright, shall start my post now.
Monday, 10th August 2009.
Slacking day uh. Woke up at 10plus and watched tv till 12plus.
I went tuition for 3hours -.- Mygod, i was freezing and boring to death lo.
Went home and slacked again. Very boring la my Monday.
Lol. Nothing happened at all. I'm serious sia. LOL.
Went to AMK at 5plus with family to catch the movie Up.
LOL. I went there with a bad mood. Cause i was sleepy and this sort of thing.
I went into the Sony Ericsson shop, and i was this W595 Pink phone.
Yes, i know it's an old phone. But i seriously luv this pink la.
Really luv it alot.. Nevermind, went into the cinema at 6.30pm.
Soon after, the show started. It brought my mood upupup man. HAHAH.
Funny show. LOL. The fat fat boy is damnnnnnnnnn cuteeeeeeee. HAHA. Cannot resist him.
Must go watch ok. DAMN CUTE SHOW. HAHAHA. I cannot stand the 3D glasses.
I think mine's spoilt or something. Don't know la.
It's so much clearer if i dont wear it. But some parts must wear lo.
LOL. Reached home, slacked and slept. I wanted to stay up late late.
But dint managed to. -.-. I fell asleep halfway. Roars.
Tuesday, 11th August 2009.
Woke up in the morning and headed to school. Had usual lessons.
Slacked during PE times. I texted Alison during PE lesson and recess was next.
So dumbdumb. -.- I told her performance on 5th sept is at SFX she screamed on the sms.
LOL. She kept telling me she don't want to go la!!!!!!!!!! D:
WHY DONT WANT GOOOOOO. Roars, i told her Assumption Day was this Saturday.
It clashed with my Dance lesson, so i'm not going. =X
BUT SHE, she say she got church group meeting or what.
Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrs. Means this coming Saturday she might not come for dance again.
-.-...... So pathetic. LOL. Finished chatting with her and lessons still carried on.
School ended at 2.45pm. Stayed back for CCA.
Went opp. school get bbt and headed back to school.
I suddenly felt that whether i'm in the dance or not like no difference one lo.
And uh, our dance cher concentrates more on the Seniors than Juniors.
-.-. I feel like skipping dance. Lol. Ever since that thought came in my head, my dance kns.
I suddenly forgot all the dancemoves etc. But i managed to caught up with them.
Then another thought came in: Aiya nevermind la. Dance then dance lo. FunkJazz is way better.
LOL. That cheered me up. :B Hehehe. Went back home after dance.
Bathed and everything, already 9pm. Supposed to revise science.
But dint cause i felt too tired. Planned to revise tomorrow morning. (:
Cause Science is after recess. Woohoo. :D
Aircon spoilt yesterday. After awhile, my aircon will drip water. -.-
Will flood room one sial. Lol. So used fan instead.
I FELL ASLEEP EARLY AGAIN YESTERDAY. What's wrong with me. -.-!!!! LOL.
I don't care. Thursday CANNOT fall asleep. -.-
Wednesday, 12th August 2009.
Woke up in the morning as usual and went to school later than usual.
LOL. I purposely one. HAHA. Don't want to reach school so early.
Later no one there yet. When i reached, Jazreel also reach already.
That means, i'm like SO much later than usual. Jazreel, Yolande and Jonas were talking about something unusual.
Don't know what they talking about. So i dont care loooool.
Normal lessons. Long day long day. Wednesday is long day. LOL.
Darryle is a fucker. (: You should know why when you reach the first part of my post right?
Had assembly today, i watched before already lo, in yuying! It's the same one sial.
About that READ READ READ READ READ. Then this angmoh pretend that the rock very heavy one.
LOL! Yuying people, you know what i'm talking about right?????? LOL.
After school, Yolande came to my house, again. Haha. She luvs my house so much. :D
Yup, and she's still in my house. I shall end my post here. It's very long already right.
Also don't really have that much things to talk about already.
So tata babies.
I want to dedicate this 1/4 of the post to those idiots who discriminates fat people.
Let's start from the beginning ok.
1. Fat people not human?
2. Fat people cannot do what normal people can do?
Eg, Wear pretty clothes, Dance, Have a right to choose.
3. Fat people cannot be proud of who they are?
4. Fat people MUST be looked down cause of their sizes?
Some people are borned bigbone. You think they want?
Some people are borned fat. You think they want?
Some are borned this way! Do you fucking think they want it this way!?
Why must they discrminated by you freaking bamboo people outside?
"Eeeeee, look at you in that photo! Like pig like that!!!!"
