Awaiting for the highness to arrive. LOL. Annabelle Chua is comin to my house!
Haha. Woke up and washed face and used com. Haha. She texted me on the way.
I volunteered to fetch her in though it's just a short distance. LOL.
Dint really do anything much in my house la. Mostly using the computer.
Hmmm, slacking around, and camwhoring. HAHA. Annabelle so lucky.
I feel like taking photos today. LOL. So anyhow anyhow snap here and there.
Now so many photos. Uploading them now. :D So slow la them.
Roars, okeh. Now she's still at my house. She keeps telling me to play with chub. -.-
Irritating la! HAHA. See, behind me now. Irritating tskkkkkk.
Alright, i'll probably be back later to post more WORDS. Pictures are up already.
Enjoy. Enjoy Annnabelle's beautiful face & not mine kay. (:
Ohmy, pigface. -_-
Wa this one got earthquake. -.-
I never put blusher... I dont know why my face so redred one.. Tskkkkk...
ALOHA. Annabelle went home already. (: I feel damn stinky now...
Dont know why, think i very dirty. -.- Touch dog touch hamster touch this touch that.
Irritating. -.- I wanna go bathe soon. Maybe... Hehehe.
I saw my tagboard just now. Shocked dao. LOL. Why suddenly so many tags one.
Yuan lai got people tell me not to care about my height and weight or sth.
LOL... Haiyo. Speechless. Heheh. I feel damn tired now. I think i've caught a flu. I don't know how i got it too. -.-
It's like the weather's so hot, and i caught a flu. How weird. Yawns.
Holiday left like 5days. Then no more already. Big big exams coming already.
): Must study study study, mugmugmug. Then later on can playplayplay.
You know yesterday i said i'll skip 2meals today right? Unsuccessful...
Lol. Very obvious one la. I this kind of person how to keep to what i say. ):
Hais. I ate a bar of choc this morning. Wtf right. I ate the breakfast cereal again.
I ate beehoon. -.- Later i dont know what my maid will be cooking for dinner.
Sigh. SIGH SIGH SIGH. Tomorrow uncle john's wedding. Haha. A short one in the late morning and early afternoon.
Mummy's on leave from wed-fri. Ooo? I wanna go out with Klaryce after uncle john's wedding..
I until now havent watch Where got Ghost.. ): I got alot of movies want to watch..
Alot of movies very nice, but all NC16 or M18, or R21. -.-. So fed up.
And no one want to go out with me too. Pathetic right. Lol. Stay at home better la.
:) Hmmm. My face's recovering from pimpleeeeeeee. Hehe. I know i mentioned it before.
Hehe, i happy ma. :D Aiyo. Another super super super duper duper random post.
I write what i doubt anyone can understand lo. :P Hehe. I want to chat with somene leh..
OHYAOHYA, if my post got sme typo or what hor, it's my keyboard's fault.
I think going to no battery soon... -.- That's why some letters i press cannot come out one.
Must press 3 times or 4 times then will appear. Rah rubbish keyboard.
I'm very bored la. ): I'm going to see what winnie cook for me already. Ciao!