Cause i changed guitar lesson already. Woohoo! I did mentioned before right?
I changed teacher hehe. :D So slacked the whole morning. Watched Table Of Glory.
LOL. You know... That table tennis sho starring Joshua Ang and another guy?
I very slow right. ._. That show like how freaking long ago already la..
Lol, too bad, no time to watch tv. Haha. So watching it now. :D I'm not used to Joshua being so dumbdumb.
LOL... And why his shows uh, all mother missing or something one. ._.
Watched 1 episode of that, and went to prepare for dance.
I'm so gonna screw the afternoon performance. Cause i don't know how the whole dance looks like.
I don't know some of the movements. I don't know anything. Zzzz.
Went for dance class and learn new steps. So cool eh. But i do, kns.
I need practise.. Heheh.. Imma slow learner, another sad case. PFFFFFT.
After dance, went sfx with Klaryce. Yeah, that lame dance. -.- Lame until cannot lame.
Reached there, the funfair already started. Alot of people...
There were this dunky game in the entrance. LOL ITS LIKE I WAS WATCHING TV OR WHAT EH.
You've got to aim at something then the person whoose sitting on top of the tub of water will fall.
LOL!!!!! SO POOR THING LEH THE PERSON. HAHA. Went 2nd floor to find Nicole and co.
They were so busy screaming and shouting and highing away they dint bothered about us.
Got kind irritated by them. 13yearolds pisses me off bigtime.
Not that i want to, but they keep proving that 13yearolds are losers. -.-
Excluding some la obviously. My 13yearold friends are great. LOL. :D
So dint practise until the VERY VERY LAST MINUTE. -.- Yeah, obviously we screwed up.
I dont believe the audience would still clap for this LAMELAMELAME performance.
Even the performance i had when i was a 4yearold kid was way better than this. -.-
Lucky we had masks on, if not my face dont know throw where already.
Went home immediately after that. Klaryce followed me home. My house was nearer to church.
Bathed and makeup-ed. Man i look like ghost. ): I hate myself with makeup on.
Look like ghosttttttttttttt. Eye super duper smalllllllllll. Rah.
Daddy fetched us to church at around 6.30pm. Reached there, and spotted yunjing.
Hahaha. Went up to the same place and saw Clarissa and Nicole. :D
Weeeee FunkJazz rocks. LOL. We're gonna perform soon. Hoho.
Practised once before going out. I think it was X100 better than afternoon's performance.
LIKE DUH. -.- If you guys were there, you'll know how bad is the afternoon's performance.
Clown man zzz. After performance, went to eat abit, then slacked.
Chatted with jiejie. Haha. I love church. HAH?!
This picture got earthquake suddenly. -.-
All random shots la. ._. Got 2 photos with nicole. That's nicer i think..
I never really see how idiotic i look. LOL. Nevermind, shall see when she uploads.
Alright. That's it for today. Nightnight.