"Walao eh, so fat and ugly still take photo. Do you even look at yourself in the mirror?!"
"You wear skinnys very fat leh!!! Walao so big size."
"You see la, that one so pretty *points to someone*, you leh? Big like fuck."
Sigh. I know we don't look nice when we're fat. We also wished we were small in size.
You idiots out there put yourself in our shoes and think la.
What if you're the big sized one? How do you feel if people insult you like that?
Even though if that particular person is making a joke out of it, they still mean it WAY DEEP down from their heart.
You'll go say a skinny girl, "EEEE, YOURE SO FAT SHIT." No right?
You'll say her skinny shit and say you're just kidding right? SEE YOU ACTUALLY MEAN IT WHAT.
Who thinks fat people cannot dance? I'm sure alot of you people do.
But did you ever think before anot, fat people might dance badly in some ways.
But at least they dance better than you people who say fat people cannot dance what!
At least those fat people are willing to give it a try even though they know their size what!
Like you people meh? Everything don't want to try, only scared of failures.
You keep insulting fat people like me, say what we dont look nice is this that and everything.
My dance skills might not be that great, but i think it's way better than yours la ok, Darryle Tan Guan Wei.
Fucking smoker, go smoke your life away and fuck away from earth la.
Polluting the air, making us hard to breathe. KNS.
Keep telling me to show you my dance. Why? You wanna learn uh?
I know la, people like you should be superman right? I dance one time you should be able to know how to dance already right?
YOU WANNA TRY????? You outside your home act so big, then at home locked up.
-.- Idiot manzx you. I not pretty? I KNOW. But need you insult me till so jialat meh?
I just hope you'll just keep your unneeded comments to yourself.
You never open your mouth, no one will think you're mute ok.
Ok, i'm done with those rants. LOL. I know it became a post of me scolding someone.
Eh whatever la. I cannot tahan already. -.- Alright, shall start my post now.
Monday, 10th August 2009.
Slacking day uh. Woke up at 10plus and watched tv till 12plus.
I went tuition for 3hours -.- Mygod, i was freezing and boring to death lo.
Went home and slacked again. Very boring la my Monday.
Lol. Nothing happened at all. I'm serious sia. LOL.
Went to AMK at 5plus with family to catch the movie Up.
LOL. I went there with a bad mood. Cause i was sleepy and this sort of thing.
I went into the Sony Ericsson shop, and i was this W595 Pink phone.
Yes, i know it's an old phone. But i seriously luv this pink la.
Really luv it alot.. Nevermind, went into the cinema at 6.30pm.
Soon after, the show started. It brought my mood upupup man. HAHAH.
Funny show. LOL. The fat fat boy is damnnnnnnnnn cuteeeeeeee. HAHA. Cannot resist him.
Must go watch ok. DAMN CUTE SHOW. HAHAHA. I cannot stand the 3D glasses.
I think mine's spoilt or something. Don't know la.
It's so much clearer if i dont wear it. But some parts must wear lo.
LOL. Reached home, slacked and slept. I wanted to stay up late late.
But dint managed to. -.-. I fell asleep halfway. Roars.
Tuesday, 11th August 2009.
Woke up in the morning and headed to school. Had usual lessons.
Slacked during PE times. I texted Alison during PE lesson and recess was next.
So dumbdumb. -.- I told her performance on 5th sept is at SFX she screamed on the sms.
LOL. She kept telling me she don't want to go la!!!!!!!!!! D:
WHY DONT WANT GOOOOOO. Roars, i told her Assumption Day was this Saturday.
It clashed with my Dance lesson, so i'm not going. =X
BUT SHE, she say she got church group meeting or what.
Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrs. Means this coming Saturday she might not come for dance again.
-.-...... So pathetic. LOL. Finished chatting with her and lessons still carried on.
School ended at 2.45pm. Stayed back for CCA.
Went opp. school get bbt and headed back to school.
I suddenly felt that whether i'm in the dance or not like no difference one lo.
And uh, our dance cher concentrates more on the Seniors than Juniors.
-.-. I feel like skipping dance. Lol. Ever since that thought came in my head, my dance kns.
I suddenly forgot all the dancemoves etc. But i managed to caught up with them.
Then another thought came in: Aiya nevermind la. Dance then dance lo. FunkJazz is way better.
LOL. That cheered me up. :B Hehehe. Went back home after dance.
Bathed and everything, already 9pm. Supposed to revise science.
But dint cause i felt too tired. Planned to revise tomorrow morning. (:
Cause Science is after recess. Woohoo. :D
Aircon spoilt yesterday. After awhile, my aircon will drip water. -.-
Will flood room one sial. Lol. So used fan instead.
I FELL ASLEEP EARLY AGAIN YESTERDAY. What's wrong with me. -.-!!!! LOL.
I don't care. Thursday CANNOT fall asleep. -.-
Wednesday, 12th August 2009.
Woke up in the morning as usual and went to school later than usual.
LOL. I purposely one. HAHA. Don't want to reach school so early.
Later no one there yet. When i reached, Jazreel also reach already.
That means, i'm like SO much later than usual. Jazreel, Yolande and Jonas were talking about something unusual.
Don't know what they talking about. So i dont care loooool.
Normal lessons. Long day long day. Wednesday is long day. LOL.
Darryle is a fucker. (: You should know why when you reach the first part of my post right?
Had assembly today, i watched before already lo, in yuying! It's the same one sial.
About that READ READ READ READ READ. Then this angmoh pretend that the rock very heavy one.
LOL! Yuying people, you know what i'm talking about right?????? LOL.
After school, Yolande came to my house, again. Haha. She luvs my house so much. :D
Yup, and she's still in my house. I shall end my post here. It's very long already right.
Also don't really have that much things to talk about already.
So tata babies.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I tell you something. I've got a video of yesterday's dance.
LOL. Damn funny. I kept watching over and over again.
You know why? Cause i'm trying to spot everyone's mistakes.
Including mine. Some parts, i was daydreaming. That's for sure.
Okay, here goes my so called formal post for today.
I slept at 4.10am yesterday night. Power to the max right. HAHAHA.
I was chatting with Jovienne! :D Talked about all sorts of stuffs.
Then i finally felt tired, so i went to bed. Woke up the next morning at 9.45am.
I had so little sleep.. Urgh, nevermind. Haha. I dint felt that tired.
So it was alright. SEE WEIRD RIGHT. I sleep early, wake up early, tired.
I sleep late, wake up early, not tired. I sleep late, wake up late, tired.
Crazy body of mine. I went to check my mail for the video jovienne sent me.
Yay, i recieved. But, my computer cannot watch. Got audio no pictures. -.-.
So, i went to ask for help everywhere. No one knew what to do. -.-.
Forget it, i went to upload on Youtube. Bleah, too bad you all cannot see. HAHA.
I LOCKED IT. I'm afraid some people will scold me if i release it in the net. LOL.
Thanks Jovienne, for the video! :D I watched super alot of times i tell you.
It's just a 1min vid. But, nice leh. LOL!!!!!! Keep spotting our mistakes.
Muahahah. Then ate lunch and slacked. Bathed and everything la.
I thought family said wanted to go out... ): But never. So i'm still at home lo.
Jovienne must be at the Zoo now. That's what she told me. HAHAHAH!
She asked me to follow her lo. ): I wished i could. Sian... D:
Klaryce also another one, sure outside with idk who. LOL.
Tomorrow i've got 3 bloody hours of tuition for Science. Pathetic shit manzxzx.
People enjoy holiday i have to study 3hours of the same subject. Faints*
Byebye people..
I think Spectacular would be a fantastic show just by looking at the mvs. LOL.
Happy 44th Birthday, Singapore.
LOL. Damn funny. I kept watching over and over again.
You know why? Cause i'm trying to spot everyone's mistakes.
Including mine. Some parts, i was daydreaming. That's for sure.
Okay, here goes my so called formal post for today.
I slept at 4.10am yesterday night. Power to the max right. HAHAHA.
I was chatting with Jovienne! :D Talked about all sorts of stuffs.
Then i finally felt tired, so i went to bed. Woke up the next morning at 9.45am.
I had so little sleep.. Urgh, nevermind. Haha. I dint felt that tired.
So it was alright. SEE WEIRD RIGHT. I sleep early, wake up early, tired.
I sleep late, wake up early, not tired. I sleep late, wake up late, tired.
Crazy body of mine. I went to check my mail for the video jovienne sent me.
Yay, i recieved. But, my computer cannot watch. Got audio no pictures. -.-.
So, i went to ask for help everywhere. No one knew what to do. -.-.
Forget it, i went to upload on Youtube. Bleah, too bad you all cannot see. HAHA.
I LOCKED IT. I'm afraid some people will scold me if i release it in the net. LOL.
Thanks Jovienne, for the video! :D I watched super alot of times i tell you.
It's just a 1min vid. But, nice leh. LOL!!!!!! Keep spotting our mistakes.
Muahahah. Then ate lunch and slacked. Bathed and everything la.
I thought family said wanted to go out... ): But never. So i'm still at home lo.
Jovienne must be at the Zoo now. That's what she told me. HAHAHAH!
She asked me to follow her lo. ): I wished i could. Sian... D:
Klaryce also another one, sure outside with idk who. LOL.
Tomorrow i've got 3 bloody hours of tuition for Science. Pathetic shit manzxzx.
People enjoy holiday i have to study 3hours of the same subject. Faints*
Byebye people..
I think Spectacular would be a fantastic show just by looking at the mvs. LOL.
Happy 44th Birthday, Singapore.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
HI BABIES. Woke up this morning at 8plus. Tskkkkkk.
I still felt tired even though i slept so early. Why am i always like that. So weird..
Went for guitar lesson today. Hmmm. I think i improved.
At least i managed to produce the sound out YAY ME. HAHA! :D
Slacked abit after i reached home. Prepared for dance.
Today's teacher's last day teaching us lo!!! D: So sad... I'll miss her badly manzxz.
Met Klaryce jie at Kovan mrt and went for dance.
Followed her to change into dance clothes cause she was still in her uniform LOL.
Went Cold Storage after that. Jiejie spotted Jovienne!!!
LOL. I dint know it was her, so i shouted: TEACHER! LOL.
Then she turned back, weeeee it was her. HAHA. Bought our drinks and food.
Teacher Jovienne treated us the drinks. THANKYOUUU.
Went down to dance studio and waited for the ballet kids to finish their class.
I wonder where's Alison... It's been two weeks since i saw her.
Niole dint come. Heard from teacher that she went overseas. And Clarissa, idk. LOL.
Seriously, my knee thre is injured. I was worried that something might happen to my knee.
Cause of that sliding move.. Yeah, it hurt more than usual at first.
Then teacher lent me the socks again. HAHA. She wanted to punch me for not returning.
LOL!!!!!! So this time, i did return her ok! I don't want dance lesson to end lo.
Roars, we took photo with teacher Jovienne!! Phew, everyone dint suggest.
Tsk, i suggest lo. LOL. She's going to leave for 2years sial!
MUST TAKE LO. LOLOL! I'll not quit dance. Unless the place close down. Then bobian lo... LOL.
Went back home and slacked again. Luv Saturdays.
Auditioned 3 games with --DOUBLE. She luv trashing me so much lo... So pathetic.
Going church later. Tomorrow maybe going out. Won't be posting later on already.
Maybe if i'm free, i will. LOL. I doubt so, lazy. :D

KLARYCE IS SO COOL RIGHT. LOL. She's supposed to look at the camera la. Bendan. LOL.

I still felt tired even though i slept so early. Why am i always like that. So weird..
Went for guitar lesson today. Hmmm. I think i improved.
At least i managed to produce the sound out YAY ME. HAHA! :D
Slacked abit after i reached home. Prepared for dance.
Today's teacher's last day teaching us lo!!! D: So sad... I'll miss her badly manzxz.
Met Klaryce jie at Kovan mrt and went for dance.
Followed her to change into dance clothes cause she was still in her uniform LOL.
Went Cold Storage after that. Jiejie spotted Jovienne!!!
LOL. I dint know it was her, so i shouted: TEACHER! LOL.
Then she turned back, weeeee it was her. HAHA. Bought our drinks and food.
Teacher Jovienne treated us the drinks. THANKYOUUU.
Went down to dance studio and waited for the ballet kids to finish their class.
I wonder where's Alison... It's been two weeks since i saw her.
Niole dint come. Heard from teacher that she went overseas. And Clarissa, idk. LOL.
Seriously, my knee thre is injured. I was worried that something might happen to my knee.
Cause of that sliding move.. Yeah, it hurt more than usual at first.
Then teacher lent me the socks again. HAHA. She wanted to punch me for not returning.
LOL!!!!!! So this time, i did return her ok! I don't want dance lesson to end lo.
Roars, we took photo with teacher Jovienne!! Phew, everyone dint suggest.
Tsk, i suggest lo. LOL. She's going to leave for 2years sial!
MUST TAKE LO. LOLOL! I'll not quit dance. Unless the place close down. Then bobian lo... LOL.
Went back home and slacked again. Luv Saturdays.
Auditioned 3 games with --DOUBLE. She luv trashing me so much lo... So pathetic.
Going church later. Tomorrow maybe going out. Won't be posting later on already.
Maybe if i'm free, i will. LOL. I doubt so, lazy. :D
KLARYCE IS SO COOL RIGHT. LOL. She's supposed to look at the camera la. Bendan. LOL.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Perverts get their retribution. LOL.
YOOHOO. PHReNz carnival today! LOL MAN I TELL YOU. God damn tired day.
Let's start from what happened from morning.
I woke up at 6.30am, and prepared for school. I wore my class tee and fbt.
I tell you, i look damn fat. -.-. I really mean overweight that kind of fat ok.
But whatever la. Haha! Went to school, i saw everyone all scattered around.
So many people in their own class tees. Interesting... HAHA.
I didnt know where to sit. Cause 1E4 took our places. -.-. LOL.
So i anyhow sit first and waited for dear chicken Charlotte and Jazreel and Yolande.
Good thang Charlotte came fast. Actually i think she came earlier than me lo.
Just that she was with her other class friends. Haha.
The ceromony started. Aiya, the every-year-also-same ceromony. LOL.
Sickening. LOL. After all that ceromony thingthong, we went to around the school.
Hmmmmm. I participated in Indoor Rowing. I did mentioned before yeah.
Sec2 competition starts at 9.30am. But before that is the Sec1s.
I'm very interested in how difficult it was. They say its the "ADULT" one. -.-
What a name to give it la. So i watched the sec1s play. See until my legs and hands jelly. -.-
Like so hard lo! And Jonas was like down there, CAN ANOT? CAN ANOT?
Damn stressed sial. If i lose, i'll have to treat him drink sial. I so broke already leh.
Sec1s got part1 and part2. Cause not enough that rowing thing. LOL.
But second round no one came. Except 1A1. They were supposed to beat the others timing.
This teacher, i think he's called Mr John. LOL. MAD COW SIAL.
He one person rowed 2km leh! SOMEMORE HE'S DAMN FREAKING FAR FROM 1A1. BULLY SIAL.
We were up next after awhile! That was fast... D:
I dont care already la! Fail then fail lo! HAHA. We had to do 2km of rowing. -.-
So insane lo. LOL. Jonas went first. CRAZY MANZXZ HE.
There was this thing on the screen that shows how fast or how much more they need to row.
Then Jonas like mad cow like that, SO FAST SO FAR FROM THE REST ALREADY SIAL.
LOL MAN. Next up was Yolande! Ok... We slowed down... LOL.
OBVIOUSLY LA. How can we be stronger than that Jonas. Another Judoka one lo. Roars.
I helped Yolande speed up a little. A LITTLE ONLY. I used all my strength.
Tsk. Just to prove to those idiots who think i cannot row. -.-
Last was Nick. He boosted up and we got the 1st place!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEE.
2E3 ftw! LOL. I went out after that to rest awhile. Charlotte was in her skates.
Got a drink and went to Netball court to see how the netballers were doing.
They were all showing... must-win-if-not-i-kill-you looks on their faces. Scary to the max.
I dont know what to do next. So just walked around the school etc. lo.
Charlotte suggested we play rollerskating again. I dont know how to play ):
Jazreel followed us. Haha. So i put on the skates and i tried standing up this time.
The first time was after the indoor rowing. -.-. I CANNOT STAND UP.
I GOT SO DAMN FRUSTRATED LA PLS. Despite the help of Chuanzhen and Kaiquan, i still failed to stand up.
I gave up though.. So the second time was with Charlotte.
This time i managed to stand up. I also managed to walk around. VERY SLOWLY.
But i fell down still.. -.-..... Pathetic piece of shit. Yeah.
Went to the first aids to get my leg done. Jazreel and company pulled me there. ZZZ.
I DINT WANT TO GO LO. Nevermind, went there. Put plaster on my leg.
Then did nothing much already. Followed Yolande around the school.
Then played with Jazreel and Charlotte. Their in their skates and i'm in shoes. ):
Last thing was watching the boys play soccer. Their trying to get 3rd.
But i think the referee bias or something. Then some people from our class not happy.
Lol... Went up to hall after that for dismissal. Waited so long la.
People all can settle down fast one sial. Irritating manzxzx.
Around 1pm, finally everyone settled. Started giving up prizes.
Yay~ I got Silver medal for indoor rowing. Can get first lo...
2E4 won us by 5SECONDS la. Ohmygod. SO CLOSE SIAL.... Roars.
Nevermind, there's still a next year for me to try. :D
After school, Yolande and Charlotte followed me back home. (:
Jazreel cannot come again. Third time already. -.-
Reach Heartland, Charlotte wanna buy bbt and cupwalker. Yolande bought sushi.
Bought finished we walked back to my house. Crazy Yolande and Charlotte.
Walked so fast. Tsktsk. I doubt they know the way though. So let them walk lo.
But they smart. They walk until dont know how to walk already, shout back ask me left or right or straight. Tsk.
Yolande very HOT one, so i better tell her if not she hot until burn me :X
Reached my house, as usual, they're scared of chubb. Chubb over friendly.
LOL. Charlotte's more scared of chubb than Yolande. Yolande got a dog herself.
Of course she not scared la. HAHA. Slacked in my house for quite long.
Charlotte torture my bebe sial... I feel so sad for my bebe. TSK. STUPID CHICKEN.
But the fun comes in when this pervert added me on MSN. LOL.
I dint know who was he. But i accidentally added him. As in he add me, i wanted to press no but i pressed yes.
Must be the two distracting me. -.-... Nevermind.
Accepted and he talked to me. God damn pervet man he. I wanted to block and delete him already.
But charlotte saw our conversation. LOL. Then she decided to punish him for being a big cyber bully.
LOL! She was acting all hormosexual and horny and stuff to scare him away. LOL.
Damn damn funny. I don't really wanna elaborate much about this. GROSS TO THE MAX.
CHARLOTTE AND YOLANDE DAMN HORNY. LOL!!!! Cause after Charlotte played with that pervert, yolande go add him.
PLAY AGAIN. LOL!!!!! Then yolande became damn high man! She saw Darryle online.
she go say this to darryle: HI DARRYLE!!! DID YOU MISSED ME? ;D
Then darryle was like, zzz. Keep zzz zzz zzz. LOL.
Then Yolande say: Say you miss me !!!! :D
Darryle: Lol. Ya miss you miss you. zzz -.-""""""
THEN LEH, Yolande crazy again, go say: "Why keep zzzzzzzz. YOU DONT MISS ME UH D;
LOLL MAN. Then they were talking about go date and things like that already.
PLAYING ONLY LA. LOL MAN. SO FUNNY. The pervert's called Gerald Sim.
But yolande added DARRYLE to her MISSING list. FUNNY TO THE CORE.
Played finished already, Yolande went home at 5plus. Cause she had to get home before 6.
LOL. Charlotte stayed on and played with me. HOHO.
She went to bathe first, then ate dinner. Damn act cute man she. HAHA.
Dinner already, i went to bathe. Bathe already, watched Charlotte audition awhile.
Went to shop and save. Haha! I wanted to get the Famous Amos cookies ma!
Chatted with Charlotte heheheh. SHE KEPT CGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCG. Like she saying cheer like that.
Tsktsk. LOL. Rested awhile at my house. Then i sent her off to hell at 8pm.
LOL!!!!!! While walking out, we talked alot again. :D
She told me if she moved to SK already she can stay in my house 3days. LOL!
Ok... That sounds so wrong.. LOL!!!! NOT CHICKEN EHEM OK. Is chicken.
You know the fatfat yellow chicken. CUTE OK. LOL.
Sent her home and i walked home, alone... D: No one stays near me la!
So pathetic. Want walk home also alone. That's one bad thing to live in a private estate.
Roars. Nevermind.. Lol. I slept so early. LOL. I watched finished Tang Xin Feng Bao, i fell asleep already.
Then i think mummy came home and came in and pulled me back into my room cause i was watching tv in mummy's room. HAHA.
Actually, i'm posting at 080809, 11.09am. This is a saved post.
I was posting halfway yesterday and suddenly no internet. -.- Sickening.
Dont know what's wrong with my internet nowadays. Whatever.
Currently loading the pictures into blogger. So big sial the pictures.. D:


Sec1s Part 1. They infront so much energy behind die already. LOL...

1A1 is Mr John. NIL is 1A1. I think they sit wrongly. LOL!

Mr John - Yellow tshirt. 1A1 in Black class tee.

The people using skates and behind people playing soccer. Charlotte's extra man. LOL.

Netball. 2A2 VS 2E3, fighting for 3rd 4th. 2E3 fourth i think. Dont remember.

2E1 VS 2E4. 2E1 2nd place and 2E4 Champion.

Very ugly backview. -.- Yolande dont know how to take nice one.
I wasnt even looking straight. Roars.. LOL. Nevermind la. I slouched somemore.
Mygod man. -.- Sickening shot.

BEBE!!!! x3!!! CUTE RIGHT. YES CUTE. She's this small and isnt growing anymore.


I bet Charlotte's torturing my dog again. -.-. LOL.

See. You box me box you back x2. LOL.

This shot is the nicest. :D HAHAHA NO SEE MY FACE. NICE RIGHT.

So sickening.
Let's start from what happened from morning.
I woke up at 6.30am, and prepared for school. I wore my class tee and fbt.
I tell you, i look damn fat. -.-. I really mean overweight that kind of fat ok.
But whatever la. Haha! Went to school, i saw everyone all scattered around.
So many people in their own class tees. Interesting... HAHA.
I didnt know where to sit. Cause 1E4 took our places. -.-. LOL.
So i anyhow sit first and waited for dear chicken Charlotte and Jazreel and Yolande.
Good thang Charlotte came fast. Actually i think she came earlier than me lo.
Just that she was with her other class friends. Haha.
The ceromony started. Aiya, the every-year-also-same ceromony. LOL.
Sickening. LOL. After all that ceromony thingthong, we went to around the school.
Hmmmmm. I participated in Indoor Rowing. I did mentioned before yeah.
Sec2 competition starts at 9.30am. But before that is the Sec1s.
I'm very interested in how difficult it was. They say its the "ADULT" one. -.-
What a name to give it la. So i watched the sec1s play. See until my legs and hands jelly. -.-
Like so hard lo! And Jonas was like down there, CAN ANOT? CAN ANOT?
Damn stressed sial. If i lose, i'll have to treat him drink sial. I so broke already leh.
Sec1s got part1 and part2. Cause not enough that rowing thing. LOL.
But second round no one came. Except 1A1. They were supposed to beat the others timing.
This teacher, i think he's called Mr John. LOL. MAD COW SIAL.
He one person rowed 2km leh! SOMEMORE HE'S DAMN FREAKING FAR FROM 1A1. BULLY SIAL.
We were up next after awhile! That was fast... D:
I dont care already la! Fail then fail lo! HAHA. We had to do 2km of rowing. -.-
So insane lo. LOL. Jonas went first. CRAZY MANZXZ HE.
There was this thing on the screen that shows how fast or how much more they need to row.
Then Jonas like mad cow like that, SO FAST SO FAR FROM THE REST ALREADY SIAL.
LOL MAN. Next up was Yolande! Ok... We slowed down... LOL.
OBVIOUSLY LA. How can we be stronger than that Jonas. Another Judoka one lo. Roars.
I helped Yolande speed up a little. A LITTLE ONLY. I used all my strength.
Tsk. Just to prove to those idiots who think i cannot row. -.-
Last was Nick. He boosted up and we got the 1st place!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEE.
2E3 ftw! LOL. I went out after that to rest awhile. Charlotte was in her skates.
Got a drink and went to Netball court to see how the netballers were doing.
They were all showing... must-win-if-not-i-kill-you looks on their faces. Scary to the max.
I dont know what to do next. So just walked around the school etc. lo.
Charlotte suggested we play rollerskating again. I dont know how to play ):
Jazreel followed us. Haha. So i put on the skates and i tried standing up this time.
The first time was after the indoor rowing. -.-. I CANNOT STAND UP.
I GOT SO DAMN FRUSTRATED LA PLS. Despite the help of Chuanzhen and Kaiquan, i still failed to stand up.
I gave up though.. So the second time was with Charlotte.
This time i managed to stand up. I also managed to walk around. VERY SLOWLY.
But i fell down still.. -.-..... Pathetic piece of shit. Yeah.
Went to the first aids to get my leg done. Jazreel and company pulled me there. ZZZ.
I DINT WANT TO GO LO. Nevermind, went there. Put plaster on my leg.
Then did nothing much already. Followed Yolande around the school.
Then played with Jazreel and Charlotte. Their in their skates and i'm in shoes. ):
Last thing was watching the boys play soccer. Their trying to get 3rd.
But i think the referee bias or something. Then some people from our class not happy.
Lol... Went up to hall after that for dismissal. Waited so long la.
People all can settle down fast one sial. Irritating manzxzx.
Around 1pm, finally everyone settled. Started giving up prizes.
Yay~ I got Silver medal for indoor rowing. Can get first lo...
2E4 won us by 5SECONDS la. Ohmygod. SO CLOSE SIAL.... Roars.
Nevermind, there's still a next year for me to try. :D
After school, Yolande and Charlotte followed me back home. (:
Jazreel cannot come again. Third time already. -.-
Reach Heartland, Charlotte wanna buy bbt and cupwalker. Yolande bought sushi.
Bought finished we walked back to my house. Crazy Yolande and Charlotte.
Walked so fast. Tsktsk. I doubt they know the way though. So let them walk lo.
But they smart. They walk until dont know how to walk already, shout back ask me left or right or straight. Tsk.
Yolande very HOT one, so i better tell her if not she hot until burn me :X
Reached my house, as usual, they're scared of chubb. Chubb over friendly.
LOL. Charlotte's more scared of chubb than Yolande. Yolande got a dog herself.
Of course she not scared la. HAHA. Slacked in my house for quite long.
Charlotte torture my bebe sial... I feel so sad for my bebe. TSK. STUPID CHICKEN.
But the fun comes in when this pervert added me on MSN. LOL.
I dint know who was he. But i accidentally added him. As in he add me, i wanted to press no but i pressed yes.
Must be the two distracting me. -.-... Nevermind.
Accepted and he talked to me. God damn pervet man he. I wanted to block and delete him already.
But charlotte saw our conversation. LOL. Then she decided to punish him for being a big cyber bully.
LOL! She was acting all hormosexual and horny and stuff to scare him away. LOL.
Damn damn funny. I don't really wanna elaborate much about this. GROSS TO THE MAX.
CHARLOTTE AND YOLANDE DAMN HORNY. LOL!!!! Cause after Charlotte played with that pervert, yolande go add him.
PLAY AGAIN. LOL!!!!! Then yolande became damn high man! She saw Darryle online.
she go say this to darryle: HI DARRYLE!!! DID YOU MISSED ME? ;D
Then darryle was like, zzz. Keep zzz zzz zzz. LOL.
Then Yolande say: Say you miss me !!!! :D
Darryle: Lol. Ya miss you miss you. zzz -.-""""""
THEN LEH, Yolande crazy again, go say: "Why keep zzzzzzzz. YOU DONT MISS ME UH D;
LOLL MAN. Then they were talking about go date and things like that already.
PLAYING ONLY LA. LOL MAN. SO FUNNY. The pervert's called Gerald Sim.
But yolande added DARRYLE to her MISSING list. FUNNY TO THE CORE.
Played finished already, Yolande went home at 5plus. Cause she had to get home before 6.
LOL. Charlotte stayed on and played with me. HOHO.
She went to bathe first, then ate dinner. Damn act cute man she. HAHA.
Dinner already, i went to bathe. Bathe already, watched Charlotte audition awhile.
Went to shop and save. Haha! I wanted to get the Famous Amos cookies ma!
Chatted with Charlotte heheheh. SHE KEPT CGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCG. Like she saying cheer like that.
Tsktsk. LOL. Rested awhile at my house. Then i sent her off to hell at 8pm.
LOL!!!!!! While walking out, we talked alot again. :D
She told me if she moved to SK already she can stay in my house 3days. LOL!
Ok... That sounds so wrong.. LOL!!!! NOT CHICKEN EHEM OK. Is chicken.
You know the fatfat yellow chicken. CUTE OK. LOL.
Sent her home and i walked home, alone... D: No one stays near me la!
So pathetic. Want walk home also alone. That's one bad thing to live in a private estate.
Roars. Nevermind.. Lol. I slept so early. LOL. I watched finished Tang Xin Feng Bao, i fell asleep already.
Then i think mummy came home and came in and pulled me back into my room cause i was watching tv in mummy's room. HAHA.
Actually, i'm posting at 080809, 11.09am. This is a saved post.
I was posting halfway yesterday and suddenly no internet. -.- Sickening.
Dont know what's wrong with my internet nowadays. Whatever.
Currently loading the pictures into blogger. So big sial the pictures.. D:
Sec1s Part 1. They infront so much energy behind die already. LOL...
1A1 is Mr John. NIL is 1A1. I think they sit wrongly. LOL!
Mr John - Yellow tshirt. 1A1 in Black class tee.
The people using skates and behind people playing soccer. Charlotte's extra man. LOL.
Netball. 2A2 VS 2E3, fighting for 3rd 4th. 2E3 fourth i think. Dont remember.
2E1 VS 2E4. 2E1 2nd place and 2E4 Champion.
Very ugly backview. -.- Yolande dont know how to take nice one.
I wasnt even looking straight. Roars.. LOL. Nevermind la. I slouched somemore.
Mygod man. -.- Sickening shot.
BEBE!!!! x3!!! CUTE RIGHT. YES CUTE. She's this small and isnt growing anymore.
I bet Charlotte's torturing my dog again. -.-. LOL.
See. You box me box you back x2. LOL.
This shot is the nicest. :D HAHAHA NO SEE MY FACE. NICE RIGHT.
So sickening.
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